⭐Steven P.O.V⭐
I yelled at Emerald as my anger boiled inside of me.Emerald just chuckled.Pearl,Garnet,Amythest,Bismuth,Peridot,Lapis,and Connie stand besides me with their weapons.Bismuth shouted
"Come Gems!Let's get our Y/N back!"
I growl under my breath.I eyed over to Y/N it see fear in her eyes.She looks at me that screams for help.I cried of war and runs after them.The gems and Connie soon followed after.Emerald rebels start going after us.A jasper was head straight for me with her orange glove.I held my sheild in my defense.She reach the sheild and pushed on her.I tilted up with a quick and strong pace.It throw her over my head and landed hard on the ground with a growled.I twisted my body around to face the Jasper.Suddenly,something wrap around my torso.It made my sheild disappeared in a flash and my clothes become soaking wet.I questioned to myself
I was held about 10 feet in the air.I was turned to see it was there 3 more Lapis Lazulies.A gigantic amount of water was right behind them.My eyes widened in shock.I yelled
"Everyone get out of here!"
I heard Connie respond
"No Steven,we are getting you and BackkkWooooaaaahhh!"
I turned my head behind me to see that a ring of water surround her torso.She was lifted up next to me.I yelled at the Lapises
"Let her and Y/N go!"
They smirked and wrapped rings of water around my friends and lifted up in the air behind me or/and higher then me and Connie was.Emerld chuckled and Y/N cried out
"Don't hurt them!"
Emerld looks at her and chuckled
"Why should I take orders from the likes of you?Steven may have told you that you belong to him, but you actually belong to me!Your my weapon to use not HIM!You might still be incomplete but your still dangerous!Now be a good dear and shut up!"
My face flashed a angry red that steamed my whole body.Suddenly,The others told Emerald
Pearl : "She doesn't belong to you."
Amythest: "Yeah!She belongs to herself."
Garnet : "She is one of us,not our object"
Bismuth : "She was able to get far without you or someone else to tell her what she want to do!"
Peridot : "She would been a higher tier closer to the diamonds authority in the old rank system"
Lapis : "She isn't your prisoner"
Connie : "She doesn't need anyone to tell her what to do."
A bright smile came upan my face as my head turn to them all.I looked at back around and eyed over to Y/N.She was smiling like the morning sun.She eyed over to me.My heart dropped to the floor.A tiny pink tint of my cheek came back.The small moment between me and her was stop by Emerald yelling
"Enough with this time about how "everyone is equal"!It annoying and falsehood!Lapises...pop them!"
When that commend,the Lapises nodded and moved their hand slowly close together.The water ring around me start squeezing me.My lung was squeezed its life out.My arm were to close to my side that it sink into where my insides should be at.
I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard the other groaning in pain.Then,a beautiful voice yelled
"No!Leave them alone!"
A raspy voice responded
"Don't worry,little experiment.You be freed from this criminals and have a purpose with me"
The beautiful voice sudden became a voice of demands
Her voice rang out through the entire room.A loud thud echoed through the dance.I opened my eyes to see Y/N shining like was when I rescued her.Her eyes were glowing blue and her gem was shining ocean-blue through her dress.My eyed widened to the ceiling and my jaw to the ground.She moves her hands towards us and everyone was lowered to the ground.I gently set my left foot on the ground first and then set my other foot on floor.The water surrounded me let me go and went towards Y/N
Emerald screamed.I look next to me to see the water ring around went to Y/N as well.I quickly turned 180° to see the gems water ring were heading towards Y/N.I turned back to her and the some of the water slowly went behind her and branched out into Lapis Wings.My eyes started twinkling at her beauty.I smirked at the realization..
'She found her power'
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