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The day was boring. Nothing major happened, so there was nothing to write about in papers. Ben hated days like that. He needed something. Explosions, scandals and so on. But now, his thoughts were about Kay. Maybe he did wrong? What if he will call the police? No, it's too dangerous. They might track her and take her down.

- Shit! - he yelled at himself. - idiot, what are you doing?

Time went by. Office was getting quieter and quieter every hour. At 7 p.m. there was no one in the office. Almost.

Kay was sitting in her chair. She couldn't work today. She was too scared. Her thoughts were all about that piece of paper. What is she supposed to do? What if they will hurt her family? What if they will kill her anyway? What if and what if and what if...and the whole day went like this. The sudden knock in the door made her stiffen. She turned to the door. It opened slowly and she could see the person.

-Oh, God! Ben, you scared me. - she said, while exhaling.

-Sorry. Won't happen again. Are you ready? - he asked.

Kay was starring at him. His hands in pockets, his confident stand, his grey suit, just like the colour if his hair. She felt a very strange feeling. She saw that look for like 30 years already. She shouldn't be amazed. Yet, she is.

Ben started to feel himself uncomfortable. Kay was starring at him without saying a word. He checked himself. There was no dirt on his clothes, nothing.

-Umm, Kay? - he finally broke the silence. - you okay?

She quickly blinked while shaking her head. What is wrong with her? Did she just starred at him for like 30 seconds?!

-Sorry. I was just thinking. Yes, wait for me outside, please.


Ben turned around and closed the door. Kay leaned on the back of her chair. She turned her head to the window. It was dark. She was never afraid of dark but now. She couldn't imagine herself walking alone down that street. She quickly packed her stuff in her bag and went to the door. She locked it and went downstairs. Kay couldn't stop thinking about that awkward moment. Ben must be so uncomfortable now.

-Dumbass! - she told herself.

When she walked out of the building, she saw Ben. He was standing next to the stairs, breathing an air. His eyes were closed. He was having the same confident stand, hands in his pockets. She loved that look. She shaked her head. "Not again!" she said to herself. Kay walked up to him and gently tapped him in the shoulder. He slowly turned his head to her.

-You ready? - he asked her.


-Okay. Come on. - he started walking towards his car, while holding his hand around her shoulders. She momentarily felt herself warm and safe. He opened her a door.

-Thank you - she said smiling.

He set to the driver seat and drove to her house. It was silent. None of them said anything. Kay slowly turned her head to him. She could see his serious and, yet, a little nervous face. He was looking on the road and rarely looked around. Ben was also feeling himself uncomfortable. He decided to break that silence.

-So, what will you be doing at home? - he asked.

-Why do you ask? - she replied with a little smile on her face.

-Just a question. - he said.

-Well, I could call my son... - she said back.

-And tell him about the letter?

She turned her head to him.

-No. I don't want to put my kids into this. - she answered seriously.

-Fair enough.

When they finally got to Kay's house, it was already an 8 p.m. Ben opened the door of his car to get out of it, when suddenly, he slammed the door back. Kay quickly turned her head to him. He was wary.

-What is it? - she asked confused.

-Sit here. I must check something. When I say go, you'll run into your house and lock the door, okay? - he said while turning his head around.

-Ben, what's going on? - she asked. She was already scared.

-Just wait. - he said and opened the door.

-Ben! Wait! - she yelled.

Ben slowly got out if his car and closed the door. Kay leaned on the back of her seat. She was scared. Her body was shaking. Ben slowly looked around and walked towards the big tree which was across the road from Kay's house. Kay didn't take her eyes from Ben. He stopped on the middle of the road.
He made a step when a sudden gunshot was made. Ben immediately ran after the tree. Kay bened down, holding her head with her hands. She couldn't see where Ben was. Suddenly, he ran out of the tree.

-Kay, run! - he yelled.

She immediately got out of his car and ran in her house. She locked the door and ran upstairs. She set behind her bed and was holding her hand across her mouth. Kay could hear the sound of fighting when suddenly she heard another gunshot. She covered her mouth tightly with her hand to make sure she doesn't scream. Tears were dripping down her face. Suddenly, everything got quite. No fighting, no gunshot. Nothing. She took her hand off her mouth and slowly got up. Kay wanted to look out of the window but realized that it was a bad decision. She slowly got out of her room and went to the stairs. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. She immediately ran back to her room. Kay was sitting on the floor and crying. She didn't wanna die.

