Chapter Three

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Thank you so much for all the support and reads for this already. It makes me so happy 😁 (Also I should probably be clear, Melody is an older woman in her late 40's)

Mel and I just finished our supper when she asked.
"So was that kid like, your boyfriend?" She asked me out of the blue causing me to spit and choke on the water I was drinking.
"I guess you could say that, but after the fight I don't know anymore." I scratched the back of my neck while explaining looking off to the side
"You're blushing." She teased as she got up to put everything away
My hands went to my cheeks and felt that they were burning up.
"So what was your fight about anyway?" Melody asked me while she was getting the sink ready to wash dishes
"The worlds ending again, and he wanted my help but I said no." I explain looking down
She dropped a plate onto the floor, causing it to shatter at her feet.
"Shit are you alright!?" I frantically asked, making my way to her and picking up the shards
"Why did you say no?"
"Because I have work, and I have to protect you." I answered
She leaned down to me and looked me in the eyes
"You don't gotta protect me girlie. I should be the one protecting you, and think about it this way. If you stop the Big Boom then you'll be protecting me as well." She told me with a slight smile on her face
"Thank you Mel. But I can't, what would I do if something happens to you? What will happen to your store if I'm not here?" I frantically asked
"Then I'll manage. Girlie you gotta stop worrying, I am 47 after all." She replied chuckling
I stood up and put the shards into the garbage. There was a  sudden knock at the shop door that scared us both. Melody answered the door and saw a older man who looked clearly drunk.
"Excuse me sir but it is past hours and our shop is closed." She explained kindly
The man pushed on the door and stumbled inside.
"What are you doing in my house?" He slurred while he stumbled around the shop
"Sir this is my shop, it's been my shop for 20 years. I'm sorry sir but you'll have to leave." Mel pushed me behind her just in case the man did anything
He took another sip from the bottle he was holding, chugging it until it was pouring from the sides of his mouth.
"Okay sir that's eno-" she went to grab the bottle away from him but he threw the bottle at her feet causing it to shatter and causing the rest of the drink to spill everywhere.
"Get out of my HOUSE!" He raised his hand to hit her but luckily I caught it in time.
"Sir, this store isn't your house. Now because you have refused Melody's kindness you have to deal with me and I'm not that nice, so I will tell you this one time, Get out." I twisted his wrist and dragged him out the door and threw him outside.
"Have a nice night Sir." I told him smiling sweetly
"Don't forget your hat." Mel threw his hat onto him before closing the door and locking it
"See Mel this is what I was talking about. That man would've hit you if I wasn't there." I explained to her
"Y/N listen. This is something that is unavoidable, if I rely on you for the rest of my life then I'll be useless. The world need you more then I do." She gave me a hug and patted my head
"Now you need to find that boy, whatever his name was. And tell him that you're in." She told me before heading back upstairs
'God where's Five when you need him.'
Next thing I heard was Melody's shreak from upstairs. I sprinted and saw a boy with a cup of coffee sitting in one of the chairs.
"It's alright Mel. It's just Five." I reassured her putting my hand on her shoulder
"Great coffee." He complimented as he finished his cup
"Thanks." Melody responded still being cautious
"What do you want Five?" I asked him frowning at the fact that he broke in
"I need to talk to you. Alone." He told me looking at Mel
"1. Don't be so rude to her Five. And 2. We can just go downstairs to the shop." I explained with an angry tone
He got up and walked down the stairs with a smile on his face, I followed him saw him sitting on the counter.
"So what was so important that you decided to break in?" I asked him while I began to sweep the broken bottle that was still on the floor.
"What is it with you guys and not caring about the worlds end? I saw Luther and he didn't give a damn."
"Wait you saw the others, are they okay?" I asked him giving him my full attention
"Well, Diego's in a mental institution, then Luther doesn't care for anything except his job." He explain with an annoyed tone
I brought my attention back down to the broom and swept again
"Your hairs different." He pointed out getting off of the counter
"Yeah, well it's almost been a year." I said sarcastically
"A Year!?" He said in shocked with wide eyes
I nodded, pouring the glistening glass shards into garbage.
"I wouldn't of made it that long if it wasn't for Mel." I told him putting the broom away
"What happened? Why are you so indebted to her?" He asked he putting his hand on my shoulder

The cold April rain was hitting everywhere. Even in Texas it was still cold, my uniform was dirtied and torn. Every time a person would pass by me they would either stare, laugh, kick me, or steal the money that people gave me. It felt almost as if I would die from pneumonia or heat stroke all together like one horrible party. The rain soaked my hair and made me feel more alone then I already felt. Then it was like the rain had stopped hitting me, I looked up and saw an umbrella being held by a kind looking woman.
"My name is Melody, do you need a place to stay girlie?" She asked me kneeling down next to me
I nodded weakly and followed her slowly to her shop

"She saved my life, if it weren't for her then I'd be dead." I explained to him with a tear falling down my eye
"Y/n if you save the world, then you can save her too." He tried to reason with me, putting a hand on my cheek is I would meet his eyes
I moved from his embrace, not being ready to forgive him so easily for being an asshole and for hurting me.
"Fine, I'm in." I told him
He moved to me but I held out my hand in an attempt to stop him
"But that doesn't mean that you're forgiven just like that. You were an Asshole and eventually you'll be forgiven, but thats not right now." I walked up to the stairs and stopped on the first step.
"Get me from here when you're ready to start." I tell him making my way up the stairs, leaving him by himself

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