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Me and Klaus were getting near the place where the sacrifice was supposed to happen. There were three fire circles around three women. One of them being a vampire, one werewolf and one a doppelgΓ€nger. The werewolf was in transformation and screaming in pain. I didn't need my vampire hearing to catch what Elena was saying, "Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them. To keep this curse sealed." Though Greta had a different opinion, "My duty is to Klaus! The new order."

Klaus smiled as we stopped. "Glad to know I still have a dance partner." He turned his attention to the three sacrifices of the ritual, "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?" It was finally time. After all those years. Klaus was finally able to break that curse. There was nothing that could stop him. He handed Greta the moonstone.

"The moon is past its apex," Greta looked up to the moon, whose light was penetrating through the dark of the night. "Remember everything you need to do?"

"I remember," he confirmed. My attention turned to Jenna. I got remorses. I shouldn't have called her.

"Okay, but... Does it really have to be Jenna?" I tried to somehow made Klaus change his mind. It didn't work. He refused. Greta set fire to the stone and began to chant the spell. The werewolf's scream rang out to my ears. She had to be in so much pain.

Klaus approached her and the fire circle around her fell down. She had enough strength to ran against him. She wanted to defend herself. However, she wasn't strong enough. Klaus was a lot stronger. He pushed her down to the ground. He plunged his hand into her chest and stroked her cheek before swiftly ripping her heart out. It was a terrible sight. Seeing it with my own eyes, I could feel her pain. I wondered how Klaus felt. Probably great. I wondered how it felt to hold someone's life in your hand. Being able to count the last beats of the heart. Feeling the power over someone's life. It had to be overwhelming. That much overwhelming that a person could easily get used to it. Plus someone with the powers as a vampire. Vampires don't need to feel anything. They're predators. They don't have to care about anything and anyone. Precisely about humans.

Klaus grabbed the werewolf's heart and squeezed it over the stone bowl where was the stone. The red liquid poured out of once beating organ. I stood nearby Elena and watched her stepping around nervously. I wanted to figure out how to fix what I had messed up and help Jenna without ruining Klaus' chance of breaking the curse. There had to be something.

"Alice!" Elena called to me. "Why are you doing this? Please, don't. Help Jenna."

"I'm afraid I can't. I'm sorry, Elena," I shook my head. My mind wasn't capable of coming up with some plan.

"Please, there has to be something," she pleaded. "Don't let us down. Alice..." I watched her sadly without a word, while she continued, "Alice, I know you. You're Stefan's sister. You're not this person. So please. Help Jenna. Be the person you truly are." Elena was a very good motivator. But I knew she wouldn't have been talking like this if she knew I was the reason Jenna was a part of all of this.

✦3rd person✦

"Bonnie did the locator spell," Elijah approached Stefan. "They're at Steven's quarry."

"I'll head over there first and you'll follow with Bonnie when it's time," Stefan nodded to assure he was familiar with the plan.

"Just as the moon hits its final phase. She has to stay hidden until then. He cannot know that she's alive." Stefan nodded his head in agreement and walked past him.

"You're very honorable," Elijah spoke up, which made Stefan stop in his tracks. He returned to him. "Are you?" he asked. "Because this whole plan is, uhm... It's contingent upon your honor, Elijah."

"I won't fail you."

"Klaus is your brother. I know I've wanted to kill my brother a 1000 times. I've never been able to." Stefan knew Elijah couldn't be trusted fully. Not with this. But they didn't have a different choice at all. They had to trust him. Or at least try to.

"Klaus was not my only brother. I had siblings, parents. I had a family. Over the centuries, Klaus hunted them down one by one and he took them from me. Just like he took your sister. I loved Alice, but there's a prophecy. Maybe that's why Klaus has such an influence on her. Something draws her to him."

"What prophecy?" Stefan questioned. What the hell was that supposed to mean? How did he not know about it?

"Your sister, Stefan, is very important for my family. We need her. She's the key." Stefan didn't understand to the meaning of it all. Though he was too afraid of asking more. "I won't fail you," Elijah added after a short pause.

"I trust you. Please end this." Stefan left Elijah standing there alone.

✦3rd person✦

The second in the rank was Jenna. Elena wanted to convince Klaus to let her aunt go, "I followed your rules. I did everything that you asked. I didn't run. Please..." There was no response from him. "Alice..." she was asking for my help. Klaus eyes turned to me. He waited for my reaction. I was decided. I was decided to take Jenna's place. There was no other way to save her.

"She's right, Klaus. Take me instead of Jenna. Do it!"

"Well well, I don't recall you being on a guest list," Klaus spoke up, but it wasn't an answer to my question. All of us turned to look at Stefan standing up at the edge of the quarry looking down at us. What was he doing here?

"I'm here to talk." I used my vampire hearing to know what he was saying.

"Very well then," Klaus sped up to him. "What can I do for you Mr. Salvatore?" I listened to them.

"What's going on?" Jenna was asking frantically.

"I-I don't know," Elena stuttered. "Alice, can you please... Please just - just listen to them."

"That's what I'm doing."

"You don't need to kill Jenna. I'll take her place," Stefan offered.

"Well, I don't know," Klaus didn't seem to accept the offer. "Your lovely sister also asked for this. But you surely understand I can't do that." I cursed. Why couldn't he use me? Did he really love me that much? "She's too precious for that." It seemed like it.

"What are they saying?" Elena asked.

"Don't play games with me," Stefan continued. "You'll get what you want either way."

"Shh!" I shut her down. I wanted to hear.

"Quite the hero, aren't you," Klaus commented. "Yeah, I like that about you."

"Just make the trade. Me for Jenna." Omg... He really meant it.

"What is it?" Elena noticed my worried expression.

