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Needless to say, that now, Kay felt herself extremely lonely. At the same time, it wasn't the same thing, as it was with Phil. She didn't want anyone to make her feel happy. Not anymore. Ben was the one. Now, he is not here. But she keeps visiting Washington Post, but not to check out the company, only to sit for few minutes in Ben's office. Kay was always afraid, that someone else may enter it. Not because they could see her there and start asking questions. But because she could still smell his cologne there. And another odor can make it disappear. Kay would enter his office and just sit in his chair for a good 20 minutes with her eyes closed. She would remember every moment that he got to spend with her. They could have had more of them if...

Today wasn't some sort of a different day. Kay, as always, was on her way to "her" company. She parked her car, locked it and went to the enter. Kay walked into the elevator and quickly got out, when it arrived to the right floor. She was about to walk to her son, when she caught something with her eyes. Kay turned her head towards it. Leaning on the wall, was standing a man. He looked like...him... The same grey hair, green with a little brown eyes. Even the suit. Could it be?

Kay turned her head around and started to walk towards the man. She couldn't believe her eyes. her brain playing with her again? But when that question came into her head, she was already standing next to him. Kay was lost. She didn't know what to do. The man was reading some papers. She got closer to him, so he would notice her. The man raised his head. Kay just starred at him. The man was running with eyes by office and had no idea what was happening. Finally, he spoke.

-Can you, mrs. Graham?

The same voice. How is that possible?! He is...alive? But, wait. He can't remember...what is happening?!

-Is - Kay asked shakingly. She was looking right in his eyes.

-Me? Who? - a man was totally confused.

Kay came extremely close, so the man couldn't even stretch. She slowly raised her hand and put it on his cheek. It was noticeable, that the man was super uncomfortable and confused. A sudden voice made their eye contact break.

-Mom? Mom, what is going on? - Kay's son appeared.

Kay turned her head to him and put her hand down.

-Is it him? - she asked quietly, while looking at the man.

Kay's son made a confused expression on his face.

-Who? - he asked.

But then he got it. He sighed and walked up to his mother. He grabbed her hand and turned to a man.

-Oh, no, mom. It's not...him. I'm sorry, she thought that you were Ben. - her son said to the man.

The man exhaled, made a confident stand, just like Ben's, and looked at Kay more softly now.

-Oh, sorry mrs. Graham. I should have guessed that you would mix me up with him. People say that we look very much alike. - the man straightened up, adjusted the suit and cleaned his throat. - my name is Anthony Bradlee. I'm Ben Bredlee's son.

Kay looked at him with her eyes wide opened. Son? How could she forget? Of course.

-Umm, oh, nice...nice to meet you. - Kay said with a little embarrassment in her voice.

-Sorry, mom. I should have warned you. Mr. Bradlee will take his father's place. Mr. Mayok, who was doing that job, can't do it anymore. And mr. Bradlee agreed to take that job.

Anthony nodded. Kay still couldn't believe her eyes. Even the smile...that cute smile, that meant so much for her.

But the surprise changed to a little anger pretty quickly. Kay looked at her son seriously.

-Dear, can we talk alone, please.

Kay's son nodded to Bradlee and walked to his office. Kay closed the door and leaned on the table. She noticed the blood prints on the floor. All those memories made her sick. She shaked her head and looked at her son.

-Why are you doing this?

Kay's son looked at her, without a clue what she was talking about.

-What do you mean?

-You know how much Ben means to me. If this guy will be working here, it will be a disaster.

-For you? - her son asked quietly.

Kay took a pause.

-Yes, exactly. For me.

-Mom. Stop. I know, that it's hard for you, but Ben Bradlee is gone. It's okay to grief, but it can't be going on like this forever. It's not my fault that everyone in Bradlee family are unbelievably talented workers. I know, that he may look very like his father, but I can't change it. The only thing that interests me, is that he is a very gifted journalist. And this is exactly what I need. He will work here. That's my last word.

Kay was looking right in his eyes. He is no longer her little boy. How could she miss that? How could she miss how fast her kids grew up? What the hell kind of mother is she?

She turned around and was about to leave, but managed herself to stop.

-Can I...Can I talk to him? - she asked shakingly.

Her son crossed his hands and raised a surprised look at her.

-Yeah...yes, of course.

Kay gave him a last look and left his office, that once belonged to her, and walked out. Anthony was standing still, looking right at her. God, it's like a live copy of Ben. How is that possible?!

-So, umm...I'm very sorry about that. - Kay said, when she walked up to him.

-Oh, no need to worry, mrs. Graham. You're actually the third human, who thought, that I came back from the dead. - he replied.

Kay giggled. For the first time in many weeks. He even got his sarcasm. That's impossible!

-Can we talk, please? - she asked quietly.

-Yes, sure.

Kay started to walk towards Ben's office and Anthony followed her. When they got to the office, Kay opened the door and walked in. She turned to Anthony, only to find him standing outside the office.

-Come in. - she called him.

Anthony looked at her for a second and shaked his head. Kay looked at him with worry. It must be hard for him as well.

-Have you been here before? - Kay asked softly.

-A couple of times. - he replied quickly.

Kay walked up to him and grabbed his hand. She started to walk with him in the office. At first, Anthony was refusing, but at the end, he gave up. Finally, Kay closed the door and made a deep breath. Anthony was looking around.

-So, umm...nothing changed, huh? - she tried to break the silence.

Anthony looked at her and then continued to look around.

-Yes. Nothing...

Kay sat on the sofa and tapped on it, showing Anthony to sit down next to her.

-I'm sorry for a not clever question, old are you? - Kay asked.


-Oh, okay. And...where were you all this time? I mean, the last few years. I think I only saw you twice here.

Anthony looked down and smiled.

-Yeah, I finished the school 4 years ago. After that, I was studying at the university. I've just finished it, when I got the news about...

-I got it. - Kay stopped him. She could see, that it was as hard for him as it was for her. - were on his funerals, right?

Anthony made a deep breath.


Kay looked down. What else should she ask him about? Why is she doing this right now, actually?

-Can I ask you...a personal question? - Kay asked softly.

Anthony nodded.

-What kind of father was he? - she asked.

Tony smiled and giggled. Looks like the memories about Ben made him happy.

-The best...the best father you could ever have...

Those words striked Kay right in her heart. She took him. She killed him. It was her fault.

-Can I ask you a personal question now? - Anthony asked.

Kay left her thoughts and raised her eyes to him. She nodded.

-How did it happen? - he asked.

Kay freezed. She got a lack of air again. Her thoughts momentarily brought her into that day in the court. She covers her head, when she hears a gunshot. Policemen push Arthur to the floor and unarm him. Kay looks at Ben. He collapses to the ground. Then, everything is like a nightmare. Those eyes...she will never be able to forget those eyes. Scared, full of horror and tears. The blood from his neck is running down her hand. He slowly starts choking. The air slowly stops getting to his lungs. Ben begs her to help him. And she can't. She is not doing anything. Kay just leans on his chest, knowing, that this it the last thing she should do in that situation. His heartbeat is still there, but not for long. It fades away. And she is not doing anything. Ben tries his best to not to close his eyes. But he fails. That was it. His heart stops beating. And she refuses to believe it.

-Mrs. Graham?

Kay quickly blinked and shaked her head. The memories disappear and she looked at Anthony. He still wanted an answer.

-Tell me...what happened to my father?

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