Chapter 27: The Duel

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Ahsoka lept back away from Dooku, dodging the red saber which would have come down right on her. Dooku tried to swing another blow at her, but she ducked under it. Dooku tried again to bring her saber down on Ahsoka, but she moved to the side quickly and jumped over the Count.

"You are quite the agile warrior," said Dooku as he again tried to swing at Ahsoka, who leapt just out of his reach.

"Well, do you think I want to get hit?" Ahsoka mocked.

Dooku grunted in anger at the offensive remark.

Dooku swung twice at Ahsoka, both of which she blocked. Dooku swung again, and Ahsoka backed up to avoid, it, before leaping forward to try and bring her saber down on him. He blocked it, pushing Ahsoka back. 

"I sense there is anger within you." said Dooku.

He was right. Ahsoka was quite angry. Dooku had caused others so many pain, and he started a war, which had killed so many people, so many friends, so many comrades...

He must pay! Ahsoka thought, He needs to die! He keeps trying to kill Lux!

Dooku charged forward a little to try and bring his saber sown on Ahsoka. She blocked it again with her lightsabers in an X-shape. Dooku lifted his lightsaber and tried to hit her from the side, but she blocked that with her shoto lightsaber. 

"Use your anger, young Tano," Dooku taunted.

Ahsoka was beginning to lose control of her emotions. As the fight went on, she was fighting less in self-defence, and was instead fighting with the intent to harm or even kill Dooku. He had been behind this conspiracy to assassinate Lux, after all. She wanted revenge.

She began to go on the offensive. She hit her lightsabers up against Dooku's red blade multiple times in rapid succession. Dooku stumbled a little. Soon, Ahsoka managed to get a hit past the blade and just barely managed to singe his suit. Dooku fell back. Ahsoka lept over Dooku to try and hit him from behind, but he managed to block that. She once again tried to rapidly slash at him, but he managed to block all the hits this time. Dooku then tried to swing at Ahsoka twice, and she blocked it both times. She then moved in to land a hit on Dooku. She succeded,  but only managed to get in a flesh wound. The count winced in pain.

Ahsoka was winning.

Dooku, realizing he was loosing, jumped out through the window, into a street of screaming civilians. There was a Separatist shuttle flying just over the street with it's ramp down, and a tactical droid inside.

Ahsoka followed Dooku out the window and into the street as Dooku jumped into the shuttle. H turned around and faced Ahsoka.

"You were an admirable opponent, young Tano," said the count, "Perhaps even more so than your master. But be warned, the Sith aren't done with you just yet."

And then, the ramp closed and the shuttle zoomed off.

As Ahsoka cooled off from the duel, she rushed back into the restaurant and headed right for Lux.

"Lux," she said, "Lux, Lux! Can you hear me!? CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!?"

She started to freak out. Not knowing what else to do, she picked him up and made a dash for the Unifar Temple.

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