Let out your secrets pt 2 ( CH17 )

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Michelle's POV :

" Unfortunately your loving session needs to be on hold . " my handler said , standing by the doorframe .

Peter's POV :

I moved cautionly around the Hydra base . Hawkeye had already trapped a few Hydra agents , meanwhile , Black Widow tasered a few of them and left the agents paralysed . The black dahlia safely in my pocket , I heard footsteps approaching us . Suddenly a ton of Hydra agents poured out , Natasha immedetly adjusted her tasers to high voltage , Clint took out a new arrow and I buckled on my web shooters . " Permission to kill ? " Clint asked , a bit fast . " Fine . " I mumbled , only for Clint . He drew back his arrow , ready to shoot .

( The numbers behind each sentence is the number of Hydra agents going down . Forgive my fight scene , I'm really bad at fight scenes . )

Hawkeye shoot a electric arrow . 2

Black Widow advanced towards a Hydra agent, pulling out her string from the bracelets , killing him and kicking another agent in the process . 2

I shoot my taser webs electrifying two agents and kicking two more . 4

Black Widow zapped two agents . 2

Hawkeye shoot a arrow , going through two agents . 2

Natasha clapped her hands together and gave me a smile . " Looks like you missed someone . " a dark figure said as she jumped in front of us . A net came flying towards Natasha , Clint and I . Thanks to my spider sense , I didn't get caught in the net but Nat and Clint did . I got up from my position and rushed to help remove the net . " I advise you not to help them . " the unknown girl said . Just as I was about to remove the net , there was a huge zap and Clint and Natasha lay unconscious . " Out . Just like a dumb bird and spider . " the Hydra agent stated . " Have I seen her before ? " Peter thought . " You're familier . " Peter blurted out . The girl let out a high pitch laugh . " I'm your worse enemy . "

" Uncle Ben ! Uncle Ben ! Please don't go " the 12 year old Peter shouted , his hands covered with his uncle's blood . " With great power comes great responsibility.  " his uncle said as he took his last breath . " I'll find your murderer . I promise you , uncle Ben . " Peter stated with a growl .

Peter thought it was his last , as the metal claw came down . The last villian he fought , Doctor Octopus . Mabye he could go to heaven and join his uncle Ben and his family . " Peter ! No don't give up ! This isn't the Peter I knew ! " his family shouted at him . Before Peter could even say a word , a lond " Bang ! " interrupted his day dream . There he saw her , mabye around her teenager years . A girl , her black suit keeping her hidden from anyone's eyes , except one particular agent . Spiderman looked beside him , the villian down , a bullet hole through his head . The spiderling didn't even care to call the police , he just left .

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