Chapter Twenty-one

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We approached the farm, snow was on the ground and in the barn a bright blue light appeared, lightning was striking in that one spot.
"You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Diego asked
"Well the correlation is high." Five told him as we walked up to the barn
A blonde woman with a shotgun ran up and pointed her gun towards us.
"Get back. All of you, just get the hell back!" Sissy told us
"Sissy! Hey, hey what's wrong?" Vanya asked her
"Carl." Sissy told her
"What'd he do to you?" Vanya asked as she continued to hold her hand out in a calming gesture
"He's...he's dead. Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flyin'. What did you do to him?" Sissy asked her clearly emotional
"No-" Vanya tried to explain to her
"Vanya what the hell did you do to my son?" Sissy asked her with anger in her voice
"We don't have time for this." Diego said as he tried to step forward
"Where you think you're going?" Sissy asked his while pointing the gun in his direction
"To help your son." Diego told her
"Look, Sissy, I found my family. These are my brothers and my sisters." Vanya said to her as she gestured to us all
"Hi." I said quietly to her
"Were you lyin' to me the whole time?" Sissy asked Vanya
"Of course not. Look, I didn't know who I was. But I do now. And we are not the monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We're not here to hurt anyone." Vanya explained to her
"Then...who are you?"
"The only one who can help Harlan." Vanya told her
Sissy led us to the barn to which the noises got louder. We stepped inside and saw this cylinder of energy with Harlan in the middle of it floating.
"Harlan! Harlan it's Vanya. Look, Harlan, I know you're really scared, but I can help you. I need you to listen to me, okay? Can you do that?" Vanya asks him as she looks at Sissy
Vanya then entered and walked closer to Harlan.
"Careful." Five tells her
"Uh, guys?" Klaus called out
"What?" Diego said, making his way over to Klaus with me following behind
"Ah, shit."
"What, who are they?" Klaus asked
We looked out in the distance and saw Lila with a lady with white hair and an odd looking hat.
"Ones the Handler, the others Diego's girlfriend." Five explained
"Lila, that's my ex-girlfriend." Diego corrected
"You know what? Doesn't matter. They both look angry." Luther pointed out
"Yeah. Well our brother has that effect on people." Allison says
"I mean Lila was pretty nice until she left Diego for dead." I told them as I continued to stare at them
"I'm gonna go find out what they want. You guys stay with Vanya and the kid." Five said which made me snap my head to him
"I'm coming with you, too. Come on." Diego told him before leaving
"I'm coming too." I say
Five stopped in his tracks and turned around leading me a bit to the side.
"No, Y/N, I can't have that. If you got hurt then I'd-" Five cut himself off
"Please just stay here. Please." He said as he put his hands on my cheeks
I nodded and leaned in, kissing his lips after a year. I pulled away and grabbed onto his hands
"I love you." I told him seriously
He smiled a bit and I could've sworn his cheeks were a bit red.
"I love you too." He said before running off
I made my way to the doorway facing them, the sound of Vanya trying to calm Harlan was merely background noise as I internally prayed for their safety. Klaus, Allison, Luther and I walked a bit farther from the barn as we all wondered what was going on.
"What'd you think they're talking about?" Allison asked
"Probably business stuff." I answered
"Which ones the girlfriend?" Luther asked
"The dark haired one." I told him as I pointed to Lila
Suddenly others appeared out of nowhere.
"Oh, my God." Luther said
There looked to be thousands, maybe even a million people there, all armed and ready to kill. The lady held up a red flag and we all ran back, gunshots began to fire while we ran almost hitting us in the process. We ducked behind som hay bales.
"Where's Five!?" I frantically asked as I looked over the bales just I time to see them use a jump then take cover.
Five started running and Diego stayed, all the bullets came to an abrupt stop then changed direction to a truck which blew up. Luther held us all close as the bullets continued to fire.
