It was early in the morning and everybody was getting up and waiting on Annabelle to have the meeting and to figure out what to do about red and car face and Belladonna and killer luckily Annabelle always have a plan for them and hopefully they pray for a miracle because they're going to need it when Annabelle arrived they all sat down together and the meaning begin
So Annabelle what are we going to do about red car face Belladonna and killer you don't respect me and Sasha to fight them do you said Charlie with a worry look on his face
No I don't Charles I just want you to do this one task and that one task is to protect your family and not let anything happen to them no matter what especially Anne Marie keep her safe no matter what after all you are her foster father now Annabelle said with a smirk on her face
Wait you knew that Anne Marie was calling me Dad all this time Charlie said surprisingly
Of course I do Charles I've been watching you and your family the whole time making sure everything was going okay and I did see that beautiful garden setting that you did on Father's Day for her which that was so sweet of you and unselfish Annabelle said with a kind heart
And congratulations on this new place you and Sasha set up pretty nice as long as you don't go overboard with the gambling you know how Anne Marie feels about that and since you been really good at keeping your family safe I am blessing you with
2000 bones and $5,000 Annabelle said with a smile
Wow Annabelle we don't know what to say Sasha said surprisingly
Well I just thought you both need it to run this place after all pretty soon you're going to start to want to have your own children one day Annabelle said mention puppies 2 Charlie and Sasha
And besides you're little girl Anne Marie needs new clothes anyway because she's about to start school with David soon so I thought you both should be prepared I had time to go shopping with her and pick out the wonderful outfit for her for school said Annabelle
Thank you Annabelle you're amazing and I don't know how to repay you for your kindness Anne Marie said
Oh it was nothing sweetheart and congratulations on yours and David's relationship I'm sure one day you too we'll start a family of your own someday in the future said Annabelle weeking at David and David and Anne Marie both blush at the same time by what Annabelle just said to them
Justin Ichi appeared in front of everyone
Hi Itchy everybody said at the same time
Hi Charlie Sasha David and Anne Marie
Wow Itchy I am surprised you usually call me kid
Well you're not a kid anymore you're growing up to be a wonderful woman said Itchy
Anyway when are you and David ever playing to tie the knot said Itchy with a smirk on his face
And that's when Anne Marie and David both blush by what Itchy has said
That's when Charlie hit Ichi on the head
Ouch what was that for said Itchy confused
I do not want to discuss marriage to squeaker yet said Charlie a little hurt
Aww that's so sweet Charles that you still think of Anne Marie as your little girl said Annabelle
Why Charlie and I never seeing side of you before said Sasha being turned on
And what side is that Sasha said Charlie in a flirty voice
Your responsible side towards Anne Marie said Sasha
You know Sasha we could talk about this later on tonight just the two of us what do you say said Charlie
Okay tonight then just you and me in our room Sasha said in a sexy voice
Um I am still here said Annabelle
Oh right sorry Annabelle said Charlie with his cheeks turning red
That's okay well anyway I got to get back to heaven said Annabelle
Well okay Annabelle see you around said Charlie
Come on itchy
Actually Annabelle may I stay a little longer I want to know what happened to Anne Marie if that's okay said itchy
Very well but don't take too long okay said Annabelle
And with that she left back to heaven
When Annabelle was gone Itchy had so many questions
So Anne Marie what happened to your parents why aren't you in New Orleans what happened to your foster parents did they not want you anymore but before Itchy went on he saw Tears In Her Eyes and that was not a good sign
Oh no oh no oh no don't cry don't cry I'm very sorry I didn't mean to Itchy felt really bad now for making Anne Marie cry so Charlie decides to tell Itchy what happened and when he was done Itchy was really sad for her and heartbroken so he went up to her and said I am so sorry for your loss said itchy feeling heartbroken for the little girl that's okay Itchy I still miss them though Anne Marie said still feeling sad but I still have David Sasha and Charlie they're my only family I have left and I would be really sad if I did not have them in my life said Anne Marie with a smile on her face so with that said Itchy say goodbye to his friends and headed back to heaven and for the rest of the day everyone was really busy with the cafe \ casino and for the rest of the day everything was peaceful for now anyway
I hope you all like The Story So Far let me know what you think okay and good luck for the rest of your days okay have a wonderful night or morning or afternoon thank you ๐๏ธ๐๐โค๏ธ๐๐๐น
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