Recover will take time

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Kay couldn't sleep that night. She was just sitting on her bed. She didn't even change her clothes. It was 4 a.m. in the morning. Kay was sitting on her bed and her arms were around her knees. She looked to her right. Just a day ago, Ben was laying here next to her. A day ago! She couldn't believe that all of it was happening. Her eyes were red because of the tears. Kay was crying that hard last time, when Phil died. She lost her love once, she don't want to lose it again. Kay looked on the clocks. 4:06. She got up of her bed and went to her closet. She finally changed her clothes. Then, she looked at her hands. Blood.

-Shit! - she said to herself. Kay went to the bathroom to wash the blood away.

She didn't want to be in this empty house any longer. Kay grabbed her key's and left it. She decided to not to call Fritz now. It was too early. And by the way, she didn't care about her life anymore. She wasn't scared of anything. But surprisingly for her, on all her way to the hospital, there was no attack. Nothing. She was confused. What is wrong with those people? They want to kill her but only when she is with someone? Unbelievable.

When she got to the hospital, it was already 5 a.m. She walked to the lobby and sat on the chair. Next to her was sitting a group of people. She looked forward. Operation room. Just like she yesterday. She leaned on the back of her chair. The door of the operation room opened and the doctor came up to the group of people. They quickly got up and ran up to him.

-I'm sorry. - he said.

Kay felt how the blood in her was freezing. What can be worse than to lose your loved one? She looked at group of people. They all were hugging each other and crying. The doctor turned his head to her. He came up to Kay.

-Mrs. Graham. You came to visit? - he asked quietly.

-Yes...Yes - she said, not taking her eyes from the group of people. The doctor called her after him. She got up and followed him. When they were far away from the group, she finally asked.

-Who they were waiting for? - she asked.

-Their father. He didn't make it.

Kay looked down. She felt so sorry for them. Yet, she realized that she could have been on their place yesterday.

-When...when things like that happen...what do you feel? - she quietly asked.

The doctor looked down.

-Disappointed. Extremely disappointed in myself. But the truth is, we can't save everyone. That's what the job of the doctor is all about. Every medic have to go through the death of his patient.

Kay was listening him with sadness inside of her. Poor doctors. They're going through so much deaths everyday. They are heroes.

Finally, next to the room number 114, the doctor stopped. He opened the door and went in. Kay freezed on her place. She couldn't move. Her legs wouldn't carry her. The doctor looked at her.

-Come in, mrs. Graham. It's okay.

Kay made a deep breath and walked in the room. The doctor was checking Ben's indicators. Kay couldn't move again. Her eyes still couldn't believe that. She slowly walked up to Ben. He was laying on the bed like if he was asleep but he had a lot of wires coming to his chest, which was wrapped up in bandage.

-Well, the indicators are stable. All we have to do is wait.

-Thank you, doctor. Thank you.

-I will leave you now.

The door closed and Kay was left alone with Ben. She slowly sat next to him. She grabbed his hand, which wasn't as warm as it was before. She couldn't take it any longer. She burst into tears. Kay put her head on Ben's chest. She could feel his heartbeat. She carefully kissed his forehead. She started to fall asleep while listening to his heartbeat. A nurse came in and saw Kay on Ben's chest.

-Oh, I'm sorry but you shouldn't be doing this. - the nurse said softly. - you can hurt his wires.

-Oh, sorry. So sorry. Yes, won't happen again. - Kay replied.

The nurse was preparing to make him an injection. Kay looked at her soft and careful movements.

-Umm... how many chances that he will...come back? - she asked.

The nurse turned her head to Kay.

-To be honest, his injuries are very serious. Not only that, he lost a lot of blood. But, I think we can only count on him now. It's his task now to come back. - the nurse said.

Kay gave her a tiny smile. She knew Ben. He will make it. He is too stubborn to give up.

The nurse left and Kay was left alone again. She started to stroke his hair. It always made her feel more relaxed. A time went by and, surprisingly for her, Kay fell asleep on Ben's chest.

Hours went by and hospital was getting more crowded and crowded. Kay woke up when it was 10 a.m. She realized that she fell asleep on Ben's chest. She hoped that she didn't hurt him anything. Kay knew that she is not going to the work today. She didn't care about anything now. Her newspaper, her company, her workers-nothing wasn't important for her anymore.

Kay sat with Ben for the whole day. She wanted to call his ex wife. But, what would she say? "Hello. You see, your ex has been shot yesterday, wanna come around?"

-Oh God! - she said to herself. Too many problems. During the whole day, Kay didn't let go Ben's hand. She just wanted him to be as always again. Sarcastic, clever, always doing things his own way. She loved that Ben. She wanted to kiss his lips but the oxygen mask wouldn't let her do it. When the night came, Kay didn't even notice that. The doctor came over.

-Oh, mrs. Graham. I thought you'd left already.

-Should I? - she asked quietly.

-No, no. If you want, you can stay here for a night. Just make sure that you don't touch his wires, okay?

-Yes, of course. Thank you. - she replied.

The doctor came up to Ben and checked him. He looked a little confused.

