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If you visit the green islands of Britain or Ireland, you may be fortunate enough to receive an invitation from a mysterious young man or woman in possession of an unnatural beauty. Should you choose to accept it, you will be taken to a magical land far from the realm of mortals, a realm men and women only tell tales of. Fairy tales. 

The people of this land are beyond human, almost spirit, and their rulers are perhaps gods themselves. The Irish call the land Tir Na Nog, the Land of the Young, home of the Tuatha De Danann, the children of gods that ruled the island before men. The Welsh call it Annwn, a land of delights, abundance, and eternal youth ruled by a mighty king named Arawn. Finally, the English and Scottish associate the land with fairies, or fay spirits, and their magnificent queen, naming the land Elfame or the Seelie Court. But all can agree that it is a world unlike our own, filled with magic and mystery and inhabited by strange, beautiful creatures, so they often simply call it the Otherworld.

Should you find yourself entering this world, you may be pleased to find yourself entering a realm of joy and whimsical bliss. The fair folk and their queen are welcoming to those who can find them, after all. However, be warned, there may be unintended consequences for those who stumble upon the land of magic. An Irish warrior once fell in love with a maiden of the Otherworld, who took him to her home. Eventually, however, he became homesick, and returned home on a flying horse, only to find that three hundred years had passed in his absence and age to dust when he touched the ground. And even if you do get back alive, your neighbors may not be so accepting of your trip, treating you just like the Scottish did when they burned women as witches for meeting the Fairy Queen.

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