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Jacob has this weird instinct to yell: "It's not what you think!" 

The sheer amount of anger he can feel in Bella's stare makes him feel like he's done something wrong. His ears still ring with the crash of the mug as the tea slowly spreads over the tiles of the bathroom floor, his eyes never leave Bella's face as her's dart between the two of them. He can hear the question; she doesn't have to ask it. The problem is that he doesn't have an answer. He doesn't know why Edward's currently wrapped around him. He didn't ask him to be here. He doesn't know why it comforted him so much that he hadn't pushed him away. He wants to feel guilty but it's the calmest he's felt since he'd found himself with a giant gash in his stomach.

When Edward dislodges himself from Jacob, Jacob can feel the tension immediately resettle back over his shoulders. He can feel the ache in his side from how he'd been slumped over the toilet. As much as he was sure a fight was brewing, he can feel himself missing it. 

They're already fighting, quite vigorously, hands flailing, he can see Edward's hands on Bella's shoulders trying to calm her, but she just seems to get even more angry. She has tears in her eyes. Though, Jacob can't really hear it. He glances down to access the situation, tugging his shirt so he can see if he's accidentally messed up his stitches again. It's just as the way it'd been before he'd gone tumbling into the bathroom at full speed. He pats down the area, doesn't feel any blood. So, what's wrong? 

There is a pounding in his head now, sounds like a muffled drum. He can feel himself flinching with every hit. His hands finally get the response to touch his forehead. The drums are getting louder. 

"Jacob?" Edward calls over to him even though Bella's still pouting in front of him. 

"What are you going to do next? Hm, are you going to kiss him because 'you think it makes him feel better'?" Bella hisses out and he can hear the exasperation in her words, but he can also hear Jacob groaning low. He's hunched over the toilet and Edward thinks he may be about to lose whatever is left in his stomach, but he's swaying in a way that concerns him. 

"Jake?" He goes over to squat next to Jacob, placing a hand against his forehead to tilt his head only to be startled by Jacob shoving his hand away. 


Edward tries to ignore how he can hear Bella huffing behind him. 

"He's fine!" Bella squawks out and Edward can feel Jacob flinch.   

"Can I just get some space?" Jacob mutters and Edward can see how exhausted he looks as he stares down at the floor, eyes distant. 

"I can move you back to bed-" Edward starts only to find himself being cut off by a disgruntled Jacob.

"No, I want to take a bath or shower or something."

"You can't be by yourself for that, you can barely keep your eyes open." Edward tries to explain, but he can feel Jacob's patience slipping away from him. 

"What are you going to watch him bathe now?" They hear Bella grumble behind him. 

"Do you want to watch him?" Edward snaps back, head cocked to the side like he already knew the answer. "If he passes out, what will you do? If he starts bleeding, what will you do?" 

It must've been the look in his eyes that made Bella back off. She steps out of the doorframe of the bathroom, but Jacob knows she isn't going far. 

Edward doesn't say anything as he stands to turn on the water. It seems as if he's just playing with the knobs and checking the water to distract himself as Jacob struggles with using one arm to get Edward's oversized shirt over his head. The pants are next to go and Jacob tries not to think so hard about it. Who knows what Edward's seen of him while he was out cold?

They don't say anything as Edward allows Jacob to try to get into the tub on his own, only placing a hand against his back for support before grabbing Jacob a towel off of the rack and finding his place on the toilet. 

The room is only filled with the sound of Jacob bathing for a solid 7 minutes before Edward tunes into the quiet sound of Jacob's teeth chattering. 

"Is the water too cold?" He finally asks, eyes making their way up from the floor to glance over to Jacob who's shivering. 

"C-Cold..." He mutters quietly and Edward can tell that something is wrong, because he has that same unsettling look that he'd had in the living room. His eyes aren't trained on anything and he looks confused. 

It almost startles Edward himself how quickly he jolts up from the toilet. He grabs for the larger towel and tries to be patient in helping Jacob stand from the tub.  It's harder to do than it sounds with how heavily Jacob leans on him, eyes falling closed for longer periods of time than he'd probably been meaning for them to. 

"C'mon, baby, open your eyes for me." He hears himself whisper even as he can feel Jacob going completely limp against him. His heart is pounding in his ears as he tries to figure out how to quickly get the man back to the bedroom, toeing aside the broken pieces of ceramic to try and get him to the door.

"Bella!" He hears himself call out and for the first time in about a week, he's glad to hear her quickly shuffling towards him. "Get Carlisle!" 

She doesn't stop to ask any questions, turning towards the door and almost sliding down the stairs in her haste. Edward tries to focus on getting Jacob onto the bed and keeping him awake. He wasn't sure what he should be doing, but he'd feel a lot better if he could see the man's brown eyes peering up at him. 

Carlisle eventually enters and Edward reluctantly steps out of the way. He watches quietly as he checks his temperature and then quietly examines his other wounds. 

"It looks like you may have gotten an infection." Carlisle quietly speaks to, Edward presumes, Jacob as he takes his time looking him over. He's not sure what to do with himself so he just watches Jacob's face for any type of reaction. Eventually, slowly, the man opens his eyes with what looks like all of his strength.

"An infection?" Bella finally speaks and Edward can see that she's captured Jacob's attention. He can see the way his brows furrow and the way his eyes don't quite look at her, but his ears perk up at the sound of her voice. Then, his mouth turns down in a frown. 

"One of his wounds may be infected - Edward - which could be the cause of his fever." Edward comes over to assist in turning Jacob slightly on his side so that Carlisle can continue to do whatever he's doing. Eventually, Carlisle turns to Bella with this awkward but polite smile on his face. 

"I'll let you know when I'm done." He gives a small nod of his head like there was no debate to be had before turning back around to Jacob. Edward could hear Bella's footsteps fading from the room, but he was too busy watching Jacob. He could hear Carlisle talking about how he was going to treat the infection and how he'd have to be careful because of the baby, but Edward could tell that Jacob wasn't actually paying attention. He was barely nodding his head, but he was doing that thing with his eyes again. Maybe it wasn't what Edward thought it was. 

He decided to take some of his attention off of Jacob to listen for himself. 

He could hear that Alice, Esme, Jasper, and Emmett were milling downstairs. He could get a small whiff of the smell of dirt. He could hear a broken conversation bouncing between their thoughts. He definitely couldn't hear as much as Jacob could. 

"Did they find whatever it was?" Jacob quietly mumbles, cutting off Carlisle's long ramble about medication. 

Carlisle doesn't seem too caught off guard by Jacob's lack of patience. He only gives another one of those small smiles that Edward knows is usually followed by not-the-best news.

"Magic was definitely used. Alice and Esme found remnants of ingredients from a spell used at the edge of the forest close to where you were found. However, they didn't find whoever did this to you. We can use what was found to try and decipher the spell in order to maybe figure out a way to reverse it." Carlisle gives another nod, this time in Edward's direction and he's not sure what it means, but also knows he doesn't want to ask. 

Edward's not sure what he's expecting from Jacob either. Maybe he's expecting hope or happiness, but Jacob just seems tired. His eyes close as soon as Carlisle steps out of the room. Edward doesn't want to leave him alone though and he blames it on the baby, this weird need to protect them. So, he makes himself comfortable next to Jake's bed tonight. 

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