I dropped into the USJ from the ceiling, frantically trying to put the pieces together.
Where the fuck is Shota...
My eyes continued to scan the area.
What is that thing? My eyes widened with horror at the oversized bird brain.
All Might crashed in, "Everything will be ok! Because I am here!" Thumbs up and all.
He immediately started moving students to safety.
Shit the students!! I was still just standing in the same place I flew in from, blending into the chaos.
I'm really off my game here.
As I was about to join All Might, my eyes caught hold of a motionless body.
"Shota!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My heart breaking.
no no no no....
I flew over to him as quickly as I could, not noticing that my scream had caught everyone's attention.
He's still breathing. Good.
"Is that... Amaterasu!?" I heard a shriek.
Fuck.... It can't be. I raised my eyes from Shota's body. Shigaraki.
"We figured All Might was going to be here, but this is a real treat!" He squealed.
I looked around desperately, scanning for another certain someone.
"Oh, he's not here..." Shigaraki giggled. "Kurogiri! Look who it is! Our dear Amaterasu."
Of course Kurogiri is here.
All Might was finally standing beside me, having gotten the kids to safety and handling the no-name villains.
"Don't worry, Amaterasu! I'll handle this!" He gave me a thumbs up.
I was standing in attack position in front of Shota.
I'll die before I let him lay a hand on you, Shota.
I noticed Katsuki and Kirishima starting to inch closer to the action.
"You two! Come grab Eraser Head and get out of here! NOW!" I ordered.
When they safely retrieved him, I put my attention back onto All Might.
"Carolina Smash!" All Might called out while striking the bird brain for the first time.
Nothing... He absorbed it. I tried to hide the panic I was starting to feel.
Don't show your weakness. Don't show your fear.
"Oh, y/n-chan..." Shigaraki called. "I would hate for you to get bored just standing there all alone."
His eyes lit up. "Kurogiri! Bring me another Nomu! I think y/n wants to play." He began chuckling uncontrollably.
Stop using my name, fucker. I was so nervous All Might was listening, but he looked pretty preoccupied at the moment.
Next thing I knew, another Nomu had appeared through Kurogiri's portal.
"This one's yours, Nomu." Shigaraki laughed while pointing to me.
I stared down the bird man. Blood Manipulation. 20%.
My body started burning all over. I haven't used this in years.
The Nomu didn't fall, or really even slow down at all as he continued to approach me.
Blood Manipulation. 50%.
I let out a bloodcurdling scream. "Ahhhhhh!" This hurts so much more than I remember.
"Does anyone know if this stupid thing is human!?!" I called to literally anyone who was listening.
Nomu had slowed down to a snail-like speed as it tried to fight through my quirk.
"No! It doesn't appear to be!!!" Midoriya called in response.
"At least not anymore." Shigaraki chuckled.
My heart hurt for whoever's body they had use to make this monster... I can put it out of its misery.
"Amaterasu, keep that thing alive! We need information!" All Might called over.
"Focus on yourself, All Might. My priority is keeping everyone else here alive." I said in a low voice so none of the students would hear.
Shigaraki started laughing maniacally, "You've always had a taste for killing, haven't you!?"
I closed my eyes, still focusing on the Blood Manipulation, and took a deep breath.
My eyes shot open. Glowing a deep green. All Might looked over as the energy around me surged.
"Amaterasu!?" He called in a worried voice.
"Don't worry All Might." I yelled back.
"Oh Amaterasu, your eyes are just so beautiful when they carry that dark power!" Shigaraki called.
All Might was still landing attacks on his Nomu to no avail.
It's quirk was shock absorption and strength. So we won't shock.... We'll slice.
Metal wielding.
I held my hand out, causing a piece of scrap metal on my left to burst shakily out of the debris.
It started to bend and mold into the shape of a sword, flying into my outreached hand.
It's not the one from my hero costume, but it'll have to do.
The Nomu was still struggling to go to even a normal speed with my Blood Manipulation, but I wouldn't be able to keep this up for long.
I'll have to make this quick.
"Air Slice!" I yelled, causing currents of wind to form around the blade of the makeshift sword.
I jumped into the air with the sword above my head and came soaring towards Nomu.
One hit. Come on, y/n.
But with the use of my air quirk, the Blood Manipulation had depleted and Nomu was able to raise its arm in defense.
"Ahhhh!" I yelled as I sliced through Nomu's forearm.
It dropped and rolled away from its body while it let out a beastly scream.
Quickly, the monster had regenerated its missing limb.
Was not expecting that.
"All Might! It has regenerate powers too! Be careful!" I called.
"Oh no y/n, what are you going to do now?" Shigaraki smirked.
Why isn't he talking shit to All Might too!? He said they came here for him, not me!
"I'm just excited to finally have a challenge." I smirked.
Not very hero-like, but I did have an affinity for fights.
I began charging at Nomu, causing the earth beneath to shoot up in pillar-like stairs so I could get closer to its face.