-Is something wrong? - she asked quiet nervously.

-The police came here. I read the protocol that you told them. - the doctor said, while looking at Ben.


-You said that on the next day after he got injured, you found him on the floor, is that right?

-Yes... - she answered.

-And his whole body was shaking, is that correct?


-When you found him, did you see a foam coming out of his mouth? - he asked.

Kay was confused. She would have remembered it, if he had one, wouldn't she?

-No. No, I don't think so. I didn't see anything.

The doctor looked at her and then turned his eyes at Ben.

-Hmm...that's interesting.

Kay didn't get it. She was totally confused now.

-What's the problem? - she asked carefully.

-Well, if human is having a seizure, it's always a problem. I thought it could have been epilepsy. But it's not, if what you're saying is true. And yesterday, while operating him, I noticed that too.

-What? Noticed what? - she asked with fear in her eyes.

The doctor raised his eyes to her and came closer to Ben. He gently grabbed his head and very slowly and carefully threw back his head. Ben started to breath faster and his heartbeat raised. His body started to shake a little.

-Okay, okay. - the doctor said and put his head into the normal position. Ben's indicators came back to normal. Kay was shocked.

-What...what was that? - she asked shakingly.

The doctor came up to her and sat next to her.

-Please, tell me, this was the first time he had a seizure?

-Yes. Yes, it was.

The doctor looked at Ben again.

-For how long you've known him?

-Since, um, since university. And I also was in good relationship with his wife. She would have told me if he had something like this before.

The doctor took off his glasses and leaned his head on his hand.

-Did he ever had a head trauma? Like, did he fell from the tree or something? far as I know. - Kay answered.

-Hmm... you said, that the night he got shot, you were in the car and then you ran into your house. Did you see the fight?

Kay looked at Ben. She grabbed his hand tightly, almost breaking it.

-No, I didn't.

The doctor nodded. It became quite.

-What's wrong with him, doctor? - she asked quietly.

-Please, answer the last question. What did you do to bring him back to normal condition?

Kay looked away. She couldn't remember doing anything special that moment.

-I think, I...just...shaked his head and he stopped shaking.

-Okay, thank you, mrs. Graham - the doctor nodded.

-So? What's wrong with him? - she asked.

The doctor turned to her.

-I'm not sure but, I think that while fighting, he got hit in the head. That injury must have touched his nervous system. So, now, everytime he throws his head back, his brain takes a pause in its working. That's why he is seizing. The body stops getting signals. And that's also the reason, why he doesn't remember his seizure. When you shaked his head, or when I put it in the normal position, his brain cells connect with each other again and his brain starts working normally.

Kay looked at Ben. And again, it was all her fault. She did this to him.

-Is it dangerous? - she asked.

-I'm afraid yes. While seizing, he can hurt his head or do something to himself. In the end, he can just die because of the lack of air.

Kay couldn't believe that. He could have died way earlier. If she wouldn't wake up that morning.

-Can I...can I protect him from that? - she asked shakingly.

-Just make sure he doesn't threw his head back, that's all. I think, in his sleep, he accidentally did that. He was lucky that you woke up.

Kay looked at Ben. She wanted to hug him and just apologize for everything she did to him.

-Well, I think you need to be on your own now, mrs. Graham. If you need something, just call a nurse.

-Thank you very much doctor. - she replied.

The door closed and it became quite again. She put her head on his chest again, while no one can see. The tears rolled down her face and fell on his chest.

-I'm so sorry, Ben. So sorry... - she said through her tears. She started to fall asleep again but quickly made herself to stop. - No! Not here. - she said to herself.

Kay grabbed Ben's hand and put her head next to it. That's how she fell asleep. She didn't care about very uncomfortable position. It didn't bother her. At least, Ben was near.

The whole week went by. Ben was still in coma. Doctor said that all they have to do is wait. That's all. Kay went home only to change her clothes and ask Fritz about her company. She was always falling asleep next to Ben. She couldn't sleep other way. One day, when she was asleep, someone tapped her head. She thought, that it must be the doctor. Kay slowly opened her eyes and realized that the doctor is not here. She saw Ben's hand holding her face.

-Ben! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! - she screamed. Kay grabbed his chest and started crying in it. She could feel how Ben's hand was slowly moving through her hair. He was too weak, yet, he could still make Kay feel safe. The doctor that heard the screaming, came into the room.

-Oh! Mr. Bradlee! Finally! - he said with a smile on his face. He came up to Ben and took the oxygen mask off his face. Kay could finally see his beautiful face, covered in a little scratches.

-Hey - he said very quietly and weakly.

-Hey - she said with a tears in her eyes and with a smile on her face.

-Well, the full recover will take time. But at least, the hardest part of it is behind.

Doctor left the room and Kay put her head on Ben's chest. He was slowly stocking through her hair. She could see that he had a little smile on his face, yet, he was very exhausted and tired.

-I thought I'd never see you, Ben - she said.

Ben giggled. go like this...would have been...would have been too boring. - he replied quietly.

Kay smiled. She was just so happy. Finally, this nightmare was coming to an end

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