"I love you guys. I'm sorry I didn't say it enough as kids but I'm saying it now, I love you all." I tell them as a cover my ears, tears streaming down my face as I think this is the last moment we'll have together
"We love you too Y/N." Allison says and she takes one of her hands and pulls me closer
A highly pitched sounds started to resonate from outside the barn as Vanya floated out, white and glowing like her heart was a star, the light got brighter and Luther covered us again. Everything went silent and we all were in a daze.
"It's over." Allison says
We look over to see that Lila and the Handler were covered by some type of blue shield. It went down and Lila started to float as she glowed as well. We all were hit with her energy and got sent flying back, I fell through the top of the house door and landed harshly on the floor. Five rushed over to me and held my head in his hands.
"Hey, Y/N? You alright?" He asked me as he tapped on my cheek to bring me back to reality
"So much for me not getting hurt." I chucked weakly, he sighed in relief gave me a quick hug before standing back up
"Luther, you all right?" Five asked Luther while making his way over to him.
"Oh, I think I swallowed my tongue." Luther told him grunting
"Luther, if you swallowed your tongue you wouldn't be talking, you big moron. Coming on your feet." Five said to him as he helped him up
"What the hell happened, what was that?" Luther asked him
"She must've redirected Vanya's energy wave." Five answered
"Yeah, I know, but how?" Luther asked him
"LUTHER WATCH OUT!" Five yelled as he pushed Luther away before getting buried by a pile of bricks.
"FIVE!" I yelled as I went towards the pile of bricks, frantically trying to move them.
Lila appeared in the house and chuckled.
"What are you?" Luther asked her
"Someone who wants to kill your brother." Lila answered
"Well that's understandable. Diego can be a lot to handle." Luther told her
"Yeah, I was talking about Five." She corrected
"Yeah, him too. But, unfortunately, they're family so you're shit out of luck." Luther told her before trying to throw a punch at her, she caught it and Luther struggled.
"How is this even possible?" Luther asked her as he tried to throw another punch
"You just gotta believe in yourself big boy." She tells him before throwing him out the window.
I stand up and wipe the blood off my nose.
"Hi Y/N, man out of all of them you were the one I wanted to fight the least." She confessed
"Yeah well you're trying to kill the person I love, so we kinda have to." I tell her sarcastically before turning invisible and hitting her.
She punches he hard, and then she disappears. I feel a kick to my legs from behind which sends me to the ground.
I took in a deep breath and focused.
(This part right here is based off of borderlands character The Siren. When you turn invisible like her your team mates can see where you are but your enemies can't.)
I turned invisible and opened my eyes back up to see the outline of a person running closer to me. I dodge out of the way and punch her just in time, I get too tired and unwillingly turn visible again. She lands a hard blow to my chest which sends me back and up against a wall gasping for air. Five emerges from the bricks, I try my best to get over to him but my shortness is breath made it hard, he put my arm over his shoulder and brought me out. Allison was on the floor with Luther over her, she was gasping for any type of breath.
"Looking for me?" Five asked Lila
"You little turd." She said angrily
"Let's dance." Five says before jumping away
Luther way continuously telling Allison to breath and that she could fight it.
"Allison." I say as I crawl my way over to her
Luther started giving her mouth to mouth until finally she took in a deep breath.
"Allison!" I say as I lunge forward and hug her
Diego calls for us all drawing our attention to the fact that he was stuck.
Allison gave me an arm for support as we made our way towards Diego.
"Hey, what took you so long?" Diego complained
"Well, we're here now. Do you wanna stop complaining?" Luther told him
"Or if you prefer we could just leave you here." Klaus shoots back
"Yeah what he said." Allison says
"Does everything in this family need to be a discussion." Vanya asked
"That's what makes up the Hargreeves." I joke with a smile
Diego gets out and give Luther a high Five.
"Team Zero. Unstoppable."
