Something Wicked This Way Comes

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• Emmett is back and Andrew, Vanessa and Elena are finding a spell to permanently get rid of him. Vanessa was told that someone else has something dangerous planned for Cameron.

Elena told Cameron and Vanessa that she lost her memory and only remembered waking up in a night club 

• Cameron was on drugs, and the drugs limited his magical abilities

• Zedd told Krytal, Lucas, and Logan that their plan would be initiated on the night of a super blue moon.

Songs Of the Chapter: When It's All Over by Raign,  I Get To Love You by Ruelle and Where The Lonely Ones Roam by Digital Daggers.


A couple hours later

(Vanessa's POV)

"We have spent hours here and found nothing." I slumped in my chair, upset. My eyes hurt every time I tried to read.

"Well we found an afterlife spell. Maybe that can help?" Andrew assured.

"Guys how come Cameron hasn't noticed us gone for so long? It's past noon. I mean, the hallucinogen should have worn out by now." Elena queried.

"I put a pill in his piece of cake so that we could search here for awhile and he wouldn't notice our absence." Andrew elucidated. His nose was deep in an old dusty book.

"You what!?" Elena burst. She was sitting on the ground beside a pile of books.

"We needed some time. With Cameron behind us all the time, he would've figured something out. That would only worsen the situation." Andrew talked as he shut the book and picked up another.

"You know, these spell books remind me of my friend's grimoire." Elena quietly whispered but I heard it clearly.

"your friend? I thought you didn't remember anything before waking up at The Synim." I questioned. Elena and Andrew gave each other a look. I turned to Andrew, shocked. "You do remember..and you knew!" I first said to Elena then to Andrew.

"I'm sorry Vanessa. It's just you said recently. I couldn't trust you at that point. And this is a big deal. I mean, I'm the only human in this world. The information from my past could be valuable and I don't want to be dissected like a frog or tested on like a mouse. I'm not from this world, and I'm scared once word spreads, I'm going to be treated like an alien. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Elena apologized.

I sighed, but I understood her. "So when will you tell me about your past life? Maybe over coffee?" I asked.

"Nope. A couple of beers." Elena corrected. We both laughed. Andrew came from behind the shelves holding some more books.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"When Elena mentioned grimoires, I remembered some at the back behind a pile of other books. Here they are." Andrew handed one to each of us and set the rest on the table. "Hopefully, these will help us."

I flipped through the pages. They were written with ink as black as tar. I read the titles of the pages.

"Bilocație" --> The spell to have an object appear in two different places.

"Accersito" --> The spell to summon one.

"Curare" --> The spell to heal something or someone.

"Înviere" --> The spell to resurrect someone.

"Okay this grimoire is about the mind. How to play with minds of others and whatnot." Elena shut it and moved to the next.

"Mine is rubbish too. Theres a bilocation spell, a summoning spell, healing spell, resurrection spell. Nothing that we're looking for." I discerned. I was about to ask Elena to hand me another grimoire when Andrew suddenly grabbed for the grimoire in my hand.

"Oh my god! Andrew!" I jumped. He caught me off guard. "What are you looking for?"

"The resurrection spell. It can help us!" He spoke, excitedly.

"Andrew, you dumbass." I laughed. "Resurrection means to rise someone from the dead. It's not what we're looking for." Elena chuckled too. She got up and stretched her arms and legs from sitting in that position for so long.

"I know that. I'm not dumb" He replied.


"No seriously, it can help us. Since he's technically not dead but not alive either we can try to reverse the resurrection spell. It can work." Andrew spoke in absolute confidence. Elena looked at me.

"I think it might work too" she agreed.

I took a deep breathe in. "we did it". Elena and Andrew both grinned and we had a group hug.

"Hey but I have a question." Elena announced while we still hugged. "Whose going to perform the spell?"

"UGHH" Andrew and I both replied. We all let go.

"I guess we still have a little more work to do. Are we going to find another witch?" Elena inquired.

"No, we can't trust anyone right now. Especially not after what Krystal did to you." Andrew reminded.

"I think it's time to tell Cameron everything." I realized. I didn't want to, but clearly time was running out and we didn't have any other option. "I'm going to tell him everything, including my feelings. I can't hold back anymore. The moment I saw his eyes, I was lost in them and truth be told. I don't want to find my way out. I'm tired of watching him so close yet so far. I'm tired of wanting him wrapped in my arms but only to have his wrapped in my mind. For the past 5 years, I've been wanting to let the words slip but then I would swallow the words again. And for the millionth time, I would wish for him to read my mind. But I'm sick of it. I'm going to tell him everything. Tonight." I let the tears fall out.



(Andrew's POV)

We all headed back to the cabin. Cameron was sleeping on the couch. I faced Vanessa.

"Hey, are you sure about this?" I wanted to make sure we were doing the right thing. "Once you say it, you can't take it back."

"I'd rather say it because this chance can slip out of my hands in a blink of an eye and I will regret it forever. And forever is a long time." Vanessa took a deep breathe. she was ready. i nodded understandingly.

Elena and I walked upstairs and headed to my room. I sat down on my desk chair and Elena jumped on the bed.

"You know, I kinda sorta may have read your diary." Elena confessed.

I laughed. She read the words that on repeat in my mind. "What part did you read?"

Elena chuckled, I could sense the blood rushing to her cheeks. "C'mon tell me. Which part?" I smiled jokingly, getting out of my chair and approaching her.

