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We walked up to the house, then went to the front door. "You can still back down if you want." Sam said as I shook my head.

"I'm not backing down." I said then knocked on the door.

When I did this the door opened, almost as if we were in a horror film.

"What if it's a trap?" I mumbled as Sam stepped in front of me, putting his hand on his gun.

"We'll deal with it if it is." He said then led the way inside.

There was an eerie feeling in the air as we walked slowly through the house.

It was actually a pretty big place but there was almost no furniture in the house.

"Get her." I heard someone say lowly, causing me to turn around and pull my gun out.

Just as I did this, a man was lunging towards me. I clenched my jaw and shot him in the shoulder, causing him to groan and fall down.

Once he was down I turned to Sam, only to see a man creep behind him and knock him out with the shaft of his gun.

"Fuck." I said and took a step back. When I did this, the guy on the ground grabbed my ankle and pulled it so I would fall to the ground.

"Not so strong, are you?" The guy who knocked Sam out said with a condescending smirk.

"Stronger than you." I said then kicked the guy on the ground in the face while I grabbed the pen knife and dug it in the guy who was standing's leg.

"Fuck!" The guy standing up yelled as I pulled the knife out, blood gushing everywhere.

I quickly stood up while they were suffering through their recent pains.

"Tell me where he is." I said and pulled my gun out, pointing it at them.

"He's dead, sweetheart. You missed your chance." One of the guys said as my heart ached.

Were we really too late?

I knew they said they were going to kill him at noon but the idea of me actually living in a world where Colby wasn't alive had me almost falling to my knees.

I felt rage fill my whole chest as my hands shook. These guys didn't deserve to live for what they did.

They needed to die.

I clenched my jaw then shot both of the men in the head. I knew I wasn't supposed to kill them because of how this all worked but I didn't care.

"Sam." I said and went over to Sam. "You have to wake up. I...I need your help." I said and shook his shoulder, trying to get him to wake up.

"Please." I whispered and looked around. I couldn't believe I had actually killed another couple people.

My body count was growing by the second and I didn't know when it would stop.

With Colby being dead there was nobody to protect me from the scary guys who were constantly after me.

I fell into the trap.

"Sam." I whimpered, tears flooding my eyes and cascading down my cheeks.

"What's got you upset?" Adam asked from behind me. "Fuck you." I whispered and turned around to face him.

"You're sad I killed your beloved Colby? He was weak and needed to be taken out." Adam said as my eyes watered.

"And considering you took out my guys here, I'll say we're even." He said and took a step closer to me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice cracking. "That pretty face can make me a lot of money and since you're in the game with bodies under your belt, there's no escaping this." He said with a grin and crouched in front of me.

"Also, you won't be needing this." He said then took the microphone that was hidden on my shirt and dropped it on the ground so he could step on it.

"Say goodnight, princess." He said as my brow scrunched.

I went to ask him what he meant but before I could someone was wrapping their hand around my nose and mouth with a cloth.

I knew the feeling all too well as my vision faded to nothing.

When I came back to it, my throat was dry and my head was hurting. Did I have a seizure or something?

I could hardly remember what happened.

I looked around the room to see basically nothing. It was just me in the corner of the room.

"Good morning." Adam said from a dark corner of the room. "What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"You don't remember?" He asked then gestured to my lower body.

I felt my stomach churn when I realized I wasn't wearing any pants. Just underwear and the shirt I was wearing before.

I swallowed the bile that was rising up my throat, but tried to keep my emotions level.

"It was a bit of a celebration for killing your precious Colby. You're now my property since he's dead." He said with a grin. "Plus it gave me some energy for my next mission." He said with a grin.

"It's a shame you won't be able to say goodbye to them." He said, sending a chill down my spine.

"Who?" I asked, not wanting to know the answer. "Doesn't matter. Bye, Julia." He said then came over and kissed my cheek before leaving the room.

Once he was gone I burst into tears, feeling the emotions swirling within me so badly that I felt like I would throw up.

I needed to get out of here and I had to fight for myself.

I wasn't going to let this be my fate and I wasn't going to let him kill any more people that I loved.

I sat up and tried to grab the knife that was in my jeans that were thrown off to the side so I could cut the tape that was holding my arms together.

"Ugh!" I grunted, not being able to reach it. "Julia!" I heard Sam yell from the hallway.

"Sam!" I cried out, hoping he could hear me. "Thank fuck." He said as he rushed into the room.

"Holy shit." He whispered, seeing the state I was in. "Please help." I cried as he rushed over. "They killed him." I sobbed out as he cut the tape from my wrists.

"Shhh..try to relax." He said and worked quickly. "There are more guys here. Jake and Corey are fighting them off, but you need to be ready to fight." He said and lifted me up once the tape was cut.

"He took my gun." I said and looked at my pants, seeing the gun was nowhere near them.

"Just stick with me, Jules." He said as I carefully put my jeans back on.

I felt so violated considering what probably happened while I was unconscious but I didn't have time to unpack those feelings.

"Stay by my side." Sam said and pulled his gun out.

I pulled out the knife that was disguised like a comb and held it up.

It wouldn't win against a gun but it could help me if someone attacked.

We quickly made our way down the hallway. I could hear the chaos of people fighting downstairs but I was trying to keep calm.

I needed to be strong and prove to everyone that I didn't make a mistake by coming to this house.

When we got downstairs Jake and Corey were fighting off four men, which was obviously challenging considering the ratio.

I clenched my jaw and held my knife tighter as we rushed to their aid.

I knew it was probably a bad idea to fight with only a small knife but I had to do what I had to do.

I ran up to one of the guys who was attacking Jake and hopped onto his back.

"Fuck off!!" He yelled and tried to get me off but I was so frustrated that I plunged the knife into his neck, causing him to collapse.

"Jesus!" Jake said with wide eyes as I toppled to the ground with the guy.

"I'm not fucking around." I said lowly before I heard Corey cry out in pain.

"Fuck." I hissed and looked over to see he was stabbed and bleeding. I expected Sam to be near him but he was nowhere to be found.

"Help him." I said to Jake then turned towards another one of the guys who was now charging at me.

I tried to stand my ground but before I knew it I was being pinned against the wall with a gun to my head.

I grunted and tried to get him to let go but no matter how hard I fought he was still staring into my eyes with anger and determination filling his features.

"Not so tough now, huh?" He asked and cocked the gun, clicking it in place so he could shoot me.

I whimpered and tried to get him to let me go, as panic filled my whole body.

Before I could process my own death, there was a loud bang.

I expected to feel pain or maybe see the light but it didn't happen.

Instead, I watched the eyes of the guy holding me dim to nothing before he fell to the floor.

Behind him was Colby standing there with his jaw clenched and anger in his eyes.

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