Ok, sorry for the last chapter. I know it wasn't super relevant to the storyline... I'm just so excited to have sons someday, so I thought it'd be fun to write!!
Shota and I entered the conference room at UA.
I felt a little odd because everyone, including Shota, was in their hero costumes while I was wearing a white crop top, grey jogger sweats, my hair in a messy bun, and sneakers.
***Oop another outfit pic. I think this might be my thing.... unless it sucks and you hate it. Then just tell me and I'll stop*** 😂
I did just get out of the hospital... I'm sure it's fine.
"Y/N!!!" I heard Present Mic yell.
"We're so glad you're ok!" Midnight followed.
"Welcome!" All Might said.
"Oh, hey guys..." I said sheepishly.
"We saw Eraser Head earlier, but weren't expecting you to be here too!" Present Mic called.
"Well.." I scratched the back of my head. "It's important." I smiled.
Principal Nezu was at the front of the conference room. "Eraser Head. Amaterasu. We're glad you're here. Please take a seat." He smiled and held out his hand.
Suddenly, I felt two pairs of eyes following me as I walked.
Endeavor. What the hell is he doing here? And, is that Hawks?
We had never met before, but I recognized him from the rankings.
Hawks was sitting at the end of the conference table, right next to Principal Nezu who was at the head. Endeavor was sitting beside the bird boy.
"Looking a little beat up, Amaterasu." Endeavor called out.
He was right... I had cuts and bruises everywhere. Plus, you could see the bandage on my stomach since I was wearing a short shirt.
Asshole. I'm just going to ignore him.
"She's a true hero!" All Might called out, patting my back as I sat down.
"Careful," I whispered and gave him a small smirk. He remembered and quickly removed his hand.
My back is still killing me from earlier...
"So are you, but you look fine." Endeavor countered.
You know he must hate me when he calls All Might a true hero just to further insult you...
I looked dead into his eyes, "Why are you even here?" I kept my voice calm. "You're not a teacher, and you're sure as hell not a good mentor..."
I glanced over at Hawks. He had been staring at me the whole time. What the hell did this chicken want?
"The hell did you just say!?!" Endeavor yelled.
I just smirked... "Guess I hit a little too close to home."
"Let's just get down to business." Shota murmured.
I shot him a look. Geez, you could at least have my back...
"Yes, let's." Principal Nezu announced.
"Y/n." Nezu called.
I looked up at him. Now that Nezu's involved, there's no way I was going to start talking back. He deserved my respect.
"Hawks and Endeavor are some of our hero consultants," Nezu explained. "We have a few others as well. We call them in during dangerous times for additional guidance. It's been quite helpful for UA to stay close to the hero community."
I nodded in acceptance, "I'll always trust your judgement, Nezu." I smiled.
"Well then, for the matter at hand..." Nezu stated.
I glanced over at Hawks. He's still just staring at me. I held his gaze, hoping he'd take a hint.
Shota put his hand on my leg, and I looked over at him. He was just staring at me too.
I hope he doesn't think I'm making eyes at chicken boy.
I smiled and returned my attention back to Nezu.
"Yesterday was quite an experience. The group who infiltrated the USJ called themselves the League of Villains." Nezu continued, "All Might, will you explain what we have learned so far."
All Might recounted what happened. Explained the League of Villains. Identified the main villains, Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Talked about the Nomu's.
All Might recounted my fight as well. I'm sure he was doing this just to be nice given my encounter with Endeavor, but I was grateful.
"You did all of that?" Hawks spoke up for the first time.
I looked at him and gave a single nodded.
"It's pretty incredible you're even sitting here right now," He followed up, and I saw Endeavor look over at him.
"I'm just doing what I need to for my students," I replied simply.
"Speaking of students," Nezu started. "We need to decide how to respond. The UA Sports Festival is next weekend, just a week and a half away. We must figure out if we should proceed with the festival."
Endeavor responded abruptly, "Of course we must proceed with the festival!"
It was quiet for a moment. I looked around at the other heroes frantically.
We can't put them in harms way like that...
I noticed some of the others starting to nod their heads slowly... Making up their minds.
"You can't be serious..." I interjected. "If All Might and I weren't already on our way to the USJ yesterday, our students would be dead!"
It was scary, but it was true.
"We can't just put them on display right now. It's too dangerous. We should cancel the festival." Everyone was staring at me, silent.
I already knew they weren't going to agree, but I had to try.
Endeavor started to chuckle, "Of course you would choose to run from this, Amaterasu... That's what you do."
My heart started racing at his comment. My eyes were shooting daggers.
I jumped up and slammed my hands on the table. "I've had enough of you, Endeavor. I'm thinking of the students' safety. All you care about is yourself!"
"Ok, ok, let's calm down everyone." Present Mic interjected.
"How dare you accuse me of such selfishness!" Endeavor yelled back.
"Please, we all know you just want the opportunity to show off Shoto! You care more about your pride than your own son's well-being!" I was fuming.
He was about to scream back at me when Nezu interrupted, "Ok, so we have two who feel very strongly... How about the rest of you?"
No one was ready to speak up. I think we scared them a little bit...
Midnight spoke up first, "As a hero, I agree that we must continue with the festival"
Endeavor looked at me, beaming with pride.
"However, as their teacher and mentor, I cannot say I am comfortable going forward with the festival. I agree with y/n" She finished.
I looked at her with a soft smile.
Present Mic followed her statement, agreeing with me as well.
