Chapter 23

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YN was in the gym room a week later, four days before her cast could be removed. She was doing pull ups when Peter walked in, face nearly touching the screen of his phone.

"YN, can I ask you something?" He said, not looking away from the device.

"Yeah, kid?" She puffed out, shaky arm pulling her up again.

"How do I know if a girl is flirting with me or not?" He said, cocking his head to the side. YN grunted making Peter look up, catching sight of the struggling agent as she huffed out a "32". "Oh my-" Rushing over Peter wrapped his arms around YN's midsection, helping her back onto her feet.

"I had it, but thank you." YN said, reaching for her water bottle as she sat on the weights bench next to Peter. "Show me the message." She stated, making grabby hands toward the phone still planted in Peters hands. Handing over his phone, YN looked over the screen.

From MJ: You're an idiot Parker.

YN frowned before cracking a small smile. "Well," She started, handing the phone back to Peter. "It's hard to tell from one text. Does she call you an idiot a lot?" She questioned.

"All the time. MJ's actually really mean to me, but every time she is she has this smile on her face. I just don't know if it's a 'haha Peter you're so stupid' smile or a 'Peter you're so stupid haha' smile." He replied, looking down to his phone with a sigh.

YN frowned again, not really understanding the difference in his phrases. "Uh- well I'm not entirely sure what that means, and kids these days are strange enough as it is. But flirting has basics, she'll focus on you more. Laugh at jokes that no one else does, smile at you more, try and talk to you more than she used to." YN sighed. "Why are you asking me this anyway? I am the least romantic person in this place, and that's saying something because we live with Tony." Peter laughed, agreeing with her.

"I just thought, because you and MJ both have this, independent woman who takes no shit from men vibe, that you would know if she was flirting with me or actually calling me an idiot." YN smiled softly, reaching over to grab the teenager's hand.

"Look, just play it by ear, don't stress too much about it. From the sounds of it, you really like this girl?" She asks, taking Peter's nod as answer enough. "I say just tell her how you feel. If she likes you, you'll know and if she doesn't, I'll be waiting here with Ben and Jerry's Stark's Raving Hazelnuts Ice Cream." Peter laughed again, nodding his head. "And Peter, if she doesn't see how good of a kid you are, how special you are. She's blind as hell." Peter blushed at the attention, his eyes shooting down to the ground in embarrassment.

"Thanks, YN." Peter said, standing up. "You're like the sister I never had." Grinning, Peter left the room, attention invested back into his cell. YN blinked, chest feeling warm at his words. She never knew that a kid like Peter could wrap her around his finger so quick. He reminded her so much of her late brother. They'd had such a good relationship when they were kids, before the reality of their life snuck up on them.

Sniffling out a sob, YN rested her head in her hands. She hadn't thought about her family for a while, either too invested in missions or too caught up in her relationship with Steve. As she sat on the weights bench in the empty gym, all the fond memories, however limited, of her family rushed in. Some making her smile, others making her choke back sobs.

YN missed out on having that family. A mother she could call to tell her about her new beau. A father who would passive aggressively sniff out said beau's past. A brother that would annoy her but would also protect her. She wanted it so bad that it hurt. Finally, YN let out a soft whine, feeling sorry for herself. Her emotions got the better of her the more she thought about her past, tears sliding from her eyes without her really noticing.

"Hey, YN-" A voice called, causing YN to sniff and wipe her eyes. Trying to regain composure before the newcomer noticed her vulnerable state. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, Sam. I'm fine. What did you need?" She responded curtly; her voice thick.

"I was just letting you know that Fury and Coulson are here." YN nodded but didn't move, still needing a moment to get herself together. Sam walked fully into view, sitting next to her on the bench. "You can talk to me." He whispered.

"Just thinking of my family. Or better yet, the lack of family I have." YN choked out a laugh, that sounded more like a sob. Sighing, Sam pulled her into a hug, which nearly set the dam free again. Luckily, she breathed in a large breath to calm herself, getting a lungful of Sam's cologne.

"You have a family. We are your family, a foster family, if you will." Sam explained, making YN nod against his shirt. Thinking for a moment, Sam pulled back from YN. "When do you get your cast off?" He asked.

"On Monday afternoon," She replied, looking at him in confusion.

"Perfect. Bucky and I are heading to Louisiana to see my family for the weekend, and coming back on Monday morning. You should come. We can even see if Steve has the weekend free." YN thought about it for a moment, the thought of getting out of the compound making her heart accelerate with excitement.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on your little family vacation." She whispered, eyes coming up to meet Sam's chocolate brown ones.

"Like I said, YN," He started, standing up and helping the smaller agent stand with him. "You are family too. And Sarah is dying to meet you, since the last time we were there Steve didn't shut up about you." YN laughed and Sam felt proud he had lifted the agents mood back up.