"He wants to take Jenna's place." Elena started to panic. She was pacing around, "I need to do something. This can't happen. None of it."

"Quite the predicament," Klaus interrupted her thoughts she was speaking out loud. "You know it's funny. All this talk about family and here's Stefan granting your wish," he pointed towards my brother walking by his side.

"Stefan..." Elena exhaled. I shook my head.
I certainly wasn't going to let my brother die. "Stefan, you can't!" I faced Klaus, "Klaus!"

"It's okay girls," Stefan smiled melancholically.

"No, it's not okay!" I was freaking out. "Klaus..." He couldn't do it. My brother wasn't allowed to do any of it. He wasn't allowed to die. And Klaus wasn't allowed to kill him.

"I'm sorry, my love. It needs to be done," Klaus replied to me. "So, who's it gonna be, Elena?" he pointed with the stake between Jenna and Stefan.

"No!" Elena protested.

"Don't worry, there's actually no choice." He vamp-sped behind my brother and stabbed him with the stake in the back.

"No! Stefan!" Elena screamed.

"Stef!" I yelped.

"I have other plans for your boyfriend," Klaus said. "I want him alive. But for now..." he used Stefan's weakness and broke his neck. Stefan's lifeless body fell to the ground. Me and Elena gasped. Jenna just watched it with horror in her eyes.

I was mad at Klaus for it, but at least Stefan was safe. He wasn't going to die. He was going to wake up eventually.

"Whenever you're ready Greta," Klaus encouraged Greta. She began chanting the same spell as before and the fire around Jenna fell down.

"Your turn."

"No. Jenna. No," Elena cried. She stepped closer to her, but the fire around her flared up and stopped her from crossing the circle.

"It's all right, Elena. I know what I have to do." No, no, no. I knew exactly what she was planning on doing. I had to stop her. Or at least try to. I sped to her and was about to catch her arm. And for a brief moment I did. But she slipped through my grip I had on her wrist. I got to hold her just for a second. She ran towards Greta and bit her. She was sucking the life out of her, drinking her blood. Both me and Elena watched it with amazement. Klaus was swift to react and pulled Jenna off of Greta. He hold Jenna tight for a moment and then threw her on the ground. He was ready to do it.

"Jenna, no..." Elena continued crying. Jenna picked up her head to look at her niece. "Just turn it off. Jenna, turn it off. You won't be scared anymore."

I didn't know what to do. Was there even anything for me to do? Was there something more I could do? I was out of ideas. Did I want to do more? My brother was safe and that was most important. Klaus got to break his curse. And I tried to help Jenna. I tried and I wanted to. But there was nothing more I could do at this point. Klaus was hovering over Jenna and plunged his hand in her chest. He took a hold of her heart and ripped it out. I listened to Elena's scream and cry. She was gonna hate me for it. I was the one to blame.

Stefan woke up just in time when it was Elena's turn. Klaus offered Elena his arm, but she refused and walked past him to let herself die. Stefan was attempting to get up, but I stopped him right away, "Stefan, stay where you are. Don't do anything stupid." I couldn't let him stop Klaus. He wouldn't succeed most likely anyway. And then he would end up dead. It wasn't an option for me. My brother wasn't dying tonight. He fell back down to the ground unwillingly and we both watched Klaus take a hold of Elena and biting her neck.

"No..." Stefan breathed out. "Alice! You did this. You could have stopped it." I stayed quiet. Maybe I really could have tried harder, but I had not wanted to betray Klaus. I wanted both sides to get what they wanted. I had not had a choice. I had offered myself instead of Jenna, but that was it. I hadn't wanted to prevent Klaus in breaking that curse. Plus I was sure they had a plan how to keep Elena alive.

Klaus drained Elena's body of blood and dropped it to the ground. Stefan cried out painfully. Klaus made a few steps forward,
"I can feel it. It's happening." That moment,
a few of his bones broke. I frowned as the cracking filled my ears. He growled in pain and fell to his knees, but got up again. He stared up to the moon. His face expression showed the happiness from success. Though everything fell apart the moment wind increased and Bonnie came in chanting some spell. Soon Damon appeared and broke Greta's neck. Bonnie threw Klaus up in the air with her magic. That made Klaus scream in pain. Everything was happening so fast.

"You were dead!" he stated. I had told him they wouldn't have let Bonnie die just like that. But he hadn't trusted me. Now they were gonna kill him. I couldn't let that happen. My family was safe. I wanted Klaus to be safe as well. He kept screaming in pain as Bonnie chanted the spell. It was unbearable.

"Bonnie, stop! Please!" I ran towards her to stop her, but she held me back with another spell. She created a barrier spell to prevent me from getting near her or Klaus.

"NO!" I struggled against the barrier. Bonnie kept doing the spell until Elijah approached Klaus. Then the spell which was holding me back disappeared. I watched Elijah plunge his hand into Klaus' chest. "No! Elijah!" I took a step forward to run there, but Stefan caught my arm.

"In the name of our family, Niklaus," Elijah was about to pull his heart out.

"Elijah!" I screamed and struggled to get out of Stefan's grip. This couldn't happen.

"I didn't bury them at sea," Klaus said.

"What?" Elijah hesitated.

"Their bodies are safe. If you kill me, you'll never find them."

"Elijah! Don't listen to him," Stefan tried to convince the original.

"Elijah, I can take you to them. I give you my word, brother," Klaus promised.

"Do it and I'll take you both down," Bonnie warned Elijah.

"You'll die."

"I don't care."

"I'm sorry," Elijah apologized and escaped with Klaus. I used that moment, got free of Stefan's grip on my wrist and ran after them. Both, Stefan and Bonnie yelled out, "No! Alice!"
I didn't care. All I cared about was that every member of my family was safe. Including Klaus.


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