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Che Xiayun was about to see how Ma Qingyu would answer, when the girl blocking the way suddenly took out a cute keychain and said, "Sister, we just graduated from university and we need to expand our network to start a business, can you add us a friend? Only one friend can have this keychain."

Ma Qingyu was stunned for a moment, "Sorry, no."

The girl who blocked the way was a little regretful and wanted to say something, Ma Qingyu added, "Besides, I'm younger than you, don't call me My sister."

"Okay, excuse me."

Now the girl was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly turned around and left. She saw that Ma Qingyu was dressed and behaved maturely, and thought she had already worked, thought she was just taking good care of herself, so she looked young.

Che Xiayun glanced at Ma Qingyu, "Her eyes are not very good."

Ma Qingyu pursed her lips, "It's okay." When

Che Xiayun returned to his seat, the waiter had already brought beef rolls and the like, and the soup base was also served. Boiled, you can start shabu-shabu.

First boil a stack of fat beef rolls, and then put down a stack at a time, use a fishing net to carry it, sink it down, scald it, and then scoop it up and eat it.

Ma Qingyu blew the well-prepared fat beef roll, wrapped it with a layer of dipping sauce, and put it into his mouth. The spicy taste of the sauce filled his mouth at first, and after chewing, the beef juice came out. It was very sweet and slightly Some hot mouth.

Che Xiayun distributed the first stack of blanched beef rolls to the plates in front of the two of them, and began to blanch the second stack.

Ma Qingyu finished eating a piece of fatty beef roll, and saw that she was busy again, so she hurriedly put down her chopsticks, "Eat it while it's hot, and I'll heat it up." Che Xiayun glanced at her and shook his head, "Eat it, I'll eat it.

" Eat these after cooking, it will be ready soon."

She put the fat beef roll into the pot, leaned on the net to cook, the bottom soup in the hot pot was constantly tumbling, and bubbles kept coming up, all kinds of green onions, ginger Spices such as , star anise, and cinnamon are soaked in it, steaming hot.

Ma Qingyu picked up a fat beef roll, dipped it in Che Xiayun's sauce, put it on a plate and brought it to her mouth, "Come, eat a piece."

Che Xiayun stared at the fat beef roll, opened his mouth to bite.

Ma Qingyu handed a little bit to her mouth, and Che Xiayun immediately took the piece of meat in his mouth. She focused on eating the meat near her mouth, and accidentally bit Ma Qingyu's chopsticks while eating, but she didn't realize that the meat in the pot was gone. It was cooked, and by the time she realized it, the beef was overcooked.

Che Xiayun fished out those fat beef rolls and let them cool, "Okay, let's eat some first, and cook beef balls and vegetables later." "Okay

." Ma Qingyu glanced at the dipping plate in front of her, "I Try your dipping sauce."

Che Xiayun pushed the dipping sauce towards her a little bit, "Well, mine is a bit spicy and has a strong taste." "

It's okay," Ma Qingyu buried the fat beef roll in the sauce dish After a roll, it was covered with a layer of dipping sauce, "I should be able to eat a little spicy."

Che Xiayun suddenly raised his head and stared at her, "If you have a bad stomach, eat less spicy food."

Ma Qingyu put the meat into his mouth After a pause, "Just this one."

Che Xiayun glanced at her dipping dish, "Your own looks quite spicy too."

Ma Qingyu chewed the beef in his mouth, swallowed it slowly, and then answered her , "Mine is not as spicy as yours, just a little spicier, you can try it."

Che Xiayun thought it was a good deal, so she also tasted her dipping sauce. It was indeed not very spicy, but the color looked spicy.

Gradually, the dipping dishes of the two were mixed up, and in the end, no one knew whose it was. Only after eating it did they know whose.

After lunch, Ma Qingyu planned to go to the clothing area in the afternoon. As soon as Che Xiayun heard that she wanted to go to the clothing area, he could already foresee his sad situation in the afternoon.

The more conspicuous place is a brand store selling bags, Ma Qingyu pulled her away, "Let's go and have a look at the bags."

