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Kokichi and shuichi agruged about the phone thing for a little bit before the topic changed,
"Anyways, you like me right?" Kokichi stated
"I thought we already talked about that." Shuichi blushed and groaned in response.
"Yeah yeah I know," kokichi giggled "Its still sooo hilarious that a detective would fall in love with the leader of an evil organization!" Kokichi said brightly.
Shuichi rolled his eyes "We both know your organization isn't evil kokichi." He said clicking and deleting all the kirigiri.
Kokichi hissed as a response which made shuichi chuckle
"My organization is evil!" Kokichi pressed to try to keep up the lie.
"Sureee." Shuichi said.

Sorry for the short chapter, I have no motivation or creativity rn so yeehaw? I dunno, would y'all like my opinions on DR characters?
Im hungy see ya

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