**i'm so sorry this took so long!! i had a major writer's block for this story, but i think i'm back on track now! i hope you like the update!**
"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" Shota asked softly.
"No, I have to do this alone."
"Just remember what we're here for," the Detective called out from the front seat. "We need to know what they're planning."
I sighed, "I have no idea why you think he'll tell me, but I'll do my best."
I got out of the back seat of the all black SUV, and walked towards the prison entrance, leaving Keigo, Shota, and the detective to look after me as I walked away.
The warden along with a few guards were waiting for me at the front of the prison.
"Amaterasu. Welcome," they all bowed.
"Thank you," I nodded my head.
I forced myself to keep my eyes locked forward as we walked. The commission and police force made me wear my hero costume which was fairly exposing and the lower level inmates shouted obscenities as I walked past, leaving me somewhere between rage and disgust.
This prison was for the worst criminals, but still, there were some who were allowed to live semi-normal lives with their own cells and free time, while others were locked far away.
We were headed to an isolated area, made for class A threats. I shivered as we walked into a long, dark hallway.
I could feel a dark aura filling up the void, and it was difficult to ignore. Part of me wanted to run in the other direction.
The warden stopped suddenly and turned to me, "The room is right up ahead. He's waiting for you there. He is completely out of commission, so there's no need to worry about safety."
"I wasn't worried."
"Right well, we'll be waiting right outside the door if you need anything."
I pushed past them and entered the small interrogation room. The warden wasn't joking, there's no way he would be able to do anything other than talk.
He was wrapped in a full-body stray jacket, restricting any movements. On top of that, he was chained down to the metal chair. I was sure everything was quirk-cancelling as well.
The only part of him he could move was his mouth.
He smirked, "Amaterasu. What a pleasure it is to be in the company of such a powerful woman."
"All For One," I called out as I sat across from him.
"Please dear, no need to be so formal. Call me Shigaraki."
I crossed my arms as I leaned back into the chair, "So, your little protege took your last name, huh? How adorable."
He smirked, "It should've been you."
"Hmm, that's what I keep hearing."
"What brings you here? As much as I love making small talk with you, I'm sure you have places you'd rather be."
"I came to make a deal."
"A deal? I'm intrigued. Go on."
"I'm ready to join you, Shigarki."
He smiled, "Is that right?"
"Yes, but I want something in return."
"And what is that?"
"I want my father, and anyone he associated with, to be killed. I want him dead."
He laughed, "Do the people waiting outside know what you're asking? What's the real reason you were sent here?"
"I was sent here to find out what your plans are, but honestly, I couldn't care less. I have my own agenda."
"And what agenda is that?"
"Young Shikagraki is a disappointment. I'm done waiting and watching for him to do something useful. He's wasting Dabi's talent as well, and that doesn't sit right with me."
"I'm sorry, Y/n," he smirked. "I just don't believe you."
"And why not? Isn't this what you've always wanted? I didn't think I asked for anything too difficult."
He licked his lips softly, "Because, I can sense it. You're different now."
I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat, "How so?"
"When we met, there was a darkness that pulled me to you. It was hidden, but it was undeniable. Yet, as you sit here now, I don't sense a thing."
"You sure it's not just you? You are wrapped in layers of quirk cancelling devices."
He laughed, "I don't need my quirk to know you've lost your edge."
I stood to my feet, glaring at him, "If I leave here, the deals off the table. Forever. I'll kill my father myself and then I'll finish off everyone in that pathetic fan club of yours that you call villainous."
"Kill? I'll believe it when I see it. You don't have a vengeful bone left in your body."
I walked towards the door, stopping to turn to him one last time, "Don't worry, I'll kill you last so that you can watch everything you tried to build burn to ashes."
"And what about your precious Dabi? Will you kill him too?"
"Only if he gets in my way," I threw the door open, leaving Shigarki's loud, villainous laugh behind me.
I pushed past the guards and warden, walking back towards the regular detention cells.
"Amaterasu!" the warden called after me. "Is everything ok!? Where are you going?!"
"My father, is he still in the C wing?" I asked as they ran to catch up to me.
