Chapter 13: Saw Finds Out

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Saw Gerrera was walking in the hallway, thinking about the experiences from the Onderon Rebellion. It was quite odd that it had been less than a week ago that he was still fighting Separatist droids, and his sister was still alive.

In the midst of this thinking, Saw almost bumped into his friend Lux Bonteri.

"Pardon me," said Lux.

"No, pardon me," replied Saw, "I was lost in thought."

"Still having a hard time over Steela's death?"


"It's okay. She was a good friend. I feel for you, and so does Ahsoka. Every now and then she brings it up and she still blames herself for it."

Saw thought about that response. A good friend? Didn't Lux have feelings for Steela?

"Hey," replied Saw, "You said she was a good friend. Didn't she... You know... Kiss you?"

"Well, I was going to friend-zone her if she had lived! Besides, there's plenty more fish in the sea."

"Like Ahsoka?"

Lux seemed shocked, and tried to form a reply.

"Wha- What do you mean? Do you really think I have feelings for a Jedi!?!?"

"Uhm, yeah? I've seen how you two act. You have a great time together, and whenever Steela was around, Ahsoka looked jealous."

Lux, still in denial, said, "Well, maybe she has feelings for me, I don't know! But I don't have feelings for her!"

Saw looked intensely at Lux.

"Okay, maybe I do have a crush on her..." Lux tried to say.

Saw kept looking.

"Okay, I'm madly in love with her. Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"I don't like this, Lux," replied Saw, "forming attachments with a Jedi?"

Lux let his feelings out, and said, "I... welll... It's not my fault she's so pretty, and brave, and elegant, and..."

Saw looked intensely at Lux again.

"Dammit Saw..."

But then, Saw smirked.

"I knew you had something for her. She's good for you, after all."

Lux, shocked again, said "W-wha? You're accepting this?"

"Look, if by any chance you two decide to get together, I'll keep it a secret. It could be good for us, to get her back here if the Separatists try to invade again, so there's something in it for all of us. Besides, why shouldn't a Jedi form attachments?" Saw never really understood that part of the Jedi code.

Lux noticed saw was behaving rather out-of-sorts. He had known Saw for being a serious strategist and warrior, so now why was he being a little light-hearted?

"Well, I... guess I'll be on my way then..." said Lux.

Saw smirked, "it's okay with me Lux. You can always count on me."



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