-Phill, help me! - she prayed.

Then, she heard a voice.

-Kay, you okay? Please, open. It's me, Ben.

She rushed downstairs and opened the door. She saw him. His face was full of scratches and dirt. She let him in and locked the door. She could see that his clothes was also dirty.

-Who...who was that? - she asked with a shaking voice.

-I don't know, he ran away - Ben replied while holding his side. When he leaned on the wall, he gasped a little bit.

-What is it, Ben? What is it? - she asked him.

-Nothing. Just, little scratch.

She walked up to him and tried to remove his hand off his side.

-No, it's fine, Kay. It's fine.

-Show me! - she yelled. Ben raised his head. Kay slowly removed his hand. It was covered in blood. White shirt was red because of the blood too.

-Ben! Oh gosh! You're bleeding! What..! What happened? He shot you?! We must get you to the hospital! No, wait! It's too dangerous! Oh, God! - she placed his hand on his side. - Hold it! Hold the blood., come on!

She got him in the living room and placed him on the sofa.

-Hold on! Hold it! Here! - she gave him her jacket and placed it on his side. She looked at his face. He was slowly turning pale. Kay ran to the kitchen and found a first aid kit. She quickly grabbed it and ran back to Ben. She came over to him and checked his injury. The bullet was still in there.

-Ben, listen! No matter what, do not close your eyes, okay? Don't pass out, okay? You understand?

-I will try - he answered, barely being able to hold his head up.

-Okay, okay, okay. - she tried to calm herself down. Kay lighted the candel and placed it on the table. She grabbed a forceps and brought it to the candel. She looked at Ben. His eyes were nearly opened. She knew, that now it's too late for hospital. He wasn't gonna make it. She lifted his jacket and shirt up and raised her head to him.

-It will hurt. - she placed the forceps into the injury. Ben covered his mouth to not to scream. Finally, she got the bullet and threw it on the table. She finally exhaled. She got a thread and needle. Kay looked up to Ben. His eyes were closing. She shaked his head.

-Ben! No! Don't you dare! It's an order, you got it?!

-Yes, sir. - he answered with a tiny smile on his face.

Kay brought the needle to the injury. Her hands were shaking but there was no other choice.

-Give me your hand, Ben! - she said unexpectedly.

Ben raised his eyes to her. He was confused.

-For what?

-If it will hurt, you can hold my hand, okay?

-Yeah, fine.

She slowly started to knit his injury. He quickly grabbed her hand into his. She could feel that it was extremely painful because Ben was holding her hand so tight that he might have broke it. But she continued. The tears came to his eyes. He leaned on the back of the sofa and bitten his jacket to not to scream. In a few minutes, it was all over. Kay set straight on the sofa and finally relaxed. The blood was no more. Ben was breathing heavily. She got up and went to the bathroom. She grabbed a rag wet it with water. Kay came back to the living room, sat next to Ben and started to wipe the blood of his side.

-Looks like you'll stay here for the night, Ben. - she said quietly.

Ben didn't answer. She could see that he was trying to catch his breath.

After everything was over, she made him a bed on the sofa. Ben tried to lift up his arm but failed. The pain fettered him and he realized that he can't move now. Kay noticed that too.

-Come on. - she said. She walked up to him and started to take his clothes off. Ben was very uncomfortable. Kay also noticed that.

-You can sleep in your shirt if you want. - she said.

-Yes, please.

Kay took off his jacket and shoes. She gently helped him to lay down. When his face was on the pillow, he fell asleep. Kay finally relaxed. She looked at him. He was so tired and exhausted. She couldn't help herself to not to stroke his hair. She could feel that they were very soft. She was standing like that for 10 minutes. She was exhausted too but she just couldn't stop looking at him sleeping. He was so peaceful and calm.

-No! That's wrong! - she said to herself. Kay turned off the light in the living room and went to her room. While laying in bed, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened today. She owns Ben her life now. All those thoughts were exhausting her so she finally fell asleep

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