I have a Detroit Become Human lets play in the background 😂 do you guys like that game? Also what's your guys' favourite game?
Mel brought me to her room and opened a small wooden box. She pulled out a pair of gem earrings.
"You'll look like a beautiful snowflake with these." Mel told me as she put the earrings into my hand.
I looked at the clock and gave her a hug, smiling extremely wide.
"Thanks Mom." I thanked
I made a run for the door and stop when Mel followed behind me claiming that I forgot my shoes. She tossed heels in my direction and waved goodbye, I was about to leave but I stopped myself.
"Next time someone hurts you, I'll personally make sure they pay." I tell her before hurrying back to Elliots.
When I got there I found Lila holding a silk green dress with a puffed skirt.
"It looks like a colour a dark mermaid would wear." I tell her
She looked at me confused as she headed to the bathroom.
"It's a compliment I swear." I reassure
She came out and looked amazing, she had a smile on her face as she walked out.
"You look beautiful." I complimented
She smiled wider and played around with the dress a bit.
I walked into the bathroom and put on the dress, trying my best not to get anything on it. When I finished putting it on I was about to admire what I looked like when knocking game at the door, I opened it to see Lila, she leaned on the frame and looked me up and down.
"Can I do your hair?" Lila asked me
My mind went to flashed of Vanya and Allison when we were younger so I nodded.
As she was doing my hair she made sure not to hurt me.
"This is like what someone would do with a little sister right?" She questioned
I grinned as more memories of my sister flooded back to me.
"Yeah, it is."
Lila chuckled and put water through my hair as started to curl it with her fingers
"I've never had a little sister before." She tells me
She eventually put my hair up an twisted two small strands in the front.
"Done, you look amazing." She complimented as she put her head on my shoulder and hugged me from behind
(It's not odd I swear, it's something me and my sisters do)
We walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch while waiting for the guys.
"I don't think I've ever seen Diego in a suit, god I wish I had a camera." I chuckled
Lila laughed and stopped as her sight went to Diego who walked out in a suit, I tried not to laugh since he looked good. Just it wasn't normal to see this.
"Okay you can stop laughing now." He says with a sigh
"No, you look good. It's just a once in a life time moment." I began to laugh.
Diego's gaze met with Lilas and he stood their speechless, I with held my giggles since I've never seen my brother so flustered before.
"Okay, you ready to go." Five asked as he walked out of the kitchen chugging a cup of coffee
He saw me and grew silent for a second, I shook his head and put down his cup before getting to the door.
"Let's go." He says
I looked to my heels and started to walk
"I think someone's gotten a bit flustered." Lila whispered in my ear
I was about to say against it but was cut off
"And I'm not talking about you."
She walked away and I eventually joined them after some walking help from Diego.
"Have you never walked in heels before Y/N?" Diego asked me as he linked my arm with his
I rolled my eyes and endured the pain of these torture devices
"Have you?" I retorted
He chuckled and continued to help me out.
"Why don't you just take them off." He suggested
I looked at him like he was the biggest dumbass in the world
"Because I gotta get used to them, if I don't then I'd probably walk around barefoot."
I looked back at him but noticed his gaze was on Lila again
I grinned and leaned in a bit
"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I whispered
He jumped slightly and looked back at me with slightly tinted cheeks but didn't say anything.
When we got there I was able to walk pretty well in my heels, Diego kept looking at Lila like she was a piece of marble art. We all ducked behind a silvery blue car and waited for the right time to sneak by.
"How easy do you think it is to get into there?" I asked them
"Depends, if they're stupid enough, or if you guys are smart enough." Five answered me as his eyes never left the doorway
I nodded then realized that he just left himself out.
"Hey, you're not always right either, it depends on it we're all smart enough. Not just us three." I complained
I could hear Five chuckle a little bit
(GOD the word chuckle is probably in this more times then it's in twilight)
"So, what's the plan?" Lila asked
"We infiltrate, we identify, we extract. Double time." Diego turned around and answered with a quiet voice
Lila turn around with a confused look on her face.
"What the hell's he talking about?" She asked
"Find the old man and get our fast." Five tells her
Diego turned back around
"That's what I said." He says
"On me."
He began to move and snuck behind a car a little bit down.
"After you." Lila insisted for Five
Five looked at her suspiciously and basically sent her a small glare
"What, I can't be polite?" Lila asked him
"Cut the crap. All right? My dimwitted brother might by your bullshit, but I don't trust you for a second." Five told her quietly yet threateningly
"O ye of little faith." Lila said with a little smile.
"Stick it up your ass." Five told her
They started walking and I went beside him.
"Hey, what was that about?" I whisper yelled at him
"I don't trust her, and I recommend you do the same thing too." He tells me
I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
"She hasn't done anything bad yet, except steal a couple things and break out of the nuthouse. So maybe try not to be such an asshole." I defend her as I sped up a bit
We finally snuck out way past them a bit and made our way inside.
The place was filled with people in really fancy clothes, I straightened my back and put on a fake smile. I grabbed a glass of champagne and followed the guys + Lila silently, I felt odd being there, especially since I looked like a kid.
We all stopped and slightly looked around.
"I don't see Dad anywhere." Diego told us
"Just keep and eye out for the Majestic Twelve. I got the upstairs." Five told us
"Diego, try not to do anything too stupid." Five told him before leaving
"I'll look around, if anything happens come and get me." I tell them before walking away.
The place looked amazing and the music was beautiful but I didn't see Dad anywhere.
"Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" A Texan voice asked me
I chuckled and turned around to see blonde curled hair and blue eyes. I stood there a bit speechless and just stared at her.
"Are you okay darling?"
I snapped back into reality and tried to come up with an excuse
"Yeah, I'm sorry you're just- uh. Really pretty." I say to her
She smiled at the compliment and swayed side to side for a tiny bit
"Well thank you, you look beautiful too." She complimented me
"Thank you, I'm Y/N Har-Harris." I corrected as I held out my hand
"Y/N, that's a lovely name. I'm Grace." She greeted as she shook my hand
"I uh- better get back to my um parents. It was nice meeting you." I said as I stepped back
"You too Y/N, don't be a stranger." She tells me as she waved
I hurried to a corner and took in a breath and almost let out a sob.
"I missed you mom." I tell her
I suddenly got a wave of pain in the left side of my face, it was so sudden that it made me drop my glass.
To avoid any attention being drawn to me I turned invisible and ran back to to the crowd. I ran into Diego who had the same shocked look on his face as I did.
"Did you see mom?" We both asked in sync
We both nodded as well as more music started to play.
"Where's Lila?" I asked him trying to avoid the subject of our mom
He looked around and his eyebrows furrowed
"I don't know." He answered.
I looked at the band and dramatically held out my hand to him.
"May I have this dance?" I asked him
He smiled and took my hand and led me to the dance floor.
(Gotta love me some bro moments)
"So, what've you been doing since we got trapped here?" He asked me
"Not much, I moved in with a lady and we run her flower shop. Her name is Melody." I tell him
"What about you?"
"Nuthouse." He answered quickly
I laughed and nodded
"So Melody, does she know. About you?"
I nodded and sighed.
"She was shocked at first but is taking it so well that it's terrifying." I admitted
"Is she the one who gave you the dress?" He asked me
I smiled and shook my head yes.
The song ended so we stopped dancing, it was odd that he has all these skills I never knew of before.
"Since when did you become so good at dancing?" I asked him
He chuckled but didn't respond.
"Let's go look some more for Dad." He suggested
I nodded and went the opposite way of him.
The sun had set already, and I turned a corner before falling on my knees in pain. Pain was going everywhere, my breath shortened as well, I knew something was wrong. The pain from everywhere subsided so I ran up the stairs and almost ran into Lila. I saw Diego with two guys being choked, I took off my heel and threw it at the one who was choking my brothers neck.
"HEY ASSHOLES!" I yelled
He got distracted long enough for Diego to get free.
(I know that Diego knocked one out already when he got free but I want the reader to get some fighting in as well)
One went after me and tried to hit me but luckily I remember how to defend myself, as he basically cornered me I turned invisible and snuck around him then went on the floor and interlocked our legs which caused him to trip. I got onto of him and slammed his head down on the ground, knocking him out. I went back to Diego who just knocked the last blonde man to the ground.
"Thanks." He said before hurrying down the stairs.
I picked up my shoes and sat on the rail to slide my way down, it proved effective. We went outside just in time to see dads car drive away.
"Was that him?" Diego asked him
"Yeah." Five confirmed
We all stood there and watched the car drive away.
"You know, I'm starting to get the feeling Dad's avoiding us." Five said
"Yeah." I agreed out of breath
"Hate to be the boring one, guys, but, uh, it's time we get the hell out of here." Lila suggested
"When you say "we," who exactly are you referring to?" Five asked her
"Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence." Lila said
"Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is, I'd advise you return posthaste." Five told her with clear venom behind his words
"She's right, Five. We gotta get outta here." Diego said
"I just saved your life, you kinder-shit. If I hadn't stepped in all that would've be left of you is a blazer and some bloody socks." Lila shot back
"And that's the problem. You're too good. You ask to many questions. You know too much. And you fight like you know what you're doing." Five revealed
"He's got a point." Diego agreed
I nodded along but was breathing so I could keep my opinions in my brain and not out my mouth.
"So I know how to handle myself, and that makes me the bad guy?" Lila asked rhetorically
"Whoever you are, you're getting in my way. If I see you again, I will kill you." Five threatened before walking away.
I glared at Lila and had the final straw for keeping myself calm.
She looked back at me and gave me a confused look.
"What?" She asked
"What? Seriously, you're asking me 'what?' you could've saved both of them but you didn't. You left my brother to die and that doesn't settle right with me." I tell her with anger in my voice
"Ones a grown man, ones a kid. Who do you think I was gonna choose?"
"But you were running down the stairs without even a second thought, Diego could've died because you didn't care enough to help him Lila." I shot back at her
She looked at me slightly shocked.
"Just stay away from me, and stay away from my family." I warned before leaving as well
I caught up to Five and sighed.
"I'm sorry I called you an asshole." I apologized
"It's fine, it doesn't really matter right now." He tells me
I sighed and felt like I should pull out my damn hair.
"I can't believe she would've let him die. How could she be so cruel?" I rhetorically asked
(I personally love Lila, she is very funny.)
"Looks like the time alone has made your temper become shorter." Five said
I grinned and nodded
"Yeah I guess."
I looked back at him and saw that he was sweaty and looked pretty beaten.
"You okay?" I asked him
He nodded and out his hands in his pockets.
"How about you?"
"I'm fine, I haven't fought in a while. But I took out a full grown guy by myself so my pride is doing really well." I answered
He stayed silent like he was lost in his thoughts
"Wanna get some coffee when we get back?" I asked him
He nodded with a slight smile on his face.
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