~ Chapter 29 ~

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Laura Thompson's POV
(Beginning of May, 2024)

So far, this morning has not been going smooth.

At all.

I woke up in such an outright panic that I nearly fell out of bed, narrowly smacking my face off the nightstand.

Getting dressed was a complete chore itself - almost reminding me of my constantly bleary eyed state back in Hawthorne all that time ago.

From there on out, after I quite literally nearly locked myself out of my room by almost forgetting my lanyard, things had slowed down a bit.

My mind is just frazzled beyond immeasurable proportions.

Why would they have even bothered to come all this way... just to scold me in person?!

They literally wasted time and money to accomplish belittling their own daughter.

Scoffing to myself, it takes me a few moments to realize what exactly is in my grasp, a sudden burning sensation tingling in my hand.

"Oh geez," I grumble, jumping in surprise as hot coffee pours over the side of the mug, beginning to burn my hand.

Quickly setting the mug and coffee pot aside, I dash over to the sink, running my quickly reddening fingers beneath the cold water.

"Someone's a mess today," A familiarly teasing tone sounds from the entrance to the shared kitchen, an instantly recognizable head of curly hair gaining my attention.

"It would certainly appear that way," I chuckle dryly, grabbing a nearby tea towel to clean up my mess before setting it aside. "What are you doing up so early?"

It is early indeed, earlier than anyone is usually up.

So to see Mark standing in front of me with my own two eyes is quite perplexing.

"I just am," He shrugs, grabbing his own mug and pouring himself a cup of coffee, emphasizing his caution mockingly. "Do we have anything on our agenda today? Or are we just laying low after last night's outing?"

It hadn't even dawned me that today was our one day off before our launch preparations truly began - carrying with it a trace of excitement and chaos.

"Hopefully laying low," I chuckle, setting aside the mug I'd been holding previously, not bothering with the beverage anymore. "Because frankly, I'm exhausted."

"But yet you're up?"

"Yeah. I am."

Wandering into the Common room and flopping down against the plush couch cushions, I sigh, gaze wandering the bleak ceiling above.

The hum of the air conditioner, Mark's rustling through the pantry somewhere behind me... and something else...

Frowning, I blink a few times, confusion pricking my thoughts.

Surely it's not...

"I see I'm not the only one who found themselves wide awake this morning," A familiarly warm tone sounds from the entrance of the large room, an inward grin tugging at my lips as I haul myself to a sitting position to face the newcomer.

"That would seem to be the case."

Elon passes me a small smile on his way towards the kitchen, the clack of a mug against the countertop meeting my senses moments later.

"Any plans for today, Boss?" Mark hollers, hopping over the back of the couch and landing beside me, earning a disapproving glance.

"What?" He shrugs, flashing me a grin. "I didn't want to go around."

At this, I just roll my eyes with a shake of my head, chuckling lightly.

"I was thinking Laura and I might take a drive into Houston again," My Partner's tone echoes from the kitchen, quickly nearing the pair of us once more, cup of coffee in hand.

Dark bags sit slightly heavy beneath his eyes - a seemingly usual occurrence even more so nowadays then ever before - accompanied by a head of rather messy hair.

Though even if his appearance appears exhausted, his brilliantly optimistic gaze holds it's usual gleam, yet another reassuring grin being tossed my way.

"What's in Houston?" I muse aloud, leaning forward in my seat, passing Elon a questioning glance.

At this, he just chuckles, an almost sorrowed expression passing across his features for a moment so brief, it leaves me wondering if I'd simply imagined it.

"Your Mother and Father."

My shoulders slump as a heavy sigh escapes my lips, which no doubt are turning into a frown.

A frown of which the engineer at my side must quickly notice because as soon as he was at my side, he's gone, a distant muttering following him back out into the hallway.

"It's too early for this, E," I mumble with a grumble, dragging a palm down my face in a vain attempt to awaken myself up a bit more.

"It wouldn't hurt to give it one last try," He urges softly, setting down the mug on the table between us, his warmly reassuring gaze meeting mine, tone dropping into something resembling an almost whisper. "You won't be alone. I'll be right there - with you."

