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Hayley and Allison are talking.
"So everyone is a supernatural creature of some type"
Hayley said confused
Allison said looking at her sister
"Who is what?"
"Caroline,Stefan and Damon are Vampires"
"Elijah, Rebekah and Kol are the Original Vampires so the first ever Vampires. Bonnie is a Witch"
"Only one witch?"
"Yep. You and Tyler are Werewolves. Niklaus and Me are Hybrids because someone killed me last year. Niklaus was the first ever Hybrid. Elena is a doppelgänger and she is human for now. She looks just like Katherine who was here last year but left a few months ago"
"Okay is that everyone?"
"Probably not but it's everyone who I can remember"

Allison smiled at Hayley and then they went to meet the Mikaelsons.
"This is my sister Hayley"
Allison said with a smile. Hayley's waved a little at the Mikaelsons before Elijah said
"That's Kol"
He pointed to the man on the end with dark hair and then pointed to the man stood next to him with more of a blond colour hair.
"That's Niklaus and She's Rebekah"
He said pointing the the girl who was stood next to Niklaus.
"I'm Allison"
Allison said as she walked over to Elijah and hugged him.
"I'm going to meet up with everyone. I'll see you all later"
Allison said before leaving the Mikaelsons Mystic falls house. Kol, Rebekah and Klaus left leaving Hayley and Elijah alone. They sat beside each other and talked before Elijah looked around and kissed Hayley.
Hayley shouted and Klaus came running in.
"Are you Okay?"
Klaus said and Elijah stood up and walked away.
"He kissed me"
Hayley said but she didn't look very annoyed or angry. Klaus moved Hayley's hair out of her face.
"So you're the famous Niklaus Mikaelson?"
Hayley said as she smiled at Klaus. Klaus smiled back before kissing Hayley on the cheek.
"That's me, love"
Klaus said as he picked Hayley up and carried her away and I think you might know what happened next. It was hours later and Elijah and Hayley were talking again.
"I'm sorry for kissing you Hayley"
Elijah said looking at his girlfriends sister
"It's okay. I mean I can't say I didn't enjoy it"
Hayley said with a smile on her face. Hayley leant over to Elijah and they kissed and as they did Allison walked in.
"What are you doing?"
Allison said shocked looking at her boyfriend and sister kissing. Rebekah walked in and realised what had happened.
"Elijah can we have a word?"
Allison said as she grabbed Elijah's arm and dragged him into a room to talk.
"Ali I'm sorry"
Elijah said looking at Allison.
"It's fine. I'll make this easy. We're over. If Hayley makes you happy be with her. I want you both to be happy and I won't be the one to get in the way of that"
Allison said with a smile. You could tell Allison meant what she said and she didn't seem that annoyed. Elijah smiled at Allison
"If you ever need me you know where I'll be."
Elijah said as Allison left. Allison went to her house and to her room and cried a little bit stopped because she realised that Elijah and Hayley would be happy. Elena walked in with Caroline and Bonnie.
"Stefan broke up with me"
Caroline said through her tears. Allison looked at Elena who shrugged her shoulders.
Allison said
"Because he said he likes you and he dated me to try to get over you!"
Caroline said crying even more and pointing at Allison. Allison looked at Elena and Bonnie who nodded and Allison left. Allison didn't want to upset Caroline even more and decided that she would talk to Caroline once she had calmed down a little.

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