Chapter 32: Summer Camp

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"You ok?" Shota asked.

I broke my gaze away from the window to look at him, "Yea, fine."

Shota just sighed in return.

We were on our way to the training camp, and the bus was loud with excitement.

"I can't wait to make s'mores!" Uraraka yelled above the noise.

Shota slowly turned his head, activating his red, glowing eyes, "This is not a summer camp."

The students snapped shut for a moment and there was complete silence, but as soon as he turned away, they exploded into a roar of laughter.

He released another long sigh.

"Come on, they're still kids," I smiled, elbowing him softly.

He just stared at me before rolling his eyes.

"What? We can't even make s'mores one time," I teased.


I laughed at his serious demeanor, and I saw a small smile appear on his face at the sound.

"I'm glad I can at least make you laugh. You've looked so sad all morning."

"I'm just tired. I haven't been sleeping well." I smiled at him before grabbing his hand with mine, "Thanks for caring."

He intertwined our fingers and returned my smile. I loved how his touch felt. I had felt so low, so hopeless, but there was a new warmth spreading across me, and I welcomed it openly.

"Mr. Aizawa! Are we almost there!?" Mina asked while appearing directly behind us.

We quickly let go of our hands, hoping she didn't see.

"Get back to your seat," he demanded in a threatening voice.

"Uh, yes sir!" she squirmed before taking off.

I turned my head around, "We're about 10 minutes out! Get ready!"

Once we pulled up to the mountain top, the students began to file out.

"Leave everything here," Shota announced. "We'll worry about it later."

"This is the pro-hero team, The Wild, Wild Pussycats. They'll be helping with your training," Shota explained.

"And!" I interjected. "And. It starts now, so have fun! We'll see you later!"

I laughed as I dragged Shota back to the bus and the students all complained and grumbled.

I plopped on a seat and threw my legs up while Shota sat on the seat across from me.

"Well, it looks like the Pussycats got this taken care of. What do you want to do?" I smiled.

"Mmm, we could sleep."

"Or, instead, why don't you help me take the student's stuff to their rooms?"

"That's literally the last thing I want to do."

I gave him a blank stare, "And what's the first thing you want to do? Sleep?"

"You could join if you want?" he smirked.

"Ok." I smiled and his eyes went wide. "Help me, and then we'll take a nap together."

He started to laugh softly.

"What?! I'm so sleep deprived! And this will go way faster if you help!" I complained.

"Fine, fine. I'll help you. And then I'll make sure you catch up on some sleep."

Together, we took all of the student's luggage to their rooms.

"Geez, these kids packed like they would never be returning home." I grumbled while pulling the final suitcase to the girl's dorm.

"Alright, you." Shota looked at me with a huge smile, "It's nap time!"

He rushed over and picked me up bridal style.

I was a giggling mess, "Ahh! Shota! What are you doing?!"

He carried me into his room where a queen sized bed waited for us.

"These rooms are huge for a summer camp!"

"Not a summer camp. But yea, perks of being a teacher," he smirked. "Here, put these on," he demanded while tossing me sweats and a shirt.

I gave him a smile, "That's awfully sweet of you, Shota."

"Just hurry and change so we can get to sleep."

He turned around and waited for me to change into his really comfy clothes. I cuddled up under the blankets and waited for him to join me.

As he slid into the bed, he looked at me nervously, unsure of what to do. I giggled softly and held out my arms, inviting him to join me.

He snuggled up to me, wrapping me in his arms while I buried myself in his chest. His body felt so good against mine, and he smelled like clean sheets and sage.

"I love this." I said softly.

"Mmm, and I love you." he responded.

I buried my head closer to him, "I love you too, Shota."

He left a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I really have been sleeping terribly. I'll probably be fast asleep in minutes," I mumbled.

"Good. You deserve it."

I fell asleep to him stroking my hair and the sound of his breathing.


I woke up to a dark room and the sweet scent of dinner floating through the air. Shota was gone, probably helping with the food, but I still felt so full of his love.

I walked out into the dining room still wearing Shota's oversized clothes and I felt more rested than I ever expected.

"Y/n-sensei!" a few students called over to me. I smiled and gave them a small wave.

"What the hell!? Are you serious!?! WE'VE BEEN TRAINING OUR ASSES OFF AND YOU'VE BEEN SLEEPING!?" Katsuki yelled.

I gave a fake yawn and stretched my arms up widely, "Too loud, explosion boy. I just woke up."