I can't help but sigh, the beginnings of a swell of Elon's contagious optimism tugging my lips into a soft smile.

"I guess I'll give them a call to let them know we're coming."

Pulling my phone from the pocket of the sweater I wear, trembling hands fumble against the touchscreen, memories - some foggy, some crystal clear - from last night being dragged to the forefront of my mind.

"This will just be a waste of time, you know that, right?" I huff, raising my gaze from the device in my grasp to the man sitting across from me, silently urging me on.

Summing up any sort of courage and tolerance I have left, I tap June's contact from the list and start the call, thumb jamming against the speaker phone button before the device is tossed onto the table beside the mug.

The tones seem to stretch on for hours - their lifeless beeping almost sounding ominous - warning me of things to come.

But then, the line springs to life, an evidently annoyed and rather gruff sounding tone filtering through the speakers.

"I'm surprised you're up so early, seeing as you'd been partying and living the high life with that stuck up Billionaire pal of yours." My Father jeers, clearly sounding smug as his words jab me right in the chest, earning a scowl.

Though I quickly shake the sting away, sighing heavily once more.

"Would it be okay if I came down and spent the day with you guys? Before I could potentially be gone for good?"

The line on the other end goes dead quiet, an image of my Father's undoubtedly confused and aggravated features tugging at the forefront of my thoughts.

But then, there's a crackle and a distant mutter of words exchanged that I certainly can't make out, and neither can the man sitting beside me, as we exchange rather confused glances.

"I hear you're wanting to come pay us a visit?" A new voice, this time of my Mother, filters through the device's small speakers, sounding tinny.

"Yup," Is the only half-hearted reply I can give, passing my Partner a look as he just chuckles, gaze silently urging me on.

"Would Elon be tagging along?"

June's tone is filled with hesitancy, layered with what sounds to be distaste, as she awaits my reply.

Once more sharing a nod, I suck in a breath, anticipating the likely disastrous outcome milliseconds in the making.

"He'd like to."

The other end of the phone line goes quiet yet again, hushed, distant and rather aggravated chatter reaching us, my fingers drumming absentmindedly against the couch cushion beneath me.

"He is the one with the vehicle, after all," I joke aloud, my own tone wavering a bit, palms beginning to sweat.

Still no reply as the muddled bickering on the other end continues.

"I have half the mind to just hang up right now and go back to bed," I grumble, reaching for the device on the table, though a gentle hand stops me.

"Just wait," Elon urges, a determined glimmer in his eyes.

And almost as if fate would have it, June's voice becomes clearer once more, though a distant, evidently annoyed sigh follows after her.

"We'd love to see you, Laura. What time works best for you?"

Nice. Pretending like he doesn't even exist. Lovely.

"We can be to your hotel around eight-thirty, if that works for you two," I practically seethe, a dull flame of anger and anguish swelling within me.

"Sounds lovely. See you then."

And as fast as my Mother uttered those words, the phone is picked up from the table, my thumb aggressively jamming against the screen, ending the call.

"What did we just get ourselves into?" I grumble with a shake of my head while my Partner just laughs, earning a disapproving huff from me. "What's so funny?"

"That honestly went better than I expected. But in regards to your question, I have no idea."

Huffing, I haul myself to my feet and leave the couch behind, wandering towards the hallway.

"We'll meet outside for 6:25?"

My Partner grins, joining me at my side.


"We dressing up or are my Parents not worth the occasion?"

Once again, my Flight Partner laughs, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You certainly aren't pulling any punches today," He remarks as we make our way down the hallway back towards our rooms, strides syncing. "I like it."

"You only like it because it's not aimed at you," I return, elbowing him playfully.

"True fact. But you never answered my question."

"Up to you," I nod, scanning my ID over the lock on my door, the light turning from red to green in an instant. "But the closest thing I'll be getting to 'dressed up' is a pair of nice pants and a blouse."

The man at my side nods slowly, a grin tugging at his lips.

"Fair enough," He chuckles, the light on his own door turning as well. "Meet you outside in twenty minutes, then?"

"Knowing you it'll be more like thirty."

Sharing one last huff of laughter and broad grins, we both go our own ways.

