Charpter 1

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After y/n and Henry entered the studio it looked a mess paper was everywhere the wood in the floor looked like it had been left to rot away there was unfinished drawings of bendy Boris and Alice on the desks a projecter was flashing onto a wall the walls had holes showing wooden beams.

Y/n:deal god this place looks like it's gonna fall apart at any minute 

Henry:i know son but we better go see if we can find anyone and see if they are ok

So both y/n and Henry headed off into the studio soon they came across a sign hanging from  the roof that said Ink machine 

Y/n:what's the bet that the ink machine has something to do with the studio looking like this?

Henry:who knows son let's go see what this ink machine is shall we?

So they both headed down to the hall to the ink machine room once they got there there was a big pool of ink with chains into it there was selves on both sides one had bacon soup the other had a big battery on it and a chest in front of it.

Y/n: what's the bet the battery is to power the chains to left the machine

Henry:you might be right son but there's two holes for battery's and there's only one there so there's one missing

Y/n:maybe it's in the chest dad so y/n opened the chest and there was the second big battery 

Henry:you were right son there it is so they grabbed the battery's and put them in then pull the leaver and the chains started to move out from the inky abyss came the ink machine

Y/n:wow it looks like they redid the machine after we left it looks a lot cooler

Henry:yeah it does let's see if we can go get it on soon they found the main power room and saw photos of items they needed to find so they both set off to find it when they found the first item and Boris.

Y/n:Oh my god Joey what were you doing? They grab the item and headed off to find the next one 

A few hours later..............

They found all the item and headed back to the power room and put the items on then went to turn the valve to make the ink flow after they turned that they turned the machine on and headed back to the machine and it was blocked off then 



So they both ran through the studio once they got to the exit door the floor gave away and both y/n and Henry fell down once they landed they had to turn valves to clean a flood of ink out the way then they got there and on a table was two axes.

Henry:well this should come in handy

Y/n:really dad really 

So they both cut thought wooden planks then open a door to a pentagram room

Soon they both had flashbacks of some kind then they both passed out............

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net

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