Chapter 8: Checking In

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Ahsoka and Lux landed their Rupings on top of the Unifar Temple, both of them laughing and having a good time.

"That was so fun!" Said Ahsoka.

"I know, right?" Replied Lux.

"I'm happy we got to spend this time together. It's not very often a Jedi gets to do thing like these."

"Oh, come on, you're a Jedi! You go on adventures like these all the time!"

Ahsoka's expression became slightly more somber.

"Yeah, but... it's just so much responsibility during those missions. I have to protect people. Clones, civilians, even my master sometimes. It's hard. Where here, everything is so happy and lighthearted, so free of the pressure and responsibility... I wish this war never happened, I've seen so many people die."

Lux started to look a little down, too. "It's okay, Ahsoka. I feel the same way about the war, too. It took my parents from me, and it even took my home from me. But we won it back, Ahsoka. Never forget, Onderon loves you."

Lux held in the urge to say "and I love you too."


Ahsoka was required to report back to the council again, so she turned on her hologram, and the images of Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, and Windu lit up once more.

"How is the mission going," asked Windu.

"It's going well," replied Ahsoka.

"Has anything happened to Senator Bonteri yet?"

"No. Not yet."

"And have you had any further visions about the assasination?"

"No, just the one."

The group continued to talk about how the mission was going for a few minutes, before thay all bowed and disconnected. Except for Anakin, that is.

"What is it this time, Master," Ahsoka asked.

"I'm... worried about your relationship with Senator Bonteri," replied Anakin, "I was meditating and I saw you two were having a good time. Surely, you don't have feelings for him, do you?"

"Hey, Skyguy, just because I'm having a good time doesn't mean I have feeling for him," she lied. In reality her feelings for Lux had been bubbling up more and more the longer they were with each other.

"I sense you are uneasy, young one," Anakin replied.

"I'm... just... nervous about the vision I had, that's all."

"Be careful, Snips. And I know I've told you this a million times, but-"

"Purpose comes before feelings," Ahsoka finished his sentence for him. Anakin smirked.

"Well, see ya later," said Anakin.

"See you soon, Skyguy," Ahsoka replied.

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