"Okay then, I'll ask Steve if he has the weekend off." Sam nodded, handing the agent her crutches before leaving the room with a "Coulson and Fury are in the conference room."


The next morning, Steve and YN were headed down to her car, luggage in hand. They were meeting Sam and Bucky at the S.H.I.E.L.D priority airport, where YN had organized a private jet specifically for them to fly to Sam's home town.

Steve had returned from his mission early that morning, getting his task completed as quick as he could so he could make it back to YN to join them on their weekend away. The tiredness in his eyes made YN feel slightly guilty, but she knew he would get a few hours of sleep on the plane and maybe more once they reached Louisiana. As they reached the airport, Steve grabbing their bags, they walked over to the awaiting couple who were standing on the tarmac, aviators sitting on both of their faces.

"Anyone going to make a Top Gun reference?" YN laughed, Sam joining in. Steve and Bucky shared a confused look making YN shake her head. "See, Sam, this is why you're my favorite." Steve slapped a hand to his chest in faux offence, making YN snort out a laugh.

During the flight, YN read a book, leg rested on the seat opposite as Steve napped on the lounge to her left and Sam and Bucky spoke quietly between themselves. As it neared the two-hour mark in the air, YN placed her foot down and lifted her body to stretch, cracking her back in the process. Sighing in satisfaction, she turned to the two other awake occupants of the cabin. "What?" She questioned when she noticed their wide eyes on her.

"That was foul." Bucky said, shaking his head, Sam agreeing. YN laughed, making her way over to the mini fridge to find a drink. Grabbing a bottle of water, she turned to lean against the fridge, sipping at it slowly.

"So..." YN started, walking to sit across from Sam and Bucky. "What's your family like?" She asked, eyeing Sam.

Sam went onto describe each member of his family, Sarah; his sister, AJ and Cass; his nephews. His Ma and Pa; whom, he said, passed away a while ago. Bucky interrupted at some stage, describing a few more people in the small town and how they fit in to Sam's past. YN smiled as they got into an argument about a man named Carl and who he liked better.

Continuing their disagreement, YN noticed Steve rousing from his sleep and she slipped away from the couple and sat next to Steve on the couch, moving his head into her lap. "Hi," She whispered, looking down into his blinking blue eyes.

"Hello," Steve returned, his cheeks pulling the corner of his lips into a smile. "How long was I asleep?" He asked, playing with the ends of YN's hair.

"A little over two hours." YN replied, her own hands running through Steve's blonde tufts. "We have about half hour before we land." Steve nodded, still looking up into YN's eyes. "I'm glad you could come." She added on, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Me too." Steve confirmed, lifting his upper body to plant a kiss on her smile.

Once they had arrived in Sam's neighborhood, Sam started pointing out iconic landmarks from his childhood, most of the stories making the other three laugh along with him. They pulled up to Sarah's place, Sam motioning toward a flat nearby that he and Bucky had leased where the four of them would be staying over the weekend.

A couple of young boys bustled out of the house, scrambling toward Sam and Bucky with a loud "Uncle Sam!" and "Uncle Bucky!" the sight making YN and Steve's heart soften. Sam and his boyfriend laughed, grabbing a kid each and lifting them into the air momentarily in a hug.

"AJ, Cass you remember Steve? And this is his girlfriend, YN." The boys nodded.

"Mr. Captain America, sir." The younger one mumbled, reminding YN of Peter.

"I told you last time, AJ. It's just Steve." Steve said, ruffling the young boy's hair, making him blush and laugh.

"Right, sorry. Mr. Steve." Steve shook his head and chuckled at the kid's nervousness. The four newcomers followed AJ and Cass into their home, toeing off their shoes at the entrance. "Mom!" AJ called, "Uncle Sam, Uncle Bucky and their friends are here!"

Sarah hurried out of the kitchen, a wide smile on her youthful face. "Samuel! You could've texted!" She exclaimed, bringing Sam into a hug before moving to Bucky, bringing the super soldier into his own embrace.

"Sorry..." Sam muttered, looking like a kid that had been yelled at by their parent. "This is YN, by the way." He added, motioning toward YN where she stood to the back of the pack, picking at her nails nervously.

"Hi, Sarah. It's lovely to meet you." YN said politely, an anxious smile sitting on her lips. "You have a lovely home." She added, grimacing at her awkwardness.

The other three men watched her in confusion, eyes narrowed. They had never seen YN this nervous, or polite. "She's not normally this weird." Bucky commented, making YN glare at him and shove him with her shoulder before returning her awkward smile to Sarah.