Che Xiayun breathed a sigh of relief, bag, this is simple, "Okay." As soon as

Ma Qingyu entered, a shopping guide came up to greet him, chattering non-stop, and Che Xiayun felt a little noisy when he heard it, but Ma Qingyu was able to say it without changing his face. Looking at the bags on the counter, Che Xiayun admired this alone.

After shopping around, Ma Qingyu was a little disappointed, and took the initiative to say the first sentence to the shopping guide, "Is your latest bag sold out?" The shopping guide responded instantly, "Are you

talking about the xx handbag? We are The branch store has not arrived yet, and it will be available in two days, but our main store should have stock, you can go and have a look." Seeing that

she didn't seem to have bought the bag she wanted, Che Xiayun asked curiously , "What's the matter?"

Ma Qingyu glanced at her, "It's nothing, let's go to another store."

Che Xiayun pointed to the side door, "Then just go to their clothing store, the clothes seem to be pretty good There are a lot of them."

This brand started out selling bags, but now it is also famous for its clothes, but it's a bit expensive.

Che Xiayun was dazzled by the sight. Some clothes looked pretty good, but she didn't lack clothes, and she was afraid that Ma Qingyu would buy too much and she couldn't carry them, so she didn't think about it.

Ma Qingyu took a fancy to a woolen coat and handed her a bag or something, "I'll try it on."

Che Xiayun took the things and smiled slightly, "It must be very suitable for you."

Ma Qingyu also smiled, " Let's have a look."

Che Xiayun was sitting outside the fitting room playing with her mobile phone boredly, while two shopping guides were watching her from a distance and whispering.

A tall and thin shopping guide said, "Is she the rich second generation who has been on the hot search several times not long ago?"

Another plump person immediately retorted, "She is no longer a rich second generation, she has long been He has inherited the family group, and now he is worth the top three in the country, and he has so much money that he can't spend it all."

The tall and thin one felt a little emotional, "Sure enough, people still have to be reincarnated. They are rich and powerful at birth, unlike us, who may just be a laborer for the rest of their lives." The other person was a little sour, "Isn't it

, She is so rich, and yet so busy, to actually go out shopping with her girlfriend in person, I am satisfied to be her mistress." Seeing

Ma Qingyu coming out, the tall and thin shopping guide quickly pushed her, and said in a low voice, "Don't Come to think of it, there must be no shortage of people around her."

Hearing the sound of opening the door of the fitting room, Che Xiayun immediately put down her phone and looked over. This woolen coat is very simple in design, but it looks suitable on Ma Qingyu no matter what, "Very It looks good, especially for you."

Ma Qingyu had already seen it in the fitting room, and it was indeed not bad, "Then wrap this up first, I just saw one that suits you."

A shopping guide went to pack the clothes, Another shopping guide led the two of them to look at the clothes. Che Xiayun saw the jacket that Ma Qingyu said, it was okay, but she liked the hoodie next to her better, "Help me get this and that, Size 175, I'll give it a try."

The shopping guide took off the clothes for her with a smile on his face, and led her to the fitting room, but Ma Qingyu started to look at the clothes again, so he didn't follow.

As Che Xiayun was walking, she always felt that the shopping guide was stuck, so she quickly moved a little to the side, but the shopping guide stuck again, she frowned, but the fitting room was right in front of her, so she didn't say much What, take the clothes and prepare to go in.

The shopping guide suddenly grabbed the door, and her professional suit wrapped her bumpy figure, "Miss Che, I can also change your clothes for you, absolutely without making a sound." Saying this, the shopping guide squeezed her career line and turned

towards She winked and said coquettishly, "There are mirrors in the fitting room, so you can see everything at a glance."

Che Xiayun's face darkened, and he closed the door with a bang, almost crushing the shopping guide's hand.

The shopping guide looked at the closed door in front of him, and his face was a little ugly. Why didn't this person eat oil and salt, and he didn't eat what was delivered to the door.

Ma Qingyu looked around, but didn't see any other suitable ones, so she went to the fitting room and waited for Che Xiayun to come out.

Che Xiayun quickly changed her clothes and came out, her face was still a little displeased, and she took them off before she warmed up, "The clothes are okay, let's buy them first."

She looked at Ma Qingyu, "Are you looking after it?"

Ma Qingyu Some doubts, why did he suddenly lose his temper, "Look, there is nothing to buy."