And as the door closes behind me, I can't help but sigh heavily once more, the same emotions from last night weighing heavy on me.

This isn't going to change anything... but... in a different type of environment... just maybe...

With one last sigh and a shake of my head, almost as if to clear it, I re-focus on the here and now, cuing up some soft tunes to keep me company for awhile as the rummaging through the closet begins.


"What do you think?" A familiarly warm yet questioning tone sounds from behind me in the rather small and empty space we're currently in.

Turning to face him with a genuine grin, it grows upon seeing his selection of flowers in his grasp, evidently keeping it simple.

"It says here that Daffodils are supposed to be a symbol of new beginnings," Elon muses, gaze wandering over the tag attached to the bouquet.

"How fitting," I grumble in return, though my Partner just shakes his head, setting aside the other bunch of Daisies. "Hopefully these'll count as a peace offering."

A chuckle is drawn from his lips at my remark, an inward grin tugging at my own lips.

We'll just make the best of this.

Leaving the adequate amount of cash in the jar by the door of the self-serve flower shop we'd just happen to stumble upon on our way to Downtown Houston, we continue on our way, becoming increasingly more aware of time ticking by.

"It's almost eight, E," I muse aloud with a chuckle, glancing at the man behind the wheel, the faint beginnings of a grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"We'll be on time."

I can't help but allow my chuckle to escape this time, the worry and negativity of the coming visit could bring vanishing for a moment.

"I sure hope you're right."


Turns out, he wasn't right.

Well, maybe right in his books, but to me, we're now two minutes late.

And hastily sprinting down the sidewalk clad in a black Tesla baseball cap and rather ridiculous looking sunglasses - a pair I'd wound up with after Vivian decided that it was weird and wacky themed night awhile ago.

"Mind slowing down a bit or are you in that much of a rush to see your Parents again?" My Partner hollers from behind me a few steps, my strides almost instantly slowing to match his pace.

"We're late," Is the only response I can give, my mind running a mile a minute, the bustle of the city's sounds and the unfamiliarity of my surroundings making me even more on edge.

Almost as if he senses my unease, a familiar hand wordlessly finds mine, a soft sigh escaping my lips at the contact.

"I'm sure they'll understand," Elon hums, pulling me slightly closer to him rather abruptly, his strides faltering for a moment.

Confusion pricks my thoughts as I stumble into his side, our paces resuming hastily, my gaze quickly surveying the area.

And almost instantly spotting what his sudden action had been about.

A lone reporter and a cameraman are practically bee-lining towards the both of us, their faces neutral, but we've both been in this game long enough to know what they'll be after - us.

"Let's hurry it up, then!" I hiss lowly, finding myself even closer to my Partner's side, his figure guiding both of us towards our destination.

The steady thud of our synced footsteps meeting the sidewalk beneath is quickly dampened as a cool air brushes over my skin, the city noise almost instantly vanishing as the door whisks shut behind us.

Our new surroundings are nothing too extravagant; a white reception desk sits in front of us, a lounge and bar off to the side, a breakfast area on the other...

A nice and simple hotel.

Oddly void of anybody to question the rather ridiculous looking pair waltzing through the foyer with baseball caps and sunglasses still on.

"Stairs," Is all I hear from my side, a hushed whisper, accompanied by a slight gesture towards the plain looking industrial door sitting off to the side.

And so begins the climb, our footsteps once again echoing back at us in the empty stairwell.

"What floor?"

Elon simply turns to face me for a moment, shaking his head with a breathy chuckle.

"You tell me."

Huffing in slightly feigned annoyance, I trudge on, finally reaching the next door clearly marked with a large number three.

My back meets the push bar against the door as I push it open, revealing the usual type of hotel hallway, the rather nostalgic smell of a type of homeyness lingering in the quiet space.

Lined with doors and wall mounted lamps producing a comfortable yellow hue, the hallway seems to stretch on forever - the carpet beneath our feet muffling our steps.

"Number 698," I muse aloud through a sigh, still trying to regain some breath from climbing up those stairs. "That's the number we're looking for."

"Towards the end," E suggests, motioning to the window at the end of the narrow corridor, the morning sunshine shining in.

