Chapter 20: Mission Accomplished

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Lux watched as Ahsoka walked into the palace, with Cad Bane tied up in Rope being escorted by the royal militia.

"I knew you could do it," said Lux.

"I know. I did it for you."

But there was something about Ahsoka that seemed... distressed. Even though she seemed happy, some minor facial gestures suggested otherwise.

"Ahsoka, are you alright?" Lux asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let me report in with the council. Tell them I've stopped the assassination and captured Bane."

"Are you sure the threat is over?"

"Yes. Bane is the best bounty hunter out there. Dooku would have no reason to send a weaker one when I bested his strongest. Either way, I'll probably be required to stay with you a few more days to make sure you're safe. I did have a week allotted for this anyways."

"Dooku's behind this!?!?"

"Yeah, apparently he still wants you dead."

"Well, you best report it the the council."

"Don't worry, I will."


Ahsoka stood in front of the holograms of Windu, Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan to report her success.

"I have good news," said Ahsoka, "I've thwarted the assassination."

"Good job, padawan," said Windu.

"I knew you'd do it, Snips," said Anakin.

"So, who was the assassin," asked Obi-Wan.

"Cad Bane," replied Ahsoka, "And apparently Dooku put him up to this. And he knew I was here."

Yoda seemed concerned. 

"Not public, this assignment was," he said.

"Dooku may have foreseen it," Ahsoka said.

"Well, we'll interrogate Bane once he reaches Couruscaunt, said Windu.

"Also," added Obi-Wan, "Did you encounter a Todo unit?"

"No, why?"

"He's normally accompanied by one. If you didn't encounter one during the fight, it's likely out there. It might try to rescue Bane, so be alert."

"Okay, thanks for letting me know," replied Ahsoka.

"Well, we'll see you soon," said Windu, "You should stay on Onderon a little longer though, in case Bane escapes."

"Will do."

Ahsoka bowed to the Holograms as they bowed back and went offline.

A few minutes, Lux walked in the room.

"Hey, Ahsoka," he said, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, trying to hide what she did to Bane, and her brush with the dark side.

"I... you don't seem okay. You're hiding something."

"No," Ahsoka said.

"Well, I... Then I guess... well, I was wondering... there's... someplace I want to show you."

"Well, okay. That sounds nice."

"Trust me, it will be."

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