I looked at All Might, he was clearly conflicted. As was Shota.
All Might began to speak up, glancing at me right before he started.
He's going to agree with Endeavor.
"I'm sorry, y/n, but I'm afraid I must agree with continuing the festival. We can't let the people think, nor the villains believe, that we are afraid of their antics." He stated.
I quickly interjected, "And will we be able to keep all those spectators, all those people, safe?"
He continued, "The Sports Festival is an opportunity to show our strength and provide everyone with hope. We must go forward!"
I sighed, knowing how many would quickly follow his recommendation.
I was right. The other heroes started simply stating they agreed with All Might.
The only thing that made me happy was they were choosing this because of All Might, not Endeavor. Endeavor knew it too, and he looked pissed.
Nezu spoke up, "Eraser Head. Hawks. I'd like to hear your thoughts before making the final decision."
I looked at Shota. I wasn't expecting him to have my back, but I was secretly hoping he would.
He sighed, and didn't even look at me. "We can't cancel the festival."
Shota... I'm sure that wasn't easy for you. But I know you just want what's best, too.
Endeavor started laughing, "Rumor is you're both together... Even your own partner knows how incompetent you are, Amaterasu!"
I have had enough of this guy.... "Oh, fuck you Endeavor." I said in a monotone voice.
He definitely wasn't expecting that, his face actually started to turn red.
Present Mic started coughing from trying to hold back his laughter.
And Shota, Shota just looked at me. But I didn't break my eyes away from Endeavor.
He might be the #2 hero, but he's a weak man.
Nezu cleared his throat to bring the room back to attention, and turned his head. "Hawks?"
I looked at Hawks annoyed. Annoyed that Endeavor's little pet was the last one to speak up.
"Well..." Hawks started. "I'm not a teacher here, and I was never a student." He trailed off, giving this way more thought than I expected.
"Honestly, I've never met you, Amaterasu." He looked at me as he spoke, "But since you came in I could see how passionate you are. I would trust your judgment." He finished.
My heart dropped... What was that about?
I looked at him and gave him a small smile of gratitude, "Thank you, Hawks. It's, uh, nice to finally meet you."
Endeavor was clearly annoyed, but Hawks just patted his shoulder lightly. They must be fairly close.
Next to me, I could feel Shota tensing up.
Nezu let out a deep sigh. "You've all made some great point this afternoon, and I appreciate your input."
"Here's what we'll do... We will continue with the Sports Festival. However, we will get help from our hero consultants for patrol. If we catch wind of any villains planning an attack, we'll meet again to plan out our defense."
I felt defeated, but I meant what I said beforehand. I trust Nezu's judgment.
I spoke up, "I'd like to be involved in our safety plans and precautions. And, I'd like to start immediately, rather than waiting to hear of any villain attacks."
Nezu looked at me with a proud smile, "Of course, y/n. I think that's a wonderful idea. You will lead this. Hawks will help you and be our liaison to other heroes."
"Any other questions?" He continued.
"I feel great about this!" All Might announced. "With Amaterasu taking the lead on student safety, I know we'll be in good hands!" He gave me a thumbs up.
I just smiled at him. My outspoken persona quickly starting to fade.
"Great. Then let's disperse for the day. Thank you again," Nezu finished, getting up from his seat.
The heroes started chatting softly with one another, and I looked up at Shota.
Everyone was starting to leave.
"Shota, you ready?" I asked softly, not sure of his mood.
"Yea." He mumbled and got up to head towards the door.
Ok... I guess I'll just follow you.
As I was walking out, a voice called my name.
"Amaterasu!" Hawks called, jogging up to me.
I turned around, "Hey, Hawks." I smiled politely. "Thanks for your kind words in there. It meant a lot."
"No problem! I meant every word. Your battle yesterday, I just can't believe it..." He looked at me, a smile starting to stretch across his face.
"You really do live up to the rumors." He said shyly, slightly biting his lip.
Just then, Shota walked up to us and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. He started at Hawks, "What's up?"
"Umm... Amaterasu, I'd like to get your contact information so we can connect on the safety plans," He said really professionally, being wary of Shota.
"Oh of course! I'm glad you thought of it. We really don't have much time. Do you have your phone? I'll just add my number," I smiled warmly, trying to overcompensate for Shota.
He handed over his phone, and I let go of Shota's hand so I could put in my number and email.
As I handed back his phone, I said, "Also, you can just call me y/n. I like to skip the formalities."
He started to blush. Oh no, not right now... Shota quickly put his arm over me.
"Yea, sure, y/n." He smiled. "I'll be in touch soon. You guys have a good day!"
Shota and I started walking the other way. It was silent and tense.
As we left the school and were back on the street, Shota turned to me. "What the hell was that?"
"Hmm? What was what?" I said blankly.
"You were clearly flirting with Hawks. During and after the meeting." His voice getting louder.
"Shota... I really wasn't. In case you hadn't noticed, I was pretty engrossed in our plans for the festival."
"You told him to call you y/n."
"I tell literally everyone to call me that... I don't feel like a hero here, so I don't go by my hero name. And I don't want any connection to my parents, so I don't use my last name.... You know this."
He rolled his eyes and started to storm off.
"Shota! Where are you going? Please don't leave." I called after him.
"Let's just talk later. I need some air." He mumbled as he continued to leave.
I sighed, defeated. Thinking about how I never got to tell him how I feel.
Shota.... I really do love you.
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