Hope you like the story so far! I started italicizing inner thoughts. It was helpful for my writing, and I think it'll be better while reading too!
I wanted to watch the remaining battles, even after my encounter with Shota.
After all, I didn't want to neglect them simply because of my own personal disagreements.
They deserved more than that.
I stood on top of a near by building and surveyed the scenes. All of their quirks were so original and powerful.
Shoto Todoroki is a gem. His technique was brilliant. During the battle, I finally realized who he is. Endeavor's son. Poor kid.
There's no one I hate more than Endeavor— even after all this time. One of the few grudges that doesn't seem to fade.
Anyway, enough lamenting.
Endeavor's son, an ice and fire user. I'm sure Endeavor must be proud.
I haven't seen Todoroki use his fire yet, but if it's anything like his ice usage, his classmates are in trouble.
As the students were dismissed, I noticed All Might had disappeared.
I was hoping to talk to him about Eraser Head... and the students, of course.
Where the hell did he go? Why'd he take off so quickly?
Annoyed, I decide to go check in on Midoriya. With any luck, All Might will be there too.
As I approached Recovery Girl's office, I heard her yelled at who I assumed was Midoriya.
I couldn't help but laugh at the memories it brought back of her yelling at me too.
"All Might, you shouldn't let him be reckless just because he's inherited One for All! The third time he's been here, and his injuries are even worse this time!"
"Keep your voice down, Recovery Girl. No one can know about the quirk... As for Young Midoriya, he's fine. His ego might be bruised more than his arm" All Might laughed.
"Heyyyy!" Midoriya cried.
One for All? Inheriting a quirk? What are they talking about? I barged into the office and was shocked by the sight.
"All Might?? Is that you..." His form was unrecognizable. Smaller than normal and fragile looking.
I was stunned. How could this be the same man?
"y/n!!! what are you doing here!?" Midoriya shrieked.
"y/n..." All Might sighed
Recovery Girl quickly interjected, "Midoriya, you're free to go. As for me, I'll take my absence as well. Good to see you, y/n."
As she left I looked at All Might, "Toshinori, what's going on? I heard you all talking from outside... Are you ok?" I looked at him concerned.
I hope he's not ill. He's the only person I've really connected with here. Plus, he's vital for the city. Our #1 hero.
"Midoriya, why don't you head back to class. y/n and I need to talk." With that, Midoriya left silently. He looked racked with guilt.
"Toshinori..." I looked at him. Eyes full of empathy.
"y/n, I didn't want you to find out this way. I wasn't really ready for you to find out at all, but when we met, I knew I would end up confiding in you. I knew you would be someone I could entrust these students and this city too until Midoriya was ready."
"I know we haven't known each other for a long time... but Toshinori, you can trust me." I grabbed his hands, "I'm here for you. What's going on?"
All Might proceeded to tell me the story of One for All and choosing Midoriya as his successor.
He explained Midoriya's responsibility and his own as the Symbol of Peace and predecessor...
I can't even imagine the stress he's under. The weight of that kind of secret.
He's not dying, thankfully. That was really my biggest concern.
A world without All Might is not one that I'm ready to see, not now that I've been able to experience it.
"Your attachment to Midoriya makes a lot more sense now. I noticed his quirk was similar to yours, but he seemed like a hopeless case. Now, I get it. He's going to have to train so he can handle it..." I smirked to myself.
"That's your specialty, isn't it?" All Might smiled.
"It sure is. My body was the same way. Almost rejected my quirk... through training though, anything is possible." I beamed with enthusiasm!
Midoriya, you're not too far off. Plus, you have All Might on your side. You're a lucky kid.
I gave All Might a huge hug and held on for a couple minutes. I couldn't help it. I needed him to know how much I care for him....
Once people break through and gain my trust, I'm such a softie.
As I let go and began to go on my way, All Might caught my hand. "y/n, I need you to promise me you're not going to share this secret with anyone. You're part of such a small group of people who know... If this secret was to get out it would put everything at risk."
"Toshinori Yagi, I promise you, you can count on me. I will protect this secret and Young Midoriya with my life." I gave him the widest smile, and I could've sworn I saw him wipe a tear.
I took my leave and started to head for the school's exit. I heard them before I saw them, but Bakugo and Midoriya were at it again...
"Kacchan! I promise I haven't been lying to you! I inherited this quirk from someone else. It's not even mine!" No, Midoriya. What are you doing?
"Don't give me that bullshit excuse, Deku! Do you think I'm an idiot!?" Bakugo was crying...
"You already made a fool of me in that training exercise. I'm not going to let you do that again by believing in some borrowed quirk!!"
"DAMN IT!" He was bawling now. "I couldn't beat that ice guy in a fight, and even that dumb girl Momo was right about me! I made a stupid decision! Damn it!!"
"Enjoy that win, Deku! YOU WON'T GET ANOTHER! I'm just getting started! I'm going to be the #1 hero no matter what!"
Just as Bakugo started to walk away, All Might showed up... boasting words of encouragement and hope. Real Plus Utra stuff.
"Let go of me All Might" Bakugo growled. "I'll become better than you, and I'll do it without your help."
My heart dropped. Bakugo, why are you doing this? But All Might had already let him go.
I flew over to Bakugo who was already outside the school gate and stopped in front of him.
"Hey, Katsuki..." I turned around to face him.
"Hmph, don't call me that." He growled.
It was worth a shot. I'll just keep going.
"I'm proud of you." He looked at me wide-eyed, like he was expecting something else. "& when you're ready to max out that quirk of yours, let me know. I'd be happy to train with you."
His tears were returning, so I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder...
"Katsuki, you'll be the best hero to come out of UA. Don't start doubting yourself now. We're just getting started." I gave him a wink and started to walk away.
"y/n-sensei...." I turned around. "Thanks." He was looking at the ground and was barely audible, but we're making progress.
I smiled to myself, "Don't mention it, kid. I don't want everyone to know I'm already picking favorites."
I started to laugh, and I heard him snicker too.
"Goodnight, Katsuki.... I'm calling you that from
now on by the way. I'll see you tomorrow!" With that, I flew off.
Good kid, just misunderstood. Who knew I'd have so much in common with these little guys?
Maybe coming home was for the best after all.
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