When I got to the top of my earth stairs, I pushed off as hard as I could to get the momentum I needed.
"Fire ball!" I threw my arm back and landed a fiery fist in its face.
I watched the beast stumble backwards as I landed on the ground in a crouched position.
Good, I damaged its eye. Maybe if I concentrate my Blood Manipulation there, it won't be able to regenerate.
Blood Manipulation. 15%.
It worked! It was blinded in at least one eye! That's a start.
But I couldn't use my Blood Manipulation to stop its speed and strength now.
"For a hero, you sure use that villainous quirk quite a bit." Shigaraki's tone had completely changed. He was mad now. Incessantly scratching his neck.
I was distracted by Shigaraki's words and Nomu came charging right at me, hitting me directly in the stomach.
I flew back almost 20 feet before creating an earth wall to catch my blow.
I wheezed on impact and began coughing out bits of blood, getting the wind knocked out of me.
Shit, that hurt. And I lost my Blood Manipulation so its eye had returned.
I stood up and braced myself as Nomu was already charging me a second time.
At the last moment, I stomped my foot on the ground, quickly raising the piece of earth under me like a free-floating platform.
I shot into the air with the slab of rock, and when Nomu arrived at where I previously stood, I brought my leg above my head...
"Earth smash!" I yelled as I brought my leg down with full force and kicked the rock down, smashing Nomu's head. It let out a shriek.
Again. Don't let up!
I began to dive head first in the air toward the injured Nomu.
"Water whip!" I called as I formed a literal water whip around Nomu's neck, yanking back as hard as I could to send it flying.
"Earth Wall!" A thick wall appeared behind the flying Nomu and it crash landed.
Last hit before the finale...
I began to sprint towards the monster and caused another giant slab of rock to burst towards the sky while jumping in the air.
"Earth Smash!" I yelled again, using the momentum of my jump to slam the rock onto Nomu's head with my leg.
I landed crouched down, almost in a sprinter's starting position, and the force from the smash sent me sliding back.
Good I bought myself a few seconds.
I looked towards, All Might, the students were cheering us to victory.
It looked like he was putting the final moves on his attacker.
Time to end this.
I stood up tall, and put my hand out towards the sword I had made earlier.
It flew into my hand, and I took one last deep inhale.
Kurogiri's vortex was right behind the wall I had smashed Nomu into. He has it opened, ready to escape.
I'll move the rock wall, land some final slices onto Nomu, and kick him back into the vortex. That way, the students won't see that he's been killed and most likely sliced in half.
Heroes don't kill, but this isn't a human. And All Might is almost out of strength.
I was still questioning the decision that I had made when I first saw this monster.
It has to go.
"Elemental Blade." I breathed out. Focusing intensely on my final attack.
Water, earth, fire, and air started swirling around the blade of my sword.
I started charging Nomu, but it was beginning to get up, getting ready to fight again.
My body is going to hate me after this.
I kept running, bringing the sword into attack position.
Blood Manipulation. 50%.
After the blows it had received, Nomu couldn't even move with the Blood Manipulation.
I jumped into the air, somersaulting for momentum, and aimed for its neck.
The blade sliced through like it was cutting through butter.
I slashed diagonally, starting in its neck and moving downward across its body.
As my blade pierced through the last of its body, I spun around to give it a roundhouse kick.
Just as I planned, Nomu went flying back through the portal. It would slice apart when it got through to the other side.
I dropped to my knees as the elements dispersed. Just as I was about to let go of goddess state, I heard Shigaraki.
"You chose the wrong side, Amaterasu." He said in a dark mumble.
I slowly lifted my head towards him, and started to raise to my feet.
"You're next, Shigaraki." I whispered just low enough for him to hear. I barely took my first step forward when I heard a loud smash.
All Might had blasted Nomu through the USJ ceiling!
"The League of Villains is over!" All Might called.
The pause in momentum caused my adrenaline to drop dramatically. I felt my eyes roll back in my head as I left goddess state, and dropped to the ground.
"Amaterasu!" I heard Katsuki call.
"We should leave, Shigaraki." Kurogiri said, finally speaking up.
"Why would we leave when both Amaterasu and All Might have reached their limits! Now is our time!"
Just then, the heroes smashed through the front of the USJ with Ida... Just in time.
"You won't be so lucky next time." Shigaraki called, almost in a hush, as Kurogiri transported him away.
Barely able to keep my eyes open, I hear two people rushing towards me.
"y/n-sensi, are you ok!?" Kirishima called as he kneeled to help pick me up.
"HEY GET YOUR OLD ASS UP!" Katuski yelled as he lifted me from the other side, one arm over each of their shoulders.
"Dude, don't scream at her! Can't you see how hurt she is!?" Kirishima responded frantically.
"I'm..just glad..you're both ok..." I mumble out, trying to force a small smile.
"Don't talk, y/n, we're going to get you some help!" Kirshimia encouraged .
Then I remember...
"Shota.... where's. shota." It's the last thing I muttered before everything faded to black.
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