Che Xiayun changed back to her clothes, threw the clothes in her hand to the shopping guide, without looking at her, "Pack it up. "

Although the shopping guide was a little upset, he still went to the back with a smile and packed her untried clothes, and took her to the checkout. "It's 73,600 in total." Ma Qingyu took out his bank card

, "Let me do it."

Che Xiayun wanted to say that she would do it herself, but she realized that she didn't have a bank card with her, so she didn't say anything.

After leaving the clothing store, Ma Qingyu glanced at her several times, but was a little entangled in asking.

Che Xiayun seemed to see what she wanted to ask, looked at her actively and said, "The shopping guide just now wanted to seduce me. She knows who I am, but she actually thinks I'm a casual person.

" Xia Yun then said, "If I agree, it will be the same as the pair in the movie theater."

Che Xiayun became more and more angry, frowned, and looked at his dress up and down, "I am the kind of Human? It doesn't look like it!"

Ma Qingyu chuckled, "She doesn't think you are that kind of person, she just likes your money, and maybe a little bit of your skin."

Che Xiayun twisted it puzzled She raised her eyebrows, "You want to do that kind of thing with me, and you still want to cheat my money? Do you really think I'm easy to bully?!"

Ma Qingyu looked at her eyebrows, and suddenly became sour, "There are so many people like this Well, you used to have many around you."

Che Xiayun subconsciously wanted to refute her, "I am not!"

But the moment she finished speaking, she was stunned. A few months ago, before she came in through the book, the original owner was indeed like this.

Seeing that she was lost in thought, Ma Qingyu took the opportunity to ask her, with a playful tone, "Then why did you figure it out? Or are you really not good at it?" When he said the

word "no way", Che Xiayun seemed to be stepped on The cat with the tail frowned at once, "I can't do it! That's just an excuse, if you don't believe me, try it, it will work!"

She then said, "I figured it out because scientific research shows that having sex too early "Life or sex" Consciousness will affect growth and development, I still want to grow taller, so I sent them all away."

Ma Qingyu pondered for a while, with a smile in his eyes, "Do you really want me to try?"

Che Xia Yun was stunned for a moment, her face was flushed, and she stammered, "...I can't do it now, no, I mean I can do it! I can do it all the time, but..." The more she talked, the more chaotic she was, and finally

gave I was dizzy myself.


The author has something to say:

Hypoxia: Stop talking, I know what you mean


    Che Xiayun didn't know what nonsense he was talking about, anyway, he told himself that it was messed up, and made Ma Qingyu laugh.

Ma Qingyu felt that it was almost done, so she didn't continue to ask, "Okay, I understand. Let's go shopping elsewhere."

Che Xiayun felt relieved, but his little mind kept spinning, it was so difficult, I just said it all What stupid words, there is no logic at all, she thought about it, and her heart became heavier and heavier, she wouldn't think I did it on purpose... Ma Qingyu saw a good

sporting goods store, and just wanted to ask her to go to it Look, it turned out that Cha Xiayun was walking mechanically, not looking at the road ahead at all, she quickly gave Che Xiayun a hand, "What are you thinking? Why are you distracted?"

Che Xiayun said in a low voice, perfunctory "It's nothing."

Ma Qingyu stared at her suspiciously for a few more seconds, "Really nothing?"

Che Xiayun scratched his neck, and thought of an excuse in the blink of an eye, "I was just thinking about what to eat tonight."

Ma Qingyu "What do you want to eat?"

Che Xiayun replied wittily, "I want to go home and eat."

Ma Qingyu nodded, "Okay, let's go shopping later and go home."

"Hey." Che Xiayun looked at her, "What did you call me for?"

Ma Qingyu pointed at her feet, "Look at the way."

Che Xiayun looked down at her toes, then looked up at her surroundings, " Okay."

Ma Qingyu led her to a clothing store that she had been looking at before, "Go to the supermarket if you want to buy some more, and you can leave after shopping in the supermarket." "

Okay." Che Xiayun glanced at his watch, already It was half past two, and there were three and a half hours left before liberation.

