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Me: And that concludes today's report, boss.

Boss: I see. So you'll be pretending to be his soon-to-be fiancee... That makes it easier to formulate a plan of action going forward, but... Your increased proximity to the target does concern me. Please be cautions. You can't let him turn the tables on you.

Me: Come on, Boss.. Do you have any idea how many aliases I've assumed since joining the EAC?

Boss: I know, and that's a fair point... But I expect a lot out of my best actress.

If I were to let my emotions get the best of me and reveal myself to Jimin, that would be the end for me. When boss says I can't let Jimin turn the tables on me, he's not joking. I'm ruminating on my own dangerous position when a call from Jimin interrups my thoughts.


Me: This is a surprise. I didn't expect you to get in touch so soon.

Jimin: When I asked you to dress up, you really took it to heart.

Jimin spits, glaring at my unusually flamboyant outfit. Well, we've already made our deal... And this guy detests anything unnecessary. I can guess what my first task will be. Today will probably be the day he officially introduces me to his employees. Which is precisely why I've chosen such a feminine outfit. My usual clothes are little too severe for such an occasion. They're fine for a businesswoman, but they're a little too drab for my current rose as a "girlfriend". Still, no one would take me seriously if I wore something too gaudy...

Me: What do you think? Not too much, but not too little... Do I look like a woman who belongs at your side?

Jimin: ....

Here we go again.. Meh, whatever. His silence is tacit approval.

Jimin: As you guessed, I will be introducing you to the board of directors today.

Me: Understood. Let's make sure this goes well.

Secretary: Sir...

Just then, there's a polite knock at the door. Jimin waves the secretary in and, speaking calmly, she states...

Secretary: It's nearly time.

Jimin: Alright.

Gazing my way, Jimin gives me a little nod. I'm not really his girlfriend, and I'm never going to be engaged to him, but I've got to be even more convincing than a real girlfriend in the eyes of his employees. Everything depends on how well I'll be able to pull this off. I've got make this happen.


Jimin: So, I'd like to take this opportunity to make an introduction. This is Song Areum. We have plans to be engaged.

Me: Hello, everyone. I'm Song Areum. It's an honor to meet you all.

I politely bow, and a buzz rises up in the room.

Executive 1: Wait just a minute. What happen to your engagement to the CEO of J-Cloud's daughter...?

Executive 2: That was called off, remember? Still sir... Calling off one engagement only annouce another one so soon after...

Jimin: I understand your concern completely. I have no plans to publicly announce our relationship any time soon. In fact, I'd like to keep news of today's introduction within the company.

Executive 3:  I see, well. This is too sudden, but you haven't had much luck with any of the engagements we've attempted to arrage... So the fact that you've found a woman you feel you can be serious about is probably cause for celebration.

Although the younger employees seem bewildered and perturbed, the older one are smilling magnanimously. Wow.. I thought they'd be more critical, but some of the employees are actually very understanding. They want Jimin to get engaged for the sake of the company, but they don't seem to have bad ittentions..

Daniel: Are you quite sure about this?

That's the guy I met in Jimin's office. Is she really here for the right reasons? Falling for a woman from a consulting firm out of the blue... It's all very suspicious. How can you be sure she doesn't have ulterior motives of her own?

That's right. Jimin has lots of employees, but Daniel is the one we really need to convice. Something clicks into place in my mind, and a switch flips inside of me. Speaking quitely but firmly, I respond.

Me: If I may be so bold... We genuilely love each other.

Daniel: But...

Me: You can doubt me if you want. I don't mind, but don't insult our feelings for each other. I love Jimin.

My voice wavers with emotion, and tears well up in my eyes. I subtly lean in close, and a heartbeat later, Jimin wraps an arm around my shoulders.

Jimin: I'm sorry, but my decision has already been made. You can't change my mind. That's all I have to say for today.

Executive 4:  Come on, Daniel, you heard the man. This information is to stay within the company. There's no harm is sitting back and watching to see how things go for the time being.

Daniel: Yes, I suppose.

And so, leaving Jimin and me with one last cutting look, Daniel exits the room. Once everyone's gone, the secretary closes the door, and Jimin quickly lets go of me.

Jimin: Even cheap play acting has a time and place.

Me: Today was round one. This is how it's going to be at the beginning. Now we just need to consistently play our parts.

Jimin: Before we get to that..

He holds out a document. Is this my fake girlfriend contract?

Jimin: Sign here.

I carefully look over the contract, but I don't find anything strange or out of the ordinary. It seems to be exactly what he says it is. Man, talk about vigilant. Then again, if he wasn't so careful, I'd be in trouble. Accepting the fountain pen he offers me, I sign with my non-dominant hand. As I'm singing, Jimin's gaze remains focused solely on me. Despite the fact that the contract is for Song Areum and not Y,/N, singing it sill makes me feel a little tense. There we go.. Now it's even more clear than I'm bound by this contract. After taking a breath, I look up.

Me: It's really official now.

Jimin: That's right.

Secretary: Wait!

That was Jimin's secretary...

Secretary: You can't, Mr. Daniel, Mr. Park is in the middle of something...

Daniel: Who do you think you're talking to? I told you, I need to speak with the CEO.

Secretary: All unscheduled meetings with Mr. Park must go through me. Do you have am appointment with Mr. Park?

Daniel: How dare you...

Jimin: Sound like Daniel is back.

Me: He's the most skeptical of the bunch. We'll he in trouble if he sees this contract.

I've got to do something while the secretary is still stalling him...

Me: All we need to do is make it so he doesn't notice the documents. We'll just have to make it so he can't look directly at us..

Jimin: I see. We are nearly-engaged, after all.

If we act out our own little love scene.. He'll be toi mortified to look at us, let alone the papers.

Jimin: Let's go, Areum.

Jimin reaches out for me without hesitation.

Me: ....

Jimin: ...Tch!

I hesitate for a moment. And when I fail to immediately take his hand, Jimin forcibly embraces me himself. The next thing I know, my clothes are disheveled like we've been making out, and the door opens.

Daniel: AHEM!

Daniel clears his throat, and Jimin and I take our time pulling apart.

Daniel: I'm sorry to interrupt but if I could just borrow a minute of your time.

Jimin: Don't look.


Jimin: Don't look at her until she fixes her clothes.

Daniel: My apologies.

Daniel turns around, and Jimin take the opportunity to tuck the contract into my clothes. (I see. So that's what he had in mind). After taking a moment to straighten my clothes, Daniel turns around at Jimin's signal. However.. That look... Well, can't say I'm surprised. It's going to take more than that to convince him. Right now, I just need to get the contract out of here.

Me: Hey.. I'll leave you guys to it. I'll be waiting at your place, Jimin.

Jimin: Sure. In that case, let me give you the code...

Me: It's ok. I know it.

After allowing my gaze to linger reluctantly for just a moment, I look away from Jimin. However, despite our efforts, I still see deep skepticsm in Daniel's eyes as I leave.

Me: ...Phew

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.. I'm going to have to figure out how to deal with this level of distrust... Someone could be watching at any moment. I can't relax, not even for a second.

Me: But anyway, what am I going to do now?

Saying "I'll be waiting at your place" was a good way to get out of that situation, but...

Me: Oh well, there's no time for hesitation now.

This is my big chance to search his apartment... It's time to get down to business and ascertain the whereabouts of Code 007.


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