She opened her mouth, then closed it again. "I think you know exactly which part." Her eyes looked at me differently this time. I could feel the desire pumping in her blood too. She jumped off the bed and onto the opposite.

"Bet you can't catch me" She teased. We stood on the opposing side of the bed, so I jumped over the bed to her. She giggled and ran to the desk.

"I'm going to get you!" I laughed, but every time I moved to the right she would move to the left. The only thing separating the two of us was the desk. So I lifted the desk and moved it over. Her mouth was open in astonishment.

"Wow, I'm impressed" She added, her eyes lit with happiness.

"Well I've got you now!" I rushed to her, grabbed her by the waist and raised her up.

She giggled and hugged me as the grip around her waist tightened. I then put her down and she looked into my eyes.

Elena POV

I knew I was letting myself go over the line. Damon was waiting for me out there. I loved him...or at least that was what I was telling myself. I already knew what was happening. I was falling for Andrew. I was staring into his warm chocolate eyes. And then it struck me. I can't deny my feelings and shove them behind a wall. I'm going to face them one day or another. Andrew had somehow stolen my heart and I can't pretend like I don't care. Because I do. Very much.

I leaned in close and let the magic happen itself.

(Vanessa POV)

Cameron was finally waking up. I was standing in the kitchen, holding a mug of coffee.

"Whoa, my head hurts." He was holding his head with his hands. "Is that you Vanessa?"

"uh, yea. Um. Do you want some coffee? Maybe tea?" I offered. I had no idea how I was going to do this.

" I'm good. I just need to stretch it out."

I put the mug on the counter and walked to Cameron. The words spinning in my mind.

I love you Cameron

Cameron, I'm in love with you

Cameron I love you so much

I can't live without you Cameron

It was dark outside now, the clouds covering the sky. I now stood in front of him.

Elena POV

We both looked at each other and smiled. We both knew this was right.

I walked over to the window, not letting my mind takeover. Only my heart. That's when I noticed the moon.

"Andrew, look at the moon!" I called.

"It's beautiful." He said but his face seemed puzzled.

"What's wrong?" I queried.

"that's a blue moon. Wait, no. It's a super blue moon. I didn't know there was one tonight." He strolled over to his bed and sat down.

"What's a super blue moon?" I sat down next to him and held his hand.

"Well let's start with a blue moon. It's obviously when the moon is blue, however its a spiritual and powerful occasion. The moon experiences a phase called the purge or the purging effect when it is full. The moon has it's strongest gravitational pull on the main elements on the planet, on a blue moon, the purging effect is intensified. This event is usually very important to witches. The elements are full of supernatural magic. The witches can absorb or siphon the magic out of the elements."

"you mean even water, fire, dirt, and air?" I recalled from some class in high school.

"Yeah. All that combined with the super moon. A super moon is when the moon is closest to the planet. Meaning all the magic is heightened even more." Andrew finished.

"Oh wow. That means theres a lot of magic in the air right now." He nodded. 

I stared at the moon, hovering over the forest that resembled a ocean of tar. 

Vanessa POV

"Cameron...I need to tell you something." We were both standing near the window to the yard and the glass door. He was standing right in front of me. Many thoughts were running around up there, but I continued.

"I...I..." I stuttered and my heart thumped hard. I couldn't even begin to describe how scared I was. I wanted to back out, but I couldn't.

"What is it Vanessa?" Cameron looked deep into my eyes with his light brown eyes.

I turned my head to my feet and closed my eyes. "Okay here I go" I whispered to myself. "I..Cameron, I...I'm- -

"OH MY GOD THE CROWS ARE EATING MY HERBS!" Cameron yelled, as he watched through the window. He sprinted out the door, screaming at the crows.

"in love with you" I finished my sentence on my own. My heart shattered in pieces, and I could feel myself choking down the tears.

Cameron POV

"SHOO! SHOO! Oh god!" I yelled, kicking and shoving the crows away from my rare herbs. I take them everywhere with me. I picked up the pots and walked deeper into the forest. I set the pots beneath some bushes. "You crows can't eat them now!"

I got up to turn back and listen to what Vanessa had to say when I heard a twig crack behind me.

I turned around, and there stood Logan and Lucas, and right between them, Krystal. Cameron was perplexed, he thought Krystal was dead. The shock caught him off guard and she shot her hands forward. He tried to defend himself with magic, but the side-effects of the pill hadn't completely worn off yet. Then everything went black for Cameron. 

Third Person

"Work in progress. Sorry for any inconvenience caused" Logan spat, his tone laced in sarcasm. Lucas dragged Cameron's body out of the bushes and in front of Krystal.

"Krystal did you hear what was happening inside?" Logan asked. "Oh right. Your a bitch, ahem I meant witch. Well, Vanessa was confessing her love for Cameron. Your love. Oh the irony."

Krystal rolled her eyes. "Okay, just step away and let me do my work." Her eyes were full of tears. "And tell me which one of you - -"

"It's me okay. Now hurry up before that vampire suspects anything." Logan announced. He lied down on the ground beside Cameron and closed his eyes.

Krystal hovered her hands over Cameron and Logan's bodies. "stăpânire. stăpânire." She started the spell.

"Are you sure you have enough power?" Lucas worriedly asked, his hand on his brother's head.

Krystal didn't respond, she sucked the magic out of the ground, air, water and fire from anywhere near and far.

"stăpânire. stăpânire." Krystal continued when Cameron's eyes flung open. 

Lucas approached Cameron and whispered something in his ear. 

"Welcome back brother" 

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