However, Che Xiayun was still too naive. She thought that everything would be fine after visiting the clothing section, but she didn't expect that the beauty section next door, with only a few stores, dragged her back for a full two hours, and Ma Qingyu still couldn't get enough of it.

As for the back of Che Xiayun's hand, it has already been tested with lipsticks and even a lot of liquid foundation. The shopping guide can't wait to recommend all the products in the store to them, and the enthusiasm is completely overwhelmed.

Finally, before going to the supermarket, the two of them made a special trip to the underground parking lot, put all the things they bought in the car, and then went to the supermarket, quickly swept away a shopping basket of fruits, drinks, and snacks in 30 minutes, and left the car. The trunk is only accurate if it is full.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Che Xiayun finally set foot on the way home, but in just one day, she felt that after the whole weekend, she was too tired to lean on the back of the chair and didn't want to move. It was not physical fatigue, but spiritual.

She reluctantly used her brain and came to a very appropriate conclusion. Shopping with girls is really a very hard job, especially for a person like her who just wants to stay at home and watch dramas.

After a traffic jam, it took them forty minutes to return home.

Aunt Xu looked at the refreshed Ma Qingyu, and compared it with the sluggish Che Xiayun, she was suddenly worried, why did the young master look drained.

She was struggling with what to say to persuade her, Ma Qingyu called her, "Aunt Xu, I bought a lot of things in the trunk of the car, you can ask someone to take them out later, put the clothes in my room first "

Aunt Xu patted her head, just went shopping, looked at me, and thought too much, "Okay."

Che Xiayun looked at his phone and walked to the restaurant, "What are you going to eat tonight, let me Let's take a look."

As she spoke, she opened the door like opening a blind box and walked in, glanced at the dishes on the table, her eyes lit up slightly, "There is a Buddha jumping over the wall, I haven't eaten for a long time." Ma Qingyu followed

closely She went in behind, "Well, it's not bad, it smells so good."

Che Xiayun subconsciously pulled out the chair for her, "The food at home still smells good."

Ma Qingyu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that when she was a child, the two families had dinner together for festivals. Uncle Che would always ask Che Xiayun to pull out a chair for her, and said that he would do this when eating with sister Qingyu in the future. This habit has continued until now. Xia Yun still insisted.

Che Xiayun glanced at her, "Sit down quickly, the food will be cold later."

Ma Qingyu pulled out from the memory, smiled slightly, "Well, you sit too."

Che Xiayun sat opposite her, picked up the spoon , Stir the small pot of Buddha jumping over the wall in front of you, abalone, sea cucumber, scallop, shark's fin, fish maw, tendon, and soy sauce mellow soup, which is a big meal.

After dinner, Che Xiayun regained his energy, so he thought about watching the drama instead of reading the files, and taking a break on the weekend, but Ma Qingyu answered the phone and went upstairs before sitting for a few minutes.

After Ma Qingyu left, Che Xiayun always felt that the TV series wasn't that good anymore. She didn't know what to do when she turned off the TV, and she didn't want to read the documents when she went upstairs, so she just lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling and thinking hard.

After thinking about it, she felt that it was really too much for her not to temporarily mark Ma Qingyu before. Although she had been doing things for her interestingly during this time, hoping to make up for it, she always felt that Ma Qingyu was still thinking about it. What.

If it's her collarbone, Che Xiayun feels that it's not just the collarbone, it may also include glands, hands, etc. Anyway, her sixth sense tells her that Ma Qingyu must be greedy for her body.

But I'm also... a bit perverted, Che Xiayun couldn't help but think of that charming dream at noon that day, in the dream, it was full of indescribable pictures, she couldn't even imagine it, even though the clouds were shrouded, she couldn't see who the other party was Who, but only Ma Qingyu seems to have the sweet lemon flavored pheromone.

After thinking about it for a while, she suddenly felt that a good opportunity for Xianyu had come. She could sell her appearance to Ma Qingyu, and then each would get what she needed. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

However, she didn't feel too good. During the day, she said that she was not such a casual person, but at night she changed her mind again. It was outrageous.

However, whether you are casual or not depends on who you are. Ma Qingyu is different, she is not a superficial girl like Miss Shopping Guide, so she is not casual.

Che Xiayun leaned on the sofa, her inner

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