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getting worse...also any story ideas/requests let me know! hopefully chatgpt will come up with something exciting :)

Ahsoka Tano stood at the threshold of the Jedi Temple, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. She had made the difficult decision to leave the Jedi Order, to forge her own path and seek her own destiny. But leaving meant leaving everything behind, including her love, Y/N.

Y/N, standing a few steps away, watched Ahsoka with pleading eyes. They knew they couldn't let her go without a fight, without at least trying to convince her to stay.

"Please, Ahsoka," Y/N pleaded, their voice trembling with emotion. "Don't do this. Don't turn your back on everything we've built together, on the Jedi who have become your family."

Ahsoka looked at Y/N, pain etched on her face. She had expected this moment, the moment when Y/N would beg her to reconsider. But deep down, she knew that her decision had been made. She couldn't ignore the flaws and corruption within the Jedi Order any longer.

"I can't stay, Y/N," Ahsoka whispered, her voice filled with sadness. "The Jedi Order has lost its way. I can't be a part of it anymore."

Y/N stepped closer, desperation in their eyes. "But we can fight to change it, Ahsoka. We can make it better. Together."

Ahsoka's gaze wavered, torn between her love for Y/N and her conviction to leave. She reached out, her hand gently touching Y/N's cheek.

"I love you, Y/N," she said softly, her voice cracking with emotion. "But I have to find my own path, my own purpose. I can't let the Jedi Order define me any longer."

Y/N's face crumpled, tears streaming down their cheeks. "Please, Ahsoka. Think about what you're giving up. Think about us."

Ahsoka closed her eyes, tears of her own mingling with Y/N's. She wished she could change her mind, that she could stay and fight alongside Y/N. But the weight of the Jedi's mistakes was too heavy, and she knew she had to walk away.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Ahsoka whispered, her voice barely audible. "I have to do this."

With a heavy heart, Ahsoka turned away from Y/N and walked into the unknown. The pain of leaving her love behind was almost unbearable, but she believed in her decision, believed that it was the right path for her.

As Y/N watched Ahsoka disappear into the distance, their heart shattered into a million pieces. They had failed to convince her, failed to make her see that they could overcome the flaws of the Jedi Order together. And now, they were left with nothing but emptiness and regret.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Y/N tried to move on, tried to fill the void that Ahsoka's absence had left. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't escape the pain of losing her.

In their heart, Y/N knew that Ahsoka was out there, fighting her own battles, carving her own destiny. And though they couldn't be by her side, they hoped that one day she would find peace, find the answers she sought.

But for now, all they could do was carry the weight of their unrequited love and the memories of a bond that had been severed too soon.

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