Part 3: The Man

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"I guess that's a yes then..." The figure took Afton into an empty bedroom and placed them on the bed. Afton had awoken and look around the room. "Oh! You're awake! How do you feel?" Afton's eyes darted to a corner of the room where they saw a young man in a rocking chair. "I'm Peter Parker! And you are...?" Afton was shocked out of their body at this point. "P-Pet... no no no... pe-peter..." Afton mumbled. "Are you uh... are you okay...?" Peter said with a worried tone.

Afton broke out in tears once again and pulled their black hoodie hood over their head. "Whoa whoa whoa! What's wrong? Do you need anything?" Peter said, standing up to go sit on the edge of the bed. "N-No it's fine... I- I mean I'm fine." Afton gave a slight chuckle. "Anyways, I uh, I'm Afton." They gave a real laugh that time. "Oh! Nice name! Nice to meet you, Afton." Peter put his hand out for them to shake. But Afton bolted up and lunged at Peter to hug him. "Whoa! I..."

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