Chapter 23: Messages
"My lord, you need to rest."
Adriana had been griping at me to sleep every few hours. But how could I? Evelyn was missing and with Kaine. Kaine. My own spawn. I never would have created him those years ago if I had known this would happen.
She might be dead by now. Kaine was capable of anything. But he wouldn't kill her. He was the type of person that would drag out someone's suffering—until they begged him to let them die.
It annoyed me that he was an expert at spells and disguise too. Evelyn should be found by now.
We had searched every corner of the earth. I hadn't rested in fifteen days. Other things were more important than sleep. Much more important.
"Lord, please," Adriana said.
It was a simple plea, but it made me really mad. "WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP ABOUT THE SLEEPING?" Adriana cowered when I turned around. I sighed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout. It's just... you know."
She bowed, caution evident in her watery eyes. "I apologize for my actions my lord." She stepped away and shut the door behind her.
Where in the world was Jason? Had he found her yet? I haven't heard from him since the last time we met at Evelyn's house. Perhaps he found her and kept it a secret from me. The thought wasn't pleasant but it was still better than her being with Kaine. Jason was much less likely to hurt her. Although, the accuracy of that sentence could be contested. Being too sure of anything raised a person's vulnerability.
Evelyn wasn't dead. Impossible. I'd know if she were.
I sat down on my bed and rested my palms on my forehead. She had to be hidden by a spell, a particular one. But we needed to find specifically which spell was casted, and where. It might be five years before I see her again—and only in the best case scenario. Kaine might kill her by then.
And the torture Kaine could inflict seemed unimaginable.
A soft knock on the door forced me to pause my mental struggle.
"What is it?" I said, irritated.
Adriana carefully opened the door and peeked in. "It is lord Hearth, my lord. He wishes to see you."
The devil had finally arrived. Perhaps he had a clue, or a lead. Although, I didn't expect him to be so virtuous. He never worked liked to work with me, and with a case as personal as this, the only explanation I could conclude for his visit was that he needed something from me. Either that, or a mishap occurred and angered him.
I waved my hand lazily at Adriana. "Tell him that he can come meet me."
She nodded. "Yes my lord."
I didn't have to wait long to find Jason sitting on my small couch.
He looked ready to kill. "Hello."
"Hello," I replied.
"You're hiding something."
My second guess was right. Something occurred to piss him off.
"And what do you think I'm hiding from you?" I asked.
"My men had been keeping an eye out for the both of you. Hollie is missing too. She left Angie behind."
Same old Jason. Always thinking I had something up my sleeve. I didn't have time to deal with his nonsense. "Hollie is searching for Evelyn too, she could be anywhere."
He lifted my couch and threw it back onto the ground as he stood up. It left a crack on the floor. "And Hollie hasn't been sighted for five days!"
"She's a strong demon."
"You have Jane. Give her back."
His stupidity was starting to make me thoroughly exasperated. "I wouldn't be recruiting my whole entire search team to look for her if I had her."
Jason growled. "Kaine and Hollie are together with you. It's because there's three of you that's why she's so hard to find."
This was becoming ridiculous. Jason was only blaming me because he ran out of options.
He eyed me with his head tilted down. "I will find them. I can't kill you but I can take down Kaine and Hollie. And I will." Jason spun his body around and headed out, leaving behind his threat.
He was gone within a second.
It wasn't often that he got this worked up over something. Yes, he did rage almost every alternate day, but he never threatened to kill either Hollie or Kaine. Only me.
They were in danger.
I grabbed my blackberry which laid on the coffee table. Hollie needed to know about Jason. I punched in her number and put the phone to my ear. And then I waited. She always picked up within a few rings.
But this time, I was sent to the voicemail.
Hollie really was missing. Or busy. She might've found a lead and left her phone somewhere. A grown demon like her should be able to take care of herself.
Something about this made my stomach queasy. I ignored it. Hollie had taken care of herself for thousands of years. What made this year any different? I needed all my attention on Evelyn's case.
I sent a quick text message to Hollie: Be careful. Jason threatened to take your life. Avoid him at all costs. She would read it and follow my instructions. Hollie was smart enough.
Just then, I received a call from one of the leaders of my search parties. "We found a place that looks suspicious my lord."
Another potential hideout. We had been to hundreds over the last fifteen days. Each turned out to be a disappointment. "Where is it?"
"Russia my lord, a house in Pskov, a spell makes it impossible to open the doors."
"I'll be right over."
All the hideouts were like this—a spell casted on them. But they were always trapping the wrong victim. A human that was meant to be kept in my a blood-crazed vampire, or a psycho witch that liked to experiment with things and wanted to keep others out. None of them were ever Evelyn.
I hurried over. It didn't take too much time before I got there. A group of five men crowded around a small house. It was old and some of its wood had already been broken off to leave gaps in the walls.
This team consisted of four seekers—almost spirit-like entities that could sense the presence of emotions, magic and beings, whether supernatural or no—-and a warlock to check for spells.
"What's the situation?" I asked.
A seeker moved—more like floated—toward me. "My lord, there are over fifty possible spells that are keeping this building locked. We have checked through the gaps in the walls—nothing important there. It might take a day or two to break in."
"A day?" That was too long. "Evelyn might be dying and here you are taking your own sweet time searching through