They were supposed to be relaxing, finding something to take their minds off of the imminent threat. Most of the group was out hunting for Bella while they were left to try to relax. Alice suggested watching a little TV, Rosalie suggested having lunch together, and Leah suggested walking around the house aimlessly because they couldn't really risk going outside. Jacob had completely ignored those ideas because he, with all of the time he spends laying on piles of clothes, is tired. However, because Edward is Edward, it's about a good ten minutes of quietly laying there before he's got a hand shoved down his pants. So now, instead, he's sitting here with Edward staring at him in utter confusion.
"I'm not turning into a woman." Jacob feels the need to clarify, which only gets him an eyebrow raise and a skeptical look.
"My body is reacting like a standard female werewolf body would because of-," he gestures to his stomach quite aggressively, "this."
Edward doesn't look like he necessarily cares about what exactly Jacob's body is doing as he dismissively waves his hand.
"Yeah, but marking..." He guides Jacob over to the topic that he is genuinely curious about and Jacob can feel his eye twitching.
"Males usually start the marking process..." He begins with a sigh.
Jacob had come off as uninterested before. Even with all of the signs lining up, he didn't have the urge to take that first step. When Edward had suggested being on the bottom, Jacob was just trying to mimic what he thought Edward would like. It was harder to do when all of his previous, natural instincts no longer existed. Instead, he went into observing what Edward was doing. Why was he laying it on so thick? What wasn't he saying?
"Yes." Edward's eyes urge him to continue.
Jacob's not sure how to feel about him being so eager. Why does it suddenly matter so much that they actually form a bond?
"But my instincts are all messed up because a witch turned me into a freak. My wires are all crossed. I'm...just not what I used to be." He ends graciously and reluctantly waits for further questions.
"So, would it work if I marked you?" Jacob can see the shift from confusion to curiosity as Edward slowly made his way over, eyes glued to where Jacob's neck and shoulder connect.
"I don't know and we're not going to find out today." He thinks his voice sounds stern, but Edward's still hasn't torn his eyes away from the spot.
"What would happen if I did?" His voice is softer, eyes piercing. He's not really focusing on what Jacob is saying.
"I'd leave you." This seems to snap Edward out of his dazed state, eyes quickly finding Jacob's intense gaze.
"I meant, you know, when we were both ready. What would happen?" He tries to correct himself, but Jacob's already tired of the conversation.
"The walk sounds more appealing now."
The walk is not at all appealing. They're about five rooms in, Edward treating the entire thing as if it's a house tour, exploring the spaces and explaining how they obtained certain ancient artifacts. Jacob's back is killing him. Considering his lack of walking besides standing in the kitchen or sitting in front of the TV, he hadn't realized how uncomfortable he would be.
He thinks he's hiding his discomfort well though, zoning back into conversation to nod at whatever random "fun fact" Edward spewed out, but apparently, he's not as good as he thinks he is.
"How about lunch?" Edward asks after completing his explanation of how they'd acquired some old vase.
He doesn't really wait for a response, guiding Jacob out of the room and towards the kitchen.
Edward being distracted by whatever he is cooking is probably the best thing that's happened to Jacob all day. The man is completely enthralled in a steak while Jacob is sprawled out on the couch flipping through cartoons. This is what he needs, mindless entertainment.
He gets about an episode into SpongeBob before his mind finds itself drifting into what they were speaking about earlier. He shouldn't be thinking about it, it's a stupid thing to ponder over. It makes sense in their situation, looking at the basics, to permanently bond. If it were two people in his own pack, he'd encourage it. There isn't usually magic involved in those situations, though. They aren't usually rushed and botched like his and Edward's relationship. They happened naturally and both parties were sure of how they'd gotten to this point. For Jacob, he can't tell what's what. This isn't some weird love spell, but it doesn't have to be. He could very well just be experiencing normal hormonal behavior. He could just be really attached to Edward for the moment because of the baby.
Wouldn't really explain why Edward was so attached to him, but that's just how Edward has always been. How long ago was it that he was following Bella's every move?
Shit. He's not supposed to be thinking about that.
He just doesn't want to get hurt. Is that too much to ask?
He's almost startled when he hears Edward's voice coming from the kitchen.
"You haven't fallen asleep, have you?"
Jacob hears footsteps slowly becoming louder as Edward makes his way over. He doesn't bother opening his eyes. He hears a quiet sigh.
"I didn't mean to upset you." Jacob hears him admit, followed by another sigh. A couple of seconds later, he can feel fingers raking through his hair and over his scalp.
"I just think that if she's returning, no matter how mad Bella may be, we shouldn't leave any doubts." He explains quietly.
Jacob is genuinely drifting off at the feeling of his scalp being scratched. He feels the most relaxed he's felt all day.
"Seth says it's a hazard, neither of us having the mark," he can feel Edward shift behind him and then the slide of his hand going from Jacob's side to cup the bottom of his stomach.
"Says it can lead to you getting hurt if you're ever around 'someone like Sam'." Edward's voice is getting more and more faint and Jacob continues to drift.
The way he feels, the way he could easily be convinced that he doesn't actually have any bones, is something that he'll never understand. None of even his father's belongings put him at ease like this.
"I guess the relaxing part is working." That's Seth's voice. He can hear that it's coming from slightly further away, and he can smell the scent of grass and sweat wafting off of him.
"But not the rest of the plan." Seth continued and Jacob could feel the energy in the room shift ever so slightly.
"He's just stubborn. You know how he can get sometimes." Seth tries to reassure him.
Apparently, according to Seth and Leah, leaders from other packs will be aggressive towards "opposing" leaders, pregnant or not. They thought Jacob having the bite, whether he was the one to initiate it or not, would help.
"If he gets hurt..." Edward starts but doesn't finish, his hands pausing as well. Jacob can feel a high-pitched whine itching to escape him at the loss of contact, but he instead chooses to wait patiently.
"That's the least of our worries until we find Bella. Focus on that. You keep insisting on the bite and it'll genuinely piss him off." Seth informed him.
He can hear a couple of loud sniffs.
"That's for him, make your own food."
He can almost hear Seth scoff.
"Whatever, he's not the one helping you with your love troubles." He can hear Seth grumble as he yanks open the fridge door.
The hand returns and, within a minute, Jacob's out cold.
"She hasn't made it to the Volturi." Alice delivers the news to Edward who is rearranging the clothes around himself to get more comfortable.
"Good." Edward quietly replies. He's tired. He can barely remember feeling this way before he was turned, but he actively feels sluggish. He's not going to sleep, but he does want to wrap his arms around Jacob and lay like that for the rest of the day.
"They haven't found her, but they have found a possible trail." She also lets him know.
"Mhm." Edward quietly hums, yanking the duvet over Jacob.
He has to remember to move him back downstairs before he wakes up.
"How's the 'convincing him to marry you' thing going?" She asks after it seems like he's gotten settled.
"That's not what this is about." Edward mumbles as he wraps himself around Jacob and presses his nose into the crook of his neck.
"Yes, and I was born yesterday." He hears Alice answer as she retreats, "Just let me know when you need a wedding planner."
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