VI - a bolt and a showdown

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"You listen well, brother-" Regina suppressed a laugh as Tony tackled Thor as he was about to continue, leaving Loki stood there alone.

"...I'm listening?"

Regina dropped from her branch to stand beside him.He didn't flinch at the sudden company. "Terrible, aren't they? Some people just suck at holding a conversation." She said smoothly, walking up to the edge of the cliff. She heard Loki follow her and they watched as Thor threw his hammer at the expecting Iron Man. "Oh dear." Regina said monotonously. "Tony will not like that."

Loki didn't reply, just sat himself down with a smirk. She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. Thor summoned his hammer back and began to spin it, obviously preparing for another throw, but Tony interrupted with a blast from the suit, sending Thor crashing through a tree.

After a lengthy and rather dramatic fight (and Natasha said that she was the one that always made a scene), they had moved to a clearing further away.

Regina sighed, standing back up and brushing her hands on her thighs. "Okay, I'm out. Stay here, Sunshine, I do hate running after people." She sighed, pulling her hood up. "Tony's going to get his ass kicked, and as awesome as that would be, his girlfriend can be pretty terrifying."

"I wouldn't recommend going down there." Loki said as lightening struck in the distance.

"Yeah, yeah, nobody ever reccomends stuff," She rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't put a gun there Regina, don't eat that Regina, don't lick a swingset Regina - so controlling, honestly." She shook her head, before giving him a small smirk. "In a while, crocodile." She said, before stepping off of the edge of the cliff. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she felt a rippling through her body as she teleported herself to where Tony and Thor were fighting it all out. She held up a hand to Thor, who was swinging his hammer to accumulate energy while Tony was on the ground.

"Hold up, Princess." She said calmly. "You wouldn't hit a fair maiden, would you?"

"Move out of the way." He ordered.

Regina scoffed, hands falling to her sides as she stood up straighter. "Not even a please. That's just rude, man, who the hell raised you? I should beat your ass for that shit." Thor didn't seem to have any morals on attacking a "fair maiden" when she challenged him (which, really? Regina could give him hella props for that.). This is why which is why his next move was to point his hammer to Regina, sending a bolt of lightening directly to her chest. She held up her hands, planting her feet as it did. She heard Tony leave behind her, and when Thor let up she was still standing her ground. "Alright, pretty pissed at that one."

Thor stared at her, bewildered that she withheld his blast, before he was taken to the ground by Tony punching him. Slowly, Regina lowered so that she could plant her sparking hand to the ground. "Asshole." She muttered, letting it all go as the electricity shot straight to Thor, and by default, Tony. They were blasted away from each other, leaving Thors hammer on the ground and damaging more than a few trees while they were at it. Regina scoffed, shaking her head as she brushed the dirt from her knee. "Ready to chill out now, Raspunzel?"

Thor did not like the sound of that, and he and Tony charged to one another again, only to be interrupted by Steves shield bouncing from the both of them. "Hey! That's enough." He announced.

"Hm. Patriotic." Regina muttered, observing his proud stance stood upon the rocks. She crossed her arms as Steve jumped down. Steve looked just as disapproving of Thor and Tonys brawl as she expected him to, really. 

"Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here-"

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes." Thor said, picking up the hammer. Regina figured he didn't sound at all ready to back down yet. Hell, the guy wasn't even winded. It made her wonder how they managed to get Loki so easily.

"Then prove it." Steve said. "Put that hammer down."

"Oh, shit." Regina sighed. "T, play me some funeral music. Fit for a military-style one, y'know? Caps writing his own obituary here."

"Yes, Miss Staves. Playing your 'Potts vs Stark' playlist."

"Yeah... No, bad call." Tony objected to Steve. "He loves his hammer-" He was cut off by Thor swinging his hammer back at him, sending Tony flying into Regina and the both of them into a tree. Regina groaned and Tony rolled off of her.

She got winded a lot easier than Thor, she concluded. "You want me to put the hammer down?" Said god challenged. He took a leap and aimed to hit his hammer on Steve, but it instead came in contact with the shield. Regina pulled her hood down to shield her face from the twigs that had easily scattered from the energy boom, and noted Thor himself being blasted away from the impact.

Tony groaned as he sat up. "You okay, Staves?" He asked.

"Aside form being genetically mutated from birth, blown up by a bomb as a prebuescent, and just now being crushed by a hunk of metal? Pretty good, actually." She shrugged, taking his hand so that he could help her up. They ended up in some weird stand-off circle, like they were challenging one another to see who would back off first.

This really was the most annoying mission yet.

"Are we done here?" Steve asked.

They didn't answer right away, Thor looking at the carnage of the trees in the forest before he slightly nodded. "Fun." Regina muttered, picking out the twigs that made their way into her hood. She sighed, cracking her neck. "Well, I'm going to get back to that moody theater kid we left on the cliff. Have fun with your testosterone, boys."

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