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They aren't out of the woods. In fact, they are basically entrenched in the woods. Letting Bella in, no matter how hurt she seems now, was not the bright idea that Alice thought it was.

Carlisle informs them that there is magic looming over the house and it's definitely looking to do harm. The man looks like he's on the verge of going insane as he cracks open yet another book, this one called Magic: The different forms of spells and how to contain them. His hair is flopping into his eyes as he gives Jacob a quick, stiff nod before turning to head to his office. 

Everyone has a job. Emmett, Jasper, and Quil are out keeping an eye on Bella. Embry, Seth, and Rosalie are trying to figure out how to create a safe place for Jacob to stay as a back up plan. Alice and Leah are out buying "supplies" whatever that means, and Esme is cooking. She's been cooking all day, only popping in to bring Jacob chicken and broccoli before she's back downstairs. 

They're all working on something, except Edward, who has apparently also been put on bed rest. He's placed himself basically underneath Jacob. He's keeping himself close, but he's not speaking. He's pouting.

Apparently, his random proposal and Jacob's flippant dismissal has put Jacob in the dog house. So, now they are just laying unbelievably close while not speaking to one another. However, since the kid is awake and doing light tumbles in Jacob's gut, he doesn't need to speak to their father.

"Ow, that was my bladder."  

Jacob can see Edward's head pop up out of the corner of his eye. He looks confused for a moment before he realizes that Jacob is, in fact, not speaking to him. 

"See, even nugget agrees with me." Edward grumbles before going back to staring at the ceiling. 

Jacob ignores him, instead focusing on pushing himself up from the bed so he can get to the bathroom in time. 

Once his bladder is empty, he doesn't really have a choice in where his mind wanders. What does getting married do for them? He'd thought about it before.  He just doesn't see the point of it currently. They're literally bonded for life at this point. Why bring the government into it?

He washes his hands and is about to head back into the bedroom when he hears someone speaking.

"We've talked about this; he doesn't want to." He hears Edward snip at them.

"Well maybe if you asked when he had pants on, he'd say yes." He heard Seth quip back to which Edward sucked his teeth.

"He had pants on the first time." He didn't exactly sound confident, voice withering at the end.

"Right, he'd just put them on." Seth scoffed before chuckling.

"I don't think it's my timing..." Edward sighs out.

"Right, maybe it's your delivery." Seth agrees. 

There is a bit of silence.

"What is he doing in there? Taking a dump?" 

Jacob's nose scrunches in both annoyance and disgust before he pushes the door open and makes his way back to the bed, only sparing Seth a glance.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something?" He airily asks, not even bothering to listen for an answer.

He struggles to get as comfortable as he was before, tossing a few items over onto Edward's unmoving body until it's back to being good enough.

"Yeah, had to drop something off." Then, Seth's quickly making his way out of the room. 

That causes Jacob to pause and stare at the door. Seth is annoying. He spends all of his free time bothering them, hovering, taunting Jacob about something. It wasn't like him to not find something to take a dig at on his way out. He glances over at Edward. Edward is turned over towards the wall on his side of the bed. 

So, he's actually upset about this entire thing?

He doesn't seem to be the only one as the kid is basically tap dancing on random organs, even at one point causing him to lose his breath.

However, he's not ready to wave the white flag so he says nothing as he gets another kick to the bladder.

Though, when he feels a cramp, he lets out a grunt and then a low groan. 

He's not even remotely surprised when Edward whips around, eyebrows drawn together in concern. Jacob's doubled over, waiting to see if another will come before he starts to panic.

He's not sure what expression he has on his face, but Edward doesn't actually say anything to him before he pulls out his phone and speed dials Carlisle.

"That's not supposed to be happening." Jacob hears Carlisle mumble under his breath as he stares intensely at the ultrasound. 

Edward's almost on Carlisle's back, staring at the screen just as intensely before looking over to Jacob, who is staring into space.

"They're fine, you're not in labor...They could be false contractions, but it's really early, too early, for that." Carlisle continues to mumble to himself before he goes to check Jacob's stomach again. 

Jacob can feel an extra set of eyes on him from the corner. If he wasn't so hellbent on staying calm, he'd be angry. They're playing a game with his body, the kid's body. He'd be outwardly upset, but Ol' Green Eyes doesn't look like she's ecstatic either. She's doing something with her hands that Jacob doesn't even pretend to understand, instead placing his focus on the drone of Carlisle's voice. 

"We need her out, now." He hears Edward finally pitch in. 

"We'd have to let Bella die...and even then, there is no guarantee that'd she'd be completely gone." Carlisle informs him, grabbing for a different book: Witches: How to expel them

Apparently, Green Eyes sees it as well before going very stiff in the corner. Her eyes are now on Jacob. She glances over to the book and then back over to him.

"You can't just get rid of one. You'll get rid of both of them." Jacob finally says, glancing over to where they're now standing.

If Carlisle could get more pale, he would've turned completely white. He looks absolutely stunned.


"The one from the forest..." He pointedly looks over at the corner, and they both look over but, by the way their eyes search, he knows they can't see her.

"She's still here?" Edward asks, taking an uncertain step towards where she's standing, watching him.

"Yeah, she's the one who keeps saving my ass." He huffs out.

Edward looks affronted by that, looking over his shoulder.

"I think I do some of the heavy lifting as well." He huffs before turning back to glare at the corner.

"So, what are we going to do?"

"We're going to have to talk to this one, see if she knows how to get rid of the other one." Carlisle admits, eyes still scanning the wall.

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