Chapter 4: Worries

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Ahsoka awoke to the fact that Lux was sleeping right next to her, with his head resting on her shoulder. She had been awoken in the middle of the night by a nightmare of Lux being assassinated, and he had come in to comfort her. It appeared they both fell back asleep while doing so. She tried to scooch over and off of her bed, but Lux woke up when she tried to do so.

"H-huh?" Lux said, groggily.

Ahsoka looked back at him, smiling.

"My goodness," said Lux, trying not to laugh. "I fell asleep on you. I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay," said Ahsoka, "It's probably why I didn't have another nightmare."

"No, I should have left when you fell back to sleep, but I couldn't help it. You looked so peaceful, especially after your rude awakening last night. Before I knew it, I guess I was asleep too. Sorry..."

"Again, it's okay. I just-"

Her comlink beeped, indicating her masters wanted to meet with her.

"Aw, kriff! I have to talk with the council, I'm sorry."

Lux walked out of the room, and Ahsoka patched the transmission through.

The hologram came on, displaying the images of Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin again, with the additional Mace Windu.

"Good morning, padawan," said Yoda.

"Good morning, Master Yoda," Ahsoka said with a bow.

"Master Yoda told me he's putting you in charge of the next expedition to Illum. I'm impressed at your achievements. I look forward to seeing you later today."

Ahsoka looked uncertain. If I left now, she thought, Lux wouldn't be safe.

"Is everything alright," asked Obi-Wan, "you seem a little uncertain."

"Last night, I had a vision," Ahsoka said, "Lux and I were standing on a balcony when he was shot by a sniper."

The four Jedi looked concerned.

"You think this is a premonition," said Windu.

"Yes, I'm sure of it. I saved Senator Amidala before when I had a premonition like this one. I... I know this is a sudden decision, but I want to stay on Onderon for a little while longer. The Gathering isn't until a few weeks from now."

Windu and Yoda shot each other nods of approval, and looked back at Ahsoka.

"You can stay on Onderon for another week or so," said Windu, "If you need any longer, inform us and we can have another Padawan lead the Gathering."

"Thank you," Ahsoka said.

"May the force be with you, young padawan," said Yoda.

Windu, Yoda, and Obi-Wan bowed with Ahsoka and disconnected, but Anakin's hologram stayed active.

"What's wrong, master?" Asked Ahsoka.

"Just how close are you with Senator Bonteri," Anakin asked.

The question came as a shock to Ahsoka. Jedi were forbidden from forming attachments, so why would he assume they were any more than just close friends, even if she had expressed some feelings about hima nd Steela the previous night?

"I... we're good friends," Ahsoka responded, "but, why do you ask? You say that like you think we're... you know..."

"I understand Ahsoka. But I noticed you behave a little... different around him. I saw how you looked at him when he was around Steela. I just was a little worried you were forming an attachment."

"I'm fine, Master."

"It's okay.  I just want to let you know that if you're spending more time with him, don't get attached to him. And remember, purpose comes before feelings," Anakin said before disconnecting.

He said that sometimes, to not let your feelings come before your actions. But it was quite ironic. Anakin was known for being rather impulsive, and he himself sometimes allowed for his feelings to get the best of him. But it wasn't that much of a worry. He was kind, strong, and caring, and a good soldier too. An Ahsoka knew he'd never let her down.

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