And indeed it is - the number clearly emblazoned on the wooden door a tell tale sign of that fact, our steps halting outside their room.

A feeling of unease swells within me as I raise a shaky hand to remove the hat on my head, cradling it in my grasp.

"Elon, this could-" I begin lowly, glancing up towards him, uncertainty gracing my features.

"End in disaster? It might very well. But I'm willing to take the chance that it doesn't," He finishes for me, offering a small smile. "And even if it does - we've still got each other, our Team and our Mission, right?"


Sucking in a deep breath, I exhale it in a heavy sigh, chuckling softly at my Partner's head of rather messy hair, his own baseball cap in hand.

"It's that bad, is it?"

A smirk instinctively teases my lips as I near him, running my fingers through his hair, attempting to calm it down slightly.

"There," I muse, stepping back to admire my handiwork. "That's better."

It's not perfect, but it looks, well, Elon-ish.

Wordlessly, we exchange rather solemn looks as he steps towards the door, a fist being raised against the cool wood, two sharp, crisp and intelligent sounding wraps following soon after.

"Here goes nothing," Elon murmurs, stepping back from the door to join me at my side, passing me a glance.

And almost instantly, the door in front of us is whisked open in a flash, an unfortunately familiar face greeting us with a evidently disapproving frown.

"Mr. Thompson," The man at my side greets warmly, his usual charismatic smile being flashed towards my Father along with an outstretched hand, awaiting a handshake.

Though, as pure shock runs through me, the older man practically shoves my Partner aside, his eyes narrowing upon skimming me over as he nears.

"What's this?" He snarls, gesturing to the hat I cradle in my hands, the black embroidered Tesla logo emblazoned on the front.

"Uh," I start, raising a questioning eyebrow towards my Father, a dull anger beginning to build, though I desperately attempt to shove it down. "It's a baseball cap?"

"A Tesla cap," My Father spits, seething as he turns on his heel, wordlessly beckoning the pair of us to follow in after him.

So we do, silently trailing after the clearly unimpressed man.

"I'm sorry about him," I breathe as the door closes behind us, my side instinctively drifting closer to my boyfriend's.

"It's okay," I barely hear him reply as I'm suddenly wrapped in an over enthusiastic hug, having no choice but to go with the suddenness of it.

My Mother finally lets me go free, turning to face Elon with such a false smile on her lips, it makes my cheeks burn in dull rage.

But when she lays eyes on the flowers in his grasp, her demeanor almost instantly changes when my Partner offers the bouquet to her with a smile.

"Why thank you, Mr. Musk, is it?" June gushes, hastily bee-lining towards the room's kitchenette, filling a makeshift vase with water.

"Please, just Elon."

"Elon..." She mumbles from the kitchen as we wordlessly drift towards the living room area, taking a seat on the loveseat sized couch, slightly farther apart than usual. "I've always found that name fascinating..."

Yeah right.

Settling into the leather couch cushions, I find myself practically on the edge of my seat, every sense on high alert.

And all I can do is pray that I look composed on the outside.

"So," John starts, voice low as he leans toward in his seat, eyeing the man at my side with a rather cold glare. "Mars, huh?"

"Yes," Elon replies simply with a nod as I watch him slip into the same mentality as any other public speaking gig he's ever done. "She's a fixer upper of a planet, but we can make it work."

"For what exactly?"

My Father's tone is short, snobby almost.

"I'm sorry?"

John just chuckles with a roll of his eyes, once more leaning toward the pair of us, a false inquisitive look in his gaze - one of almost mockery.

"What is your goal by getting to Mars, Mr. Musk?"

At this, I tense, opening my mouth to speak, only to be shut down by a light touch to my foot with his.  

If you had actually stayed for last night's presentation, you'd understand why this Mission is so important!

"Well," My Partner begins once more, tone not wavering.

In fact, he seems to rather be enjoying this conversation.

He knows right well he outsmarts and can certainly out-talk my Father.

"Ultimately, we need to begin to make life Multiplanetary. And by sending our Crew of give up there first, we're paving the way for future human exploration."

My Father just shakes his head with a low chuckle, gaze wandering out the window.

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