It was a beautiful day at David's house everybody was just waking up and Anne Marie woke up in Charlie's arms and she kiss them on his nose and Charlie woke up making that weird discuss sound at the girl.
That never gets old says Anne Marie
Well it's just like old times says Charlie
Then Charlie and Anne Marie decide too get everybody else up for breakfast and Charlie went to wake up Sasha and Anne Marie went to wake up David once everybody was awake they all decided to head downstairs for breakfast and once everybody was done with breakfast they all decided too plan a family Hangout with just Charlie Sasha David and Anne Marie but Justin Annabelle and itchy appeared and Charlie was delighted to see his best friend again
Hey itchy Charlie says
Hey Charlie says itchy
Hey Charles how's family life says Annabelle
It's been good what are you guys doing here says Charlie
We came to give you some bad news says Annabelle
What kind of news wait is Gabriel's horn stolen again says Charlie
No not this time Gabriel's horn is perfectly fine and safe back where it belongs says Annabelle
Well what's the bad news says Charlie
It's red and he is back and he wants revenge but this time he does not want Gabriel's horn this time he wants Anne Marie says Annabelle
This news really scared Anne Marie she was shaking and terrified she had no idea why red would want her and she said why would this so-called red want me says Anne Marie
Well it seems car face told him about you and your ability to talk to animals and he thinks it's a good idea to have you as bait to get to Charlie and Sasha and kill them and with that what Annabelle said was true this really broke Anne Marie s heart and she broke down and started to cry
And Charlie went to calm her down and says
It's okay sweetheart I will never let car face or red or anyone hurt you I would gladly give my life up again just for you because I love you so much you are still my little girl always
And Sasha was really surprised she never seen the side of Charlie before you really love Anne Marie like his own daughter and Sasha feels the same way about David she loved him like he was her own Son and she would never let anything happened to either of them because they were a family now and forever and now they must protect each other now more than ever even if it cost them their life
Itchy have so many questions of how Anne Marie came too San Francisco California from New Orleans he was wondering did she run away what happened to her foster parents and how did she end up living with Charlie Sasha and David that is what he will have to find out later
So with that Annabelle and itchy went back to heaven they promise to come and visit and to check up on the Family to make sure everything is okay and to keep the family updated on red and car face so with that they both say goodbye to the family and headed back to heaven
So Charlie now have to really protect his family from danger and not let anything happened to Anne Marie David and Sasha he really love them all and will not let anyone hurt them they were a family and they will not let anybody get hurt not now not ever
So with that they all decided to spend time together
What do you say we all go out and go swimming or a walk in the park or go on a picnic says Charlie
I think that's a splendid idea says Sasha
Me too says David
And I am in as well says Anne Marie
With that the whole family all agree to have the best time of their life with nothing going to ruin their fun not even red or car face
I hope you all like The Story So Far let me know what you think down in the comments section below feel free to let me know if I messed up to anything and I will try to fix it the best way I can talk to you all soon have a wonderful day
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