"Y-yes, but we're not ready for you to see him yet. We still need to take him into interrogation."
"Don't bother," I huffed out. "I'll find him on my own."
He froze and the guards followed suit, waiting for further instruction. As I left the hallway, I heard the warden call into his radio, obviously concerned about my demeanor.
I made my way to the C block. I didn't know what cell he was in, but I knew I'd find him soon enough.
It appeared as though everyone in this wing was quirkless, so the cell doors were just barred making it easy to see the inmates.
I guess they weren't as concerned about quirkless, which made sense, they weren't much of a threat.
"Y/n?" I heard a voice call and my body frozen at the familiar sound. I slowly turned to look at the man.
He slightly resembled my father, but his hair was much thinner and greyer now. There was a scar across his cheek as well, and his body looked so frail.
This is him? This is the man that I've let affect me down to my very core? He's the one who has ruined my life?
I felt more pathetic than ever.
I used my quirk to slam the metal door open, slowly entering the prison cell.
"It's really you," he huffed out with wide eyes. "W-what are you doing here?"
"Well, I came to see you of course. I heard you've been looking for me."
There were small tears in his eyes, "My, you look just like your mother."
My rage was boiling over as images of my mother flashed before me, specifically the ones where she was begging my father to stab me to death.
"I didn't come here to chat," I hissed. "Why are you talking to Dabi?"
"Because he truly loves you. Dabi wants what's best for you too, and I knew he'd respond."
I felt my heart race as he talked about Dabi like that. He didn't deserve to have his name even leave his lips.
"And how the fuck would you know that?"
"I've been watching you for years."
"Why would you do that? What do you want?"
"I want to help you realize your full potential."
I walked closer to him, "And what would that entail exactly?"
"All For One. He led your mother and I for years, now it's your turn to take over. Y/n, you can finish what we started. You can still make us proud."
"What's next then?"
He smirked, "We're going after the One for All quirk. Tomura is supposed to get it, but that would change entirely if you were to join the League. You could inherit both One for All and All for One."
It was silent between us for a moment as I tried to keep any semblance of composure. I needed the information. I couldn't blow this.
"You can still be our daughter," he huffed out.
Whatever was holding me back before completely snapped as he said that. I was going to kill him. Right here and right now.
Blood Manipulation 20%
I watched as he squirmed and screamed out in pain as my quirk took over. I focused my energy on keeping him awake and conscious, wanting him to suffer through this instead of passing out.
I used the blood manipulation to lift him into the air, watching as his body twitched and pulsed.
"Y/n," a soft voice called from behind me.
"Go away, Shota. This doesn't concern you."
"Y/n," his voice sounding even more desperate than before. "Please, think about this."
"I have. For years now. He deserves to die."
I flinched as I felt his hand rest on me, "Remember who you are, Y/n. You're a hero."
I shook my head as I cried, "I'm not, Shota."
"Yes, yes you are."
"You don't understand. How could you?"
"Y/n!!" I heard Keigo's voice call. "Let him go!"
"I'm sorry, Shota," I whispered. "I have to end this."
As soon as I said that, he wrapped his arms around me from behind. He wasn't trying to stop me. He wasn't trying to fight me. He was just hugging me, holding me tightly.
I immediately let the man fall back to the ground, listening to him gasp for air as he embraced freedom from my quirk. It took only moments before he passed out.
I turned around and buried myself into Shota, sobbing loudly now. He held me even tighter, lightly stroking my head.
"It's ok, Y/n. Everything's ok."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I tried to keep myself upright, but I was losing strength from the mental and physical toll the encounter had taken.
"I love you so much, Y/n. You're safe with me. Nothing and no one can hurt you."
"We should go," Keigo instructed.
"I-I can't," I mumbled into Shota's chest. He wasted no time in scooping me up bridal style to carry me out.
I kept myself buried against him as he and Keigo walked out of the prison and back to the black car.
"What the hell happened!?" the detective yelled as we got back in the car.
"Drive," Keigo demanded.
"Not until—"
Keigo cut him off, placing a sharp feather at his neck, "I said drive."
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