"Buck, leave the girl alone. She's obviously uncomfortable." YN balked, waving her hands.

"No, no! Uh-" Sarah laughed, interrupting her inevitably terrible save.

"It's fine, Bucky here was worse the first time we met." Bucky scoffed, before reluctantly agreeing with the short woman. "I've heard a lot about you, YN. Please, don't be embarrassed. We are all family here." Hearing Sarah say that turned YN's awkward smile into a real one.

"Thank you, Sarah."

A few hours later, after YN got more comfortable with her surroundings, she and Sarah were in the kitchen, preparing dinner as the boys had a beer down on the docks. "So, you and Steve." Sarah commented. "How long has that been going on?"

"Well, we were together for about four weeks, then we took a break for six months. Don't ask," YN laughed at Sarah's look. "Now we have been together for nearly two months. So, three in total I guess?" Sarah nodded, continuing to peel the potato in her hand.

"Well, from what I've seen and heard, you two make an excellent pair." YN blushed as she finished chopping the carrots.

"Thank you." YN said, scratching at her neck nervously. The conversation turned to Sarah and her boys, YN learning how old they were and what their hobbies were. Amidst their conversation, Steve and the two other men had entered the kitchen, catching a loud laugh come from YN's mouth. Steve stopped, watching in awe how comfortable YN was as she leant against the counter as Sarah finished dinner, her own beer in her hand.

Noticing their company, YN smiled to Steve moving over to him slowly. "Hey, handsome."

"Hey, baby. How you feeling?" Steve responded, wrapping his arms around the shorter woman.

"Good, and you?" Steve stared into her eyes, getting lost in their depths.

"Never better," he whispered back.

"Alright, if you two are finished staring into each others soul, grubs up." Sam commented, grabbing YN by her shoulders and steering her into the dining room.

The conversations flowed through dinner, AJ and Cass asking the three men about their recent jobs and the addressed men acting out some stories making the two women and young boys laugh. After dinner, Sarah grabbed the adults a beer, the kids having been ushered to bed.

It was about eleven at night and YN was feeling the effects of the several beers she's had. Her, Sarah and Sam were mostly drunk, seeing as the two super soldiers didn't react to alcohol, they remained sober.

Sam was loudly recounting a story from his childhood, getting up from his chair and grabbing YN to pretend she was the girl he was apparently 'wooing'. He got closer, and just like in his story, pretended to fall but the alcohol in his system actually caused him to trip over his feet, sending him tumbling into an awaiting YN. They both fell to the floor in a heap of limbs, one being still casted.

The other three waited for the "I'm okay's" before bursting into hysterics. YN sat up and shoved Sam off of her body, her back aching slightly.

"Jesus, Sam. How you ever managed to bag a single girl or guy in your teen's, completely baffles me." Sarah laughed, restarting the chuckles throughout the room. Sam helped YN stand, the alcohol in her own system making her head spin.

"Alright, I think this one needs to turn in." Steve chuckled, gripping onto YN's elbow. YN frowned, shaking her head, feeling it spin, making her nod instead. "That's what I thought, see you in the morning, guys." Everyone bid the couple goodnight, YN waving enthusiastically to Sarah, dubbing her the new best friend, making Sam scoff.

As they entered the room at Sam and Bucky's place, YN threw herself onto the bed, dropping her crutches to the ground. "I'm so tired." She mumbled before her eyes shot open. "No. I'm hungry." Steve laughed, stripping himself of his jeans before moving to undress the agent laying on her stomach.

"You'll have to wait until morning, YN." Steve said, making the woman groan in response. Once she was dressed in one of Steve's shirts and she was under the covers, YN passed out, a soft snore leaving her mouth. Chuckling to himself, he gathered a glass of water and some Tylenol, leaving it at her bedside for the morning.

Steve awoke to a mouth pressed against his neck and wet hair sliding across his chest. Opening his eyes, YN was resting next to him, wrapped in a towel with wet hair cascading past her shoulders. She pressed a minty tasting kiss to his mouth making him smile, rolling over to hover above her.

"Good morning, beautiful." He whispered, nuzzling his face under her chin.

"Mornin', baby." YN replied with a giggle as he started kissing her neck. Sliding his hands down her mostly naked body, Steve groaned feeling his stomach tighten. "We have about half an hour before Sam and Bucky will be harassing us." YN whispered, wriggling her body beneath Steve's making him puff out a gasp.

"Best be quick then," Steve winked before diving in to a hot kiss.  YN's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt his hands grab her waist, rolling hips down onto hers.

A desperate noise left her throat as she pushed her now towel-less chest against Steve's own bare chest as he moved lower. "Not too quick, though." She uttered before moaning, making Steve chuckle from his position between her thighs.

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