a blast from the past . 1/2

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A/N : This was very fun to write at 3:45 am :)

WARNING : sexual innuendos

Ouch , my head fuckin throbs .

You crack open your eyes and then immediately squint them shut due to the glowing orb in the dahm sky ; the sun . Why was it so bright jesus , was your always window that large ? Wheres your pillow ... then all of a sudden you feel grass underneath your body .

" Hey lady what are you doing here ? "

" Huh ? "

Three men stood over you , they're all wearing some weird ass uniform , looked pretty authentic too .

" Is this some joke ? "

The three men look at each other then back at me .

" Where am I ? "

One guy pulls me up , he was dark skinned with an afro . Still confused , you stand and try to take in your surroundings , you examined that you were in the middle of a field with tents all around you . You ask for the year a man with a low ponytail says 1781 .


The men look at you as if you were insane .

" HOW IS IT 1781 ? ITS 2018 ! "

"Mam I think you may have hurt your head or something of that sort , I can take you to a medic if you want . "

You shake your head in disagreement, you did not want to see some old timey doctor .

" Where am I ? "

" You shouldn't even be here , women are not allowed on the field . "

Oh , well still um hOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE ?

They look as confused as you were .

" Hamilton take her to your tent since its the closest , make sure no one sees you or else you and her both will be questioned . You know how Washington is . "

" Uh do I get a say ? "

They ignore you , great .

" Follow me , and be quiet . "

You didn't know what the actual hell was going on but you felt real concern coming from those guys back there , so you followed hamilton .

" Are you a spy ? "

" What ? "

" A spy . Mere question . "

" Uh no , why would you think that ? "

" You show up in the middle of the field in the midst of The Battle of Yorktown , you wear strange clothing that are extremely provocative to say the very least . Now I'm taking you to my tent . Just unusual thats all . "

" I d-don't remember how I got here ... "

" Or so I've concluded . "

You abruptly stop in front of an olive green tent , with one zipper enclosing the inside . He unzips it and leads you in . It was very simple inside , one cot , one desk , and one little closet . He digs around in his closet and finds you a blanket then hands it to you . Pulling your zipper down , you take off your jacket and folding it into your arm thinking nothing of it . That's when you notice how red Hamilton is .

" Are you okay ? " You asked semi concerned .

" U-Uhm no lady I'm excellent . "

" Oh okay then . "

You bend over and finger combed all your hair down and tying it with the hair tie you always had on your right arm . When you bent over you accidentally bumped into Hamilton and whispered a sorry under your breath . Now his face was burning .

" You sure you're good ? "

" Yes miss I'm in the perfect condition. " his voice cracked when he said perfect . " I have to attend my duties again , stay in here ..."

He was waiting for your name , " Y/N . "

" That's an exquisite name , Y/N . " A faint blush spreads across your ears and face .

" Good bye . " and with that , he leaves .

You sit yourself down on to his cot , jesus it was fuckin hot in here . He just left so maybe he wouldn't be back for a little bit , deciding to risk it , you take off your top leaving you in a bra .


Now you lay there wondering why Hamilton got so red earlier . OOOOOOH he probably hasnt seen a woman for a while , and you may have backed up on his crotch . Oops . Smirking , you dozed off .

" What do I do ? "

" Uh I don't know Alexander . "

" Do we wake her ? "

You stirred in your sleep , now you had woken up .

The three men darted to three separate corners of the tent trying to hide the fact that they were just watching you sleep .

" Hami- " " Call me Alexander . " Alexander cuts in . " I'm Lafayette and he is Mulligan . "

" I'm Y/N . "

You sit up and lean your back against the bed backboard , now all three guys eyes dart towards your chest . You turn crimson , you grab the blanket and pull it up higher .

" Sorry , it was really hot in here and you guys don't have air conditioning . "

" Air ... conditioning ? "

" Nevermind . " They still looked confused .

" Forget my previous point . " you answer .

An ohhhhhhh escapes from all of their lips .

An awkward silence filled the room .

" So we'll be going now, bye ! "

Now you were left with ham- Alexander .

" I'll move to the floor . " you start to move your body down while holding the blanket up .

" Definitely not , that would not be ladylike of you . We must share the cot . "

There's a part two :)

word count : 1065

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