I laughed, "When you catch up to me, Katsuki, you can sleep too. I've already done my fair share of training."

"Tch," he mumbled.

"Y/n-sensei, aren't those clothes a little big for you?" Kaminari blurted out.

I instantly blushed and looked down, extremely embarrassed by his comment.

Everyone started to yell all kinds of really awkward questions to me... "Whose clothes are they?!" "Y/n sensei are you dating someone?!" "Do they belong to Mr. Aizawa?!" "No way! She's probably dating All Might, right!?" "Didn't we see her with Hawks?!"

My face was bright red now as the students kept antagonizing me. Teenagers really do suck...

"You guys, I totally forgot, she was definitely dating Mr. Aizawa!" Kaminari yelled, and everyone snapped their heads towards him, giggling like crazy.

"Enough!" Shota called, his eyes glowing, and they shut up quickly.

After a few moments of silence, Pixie-Bob interrupted. "Why don't we all enjoy the hot springs now?!"

With that, the students were cheering and off to change, already forgetting about me.

"That was awful," I mumbled as Shota walked towards me.

He wrapped me in a huge hug, laughing softly, "It is cute seeing you in my clothes, though."

"Mmm," I groaned. "I totally should've changed."

I pulled away from his hug, "I'm going to explore."

"You don't want to go to the hot springs?" he asked.

"Uh, after that? No thanks..." I called while walking away.

As I was looking around, I ran into a little boy.

"Oi! Who are you!? Another stupid hero?!!!" he yelled.

"Retired hero. Current teacher," I corrected.

"Tch! All you heroes are the same!"

I sighed out heavily, "Yea, I mostly agree with you."

He looked at me from the corner of his eye, curious about my comment.

"What's your name, kid?" I asked.

"Kota." he huffed. "And what's your name? Something stupid I bet."

I laughed, "I'm Y/n. I guess it is kind of stupid." He seemed to relax at my words.

"Why are you here if you hate heroes?" I asked.

"Mandalay is my aunt. I live with her."

I nodded my head, finally putting the pieces together. "I see... I'm sorry, Kota. I know how you feel, I don't have any parents either." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at me with shock, "Y-you don't?"

I shook my head, "Nope."

I sat on the ground and he took a seat next to me.

"I'm sorry, too," he mumbled.

"Hey, it's ok! Me and you, we'll just stick together," I shook his hair and hat around.

He half-laughed, half-grumbled at my actions. "So, were your parents heroes too?" he asked softly.

"My parents? No," I laughed lightly. "They were quirkless villains actually... They did some terrible stuff, and I've been on my own since I was your age," I shrugged. "So, your parents were heroes?"

He barely nodded as tears came to his eyes. Poor kid. I bet his parents died in battle.

I put my arm around him, "You're a strong kid, Kota. Hang in there. You might even find a hero who changes your mind someday." I smiled at him brightly.

"Tch, doubt it."

"Hey! I'm a hero!! I thought we were hitting it off!?" I laughed, lightly punching him on the shoulder.

"You're old and retired."

A sweat drop came to my forehead, "I'm not that old, kid."

"Still, it doesn't count. Anyway, I gotta go."

"Bye, Kota! I'll see you soon my new friend!" I called after him. He gave me a wave while running away, and I just continued to sit there on the floor, my arms hung lightly around my knees.

"Whatcha doing?" I heard my favorite voice call.

"Oh, you know. Just hanging out and making new friends," I smiled.

"Well, I don't see anyone around. Plus, you're just sitting on the ground alone. Are you going crazy or something?" Shota teased while taking a seat next to me.

"Mmm, maybe. I wouldn't be surprised if I had just imagined the little boy with a hat who I was talking to." I laughed.

"Oh, Kota? No he's real. Thank goodness."

"The kid called me old... Is that what are students think too? Am I just an old, loser teacher?!" I whined.

Shota was laughing, "If you're old, what does that make me?"

"Oh, some washed-up, ancient dude. Definitely." I teased.

He just shook his head while he laughed.

"So, sleep well?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you. I'm actually feeling much better."

"Good. That's what I was hoping for."

"I think I'm actually ready for bed already... I might have sleep next to you more often." I winked at him.

He smiled back at me, "You're always welcome."

"Maybe tonight?" I asked with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"I thought you'd never ask."

With his response, I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss.

"The students will be going to sleep soon. Want to head to bed, too?" he asked while getting to his feet.

I nodded and accepted his hand, letting him help me up. Once I was up, he put his arm around me, and we walked together to his room.

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