"Okay, has anyone seen Five?" Allison asks
"I don't know, he's around here somewhere." Diego says looking around
"By the way, your ex-girlfriend can blink like Five." Luther tells him
"Yeah, the bitch just rumoured me so I couldn't breathe." Allison says
"She used my invisibility on me." I say to him
"And destroyed, like half the farm with a shock wave. So unoriginal." Klaus added in
"If she can do everything we can she might as well be one of us." Vanya says
We all thought deeply for a moment before Luther broke the silence
"No, no there's no way. It can't be."
"It's a reasonable conclusion." Allison told him
"Eh, but there were only eight of us." Klaus said
"That we know of." I added in
"Maybe we need to consider that there's more of us out there." Vanya says
"Are we surprised? I mean Dad never told us the whole truth about anything." Allison pointed out
"But she's not out biological sister... right?" Diego asked
"Okay, so if she can mirror our powers, that means anything we throw at her, she can match, right?" Luther asked
"Yeah, but she can only mirror one of our powers at a time." Klaus says holding up one finger
"You sure about that?" Allison asked
We ran over to the entrance of the barn, Lila was there holding a knife to Five.
"She never cared about your parents. She was looking for you." Five told her
"Why?" Lila whispered
"Cause you're one of us." Diego says as we all walk in
"The Handler stole you Lila. Just like our asshole father took all of us." Diego told her
"No it's not the same thing." Lila said
"You're right. Because he didn't have our parents murdered. Listen to me Lila. You were born October 1, 1989, the same day as all of us." Diego explained to her
"Stay back!" She yelled
We all tried to calm her down as we all got into a circle around her.
"Lila? Lila, stop." Diego tries to calm her
"I trusted you. I got you a job, I introduced you to my mother, and then you took off on me." Lila said to him
"Because I needed to save the world! She's using you Lila. The Handler." Diego argued back
"You're wrong. She raised me. She loves me." Lila argued back
"Yeah, you know what? Love shouldn't have to hurt this much." Luther explained to her
She gagged in response
"All right, I tried." Luther gave up
"He's right. We have to kill her." Five said as he lurked closer to her
"Her! Five! Five, stop. I got it." He told him
"Hey Lila. Truth? She's dangerous." Diego says to her
(Sudden POV change but it's for a reason)
"And you're scared of what she'll do with all that new power. That's why you dragged me to the Commission. Because I know what it's like to love dangerous people." Diego explained to her
"Difference is...they love me back." Diego says after looking at every one of his siblings
"Shut up." Lila said quietly
"The only thing she loves is power. Now, the minute she can't use you. She will turn on you, and deep down, I know you know that."
"You don't know me Diego." She tells him, still pointing the knife at his chest
"Don't I?"
Lila looked at him teary eyed, the knife slightly going down a bit.
"I know that we can be your family...if you just let us." Diego tells her
Lila looked around at every single one of them before a bullet went through every single Hargreeve.
"Diego no." Lila says, crawling over to his lifeless body
"It's true, what Five said, isn't it?" Lila asked her
"Darling. I need to know that we can get past this. Be a happy family again. Hmm?" The Handler told her smiling
Lila looked around at the lifeless bodies around her
"They're my real family." Lila tells her
Lila walked up to the white haired woman and stands in front of her.
"Do you even love me?" Lila asked her
Before Lila could stab her she got bullets in her stomach killing her in the process.
"Que será, será." She simply says as she stands over Lila
A soft gasp was heard from the boy who laid on the floor. His eyes met with the ones of his dead lover.
"Oh good." The handler said happily
"You're still alive. Lucky you. You got to see how this all played out." She tells him before holding the gun to him
Gunshots fired and she gasped sharply then turned around and was met with a blonde Swedish boy who fired more billets into her chest until she fell down. He walked up to Five and held the gun to him.
"This doesn't have to be the end. We use my ability to time travel."
"You're the genius who said we should jump. Right? You're the one who got us stuck here."
"Well let's see, you stranded me in the 60's, come back, tell me that the world is ending again——-"
"Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities."
"Start small."
"Seconds not decades."
A light resonates from Fives hands as everything plays in reverse, everyone stands back up as he runs to the door. Suddenly everything was back to the way it was.
"I know that we can be your family...if you just let us." Diego tells Lila
Five got ready at the door and disarmed the Handler of her gun.
"It's true, isn't it? What Five said." Lila asked her
The handler didn't respond which only pissed Lila off more
"Answer me! Is it true?" She asked again
"Well-" the Handler started before bullets went into her stomach from behind, she fell to the floor and Lila sprinted towards the case.
"The case!" Luther yelled as he lunged towards her
Diego interfered and made Luther land on him.
Five and the Swedish man held the guns to each other until Five dropped his.
"Enough." He says
Th man looked around before dropping his gun and saying 'enough' in Sweden, he then walked out.
"I almost had her. Why the hell did you stop me?" Luther asked Diego
"Because...I love her." Diego told him smiling
"Who the hell was that guy?" Klaus asked
(POV switch)
I sighed in relief then followed everyone down to where Harlan was.
"Harlan, Harlan. Whatever it is I have to you I can take it back, okay? We just, we need to stop this." Vanya says before her hands started glowing bright blue
I held my hand over my mouth as I hoped for it to work. Suddenly everything stopped. Sissy ran up to him and hugged Harlan. Vanya looked at us and smiled. They brought Harlan to his room as Five and Diego made their way to talk to two people who appeared. I was beside Klaus who started to play with my hair. "You know, your hair looks good at your shoulders." He said before wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me into a crushing hug.
Dear Melody
If you're reading this letter than it means I'm gone. I never knew what it was like to live in a good household until I met you, you change so much in me and it was amazing living with you for the past year. I only wish that I could've brought you with me, I know that you're scared of entering a relationship again but, you're still young, get out there, meet a nice man, or even a nice woman. Treat yourself and don't forget me.
Love you Melly
Y/N Hargreeves

I came up behind Five and gave him a hug, before kissing his cheek.
"I love you." I whispered in his ear
"I know." He responds chuckling
He turned around and stokes my hair, examining my features.
"I'm go glad you're back." He whispered to himself
"What?" I asked him confused
"Nothing." He dismisses before placing a kiss on my lips.
He grabbed the case and we all went outside.
"Everyone ready?" He asked
"Yeah, let's do it." Luther says
"Wait." Klaus says suddenly
He runs and picks up a hat, we all link hands and suddenly we're back at the academy. Sighs of relief went all around the room as we smelt the old but familiar smell of the academy.
"What..what..what day is it?" Diego asked
Five picked up a news paper and read it.
"April 2, 2019. Day after the apocalypse." Five said before throwing the news paper down
"Wait, so we stopped it." Allison asked
"Really?" I says as I get over my time headache
"Did we actually succeed at something? That's incredible." Klaus says causing us all to laugh
"I don't know about you guys, but I need a drink. In fact I need several." Klaus says
I latched onto Allison in a hug, so excited to be back home.
"Well Five, you stopped the apocalypse." I tell him before giving him a hug and giving him a short peck
We all walked into the lounging room when Diego drew our attention.
"Why is there a painting of Ben over the mantle piece?" Diego asked
He was right, the picture that originally showed Five was now Ben.
"I knew you'd show up eventually." An all too familiar voice says
Dad stood up from his chair and walked over to us.
"You're alive." Luther says softly
"Why shouldn't I be?" Dad asked
"Yeah. Y-yeah, your right. I'm...I'm just happy that we're home and...together again." Luther tells him
"Home? This isn't your home." Dad tells us
"What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy." Allison tells him
"Wrong again. This is the Sparrow Academy." He says
As if on cue footsteps approach from the top balcony. Silhouettes of people were on the top of the balcony, we couldn't see their faces due to them being in the sunlight.
"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" Says...Ben
There's a moment of silence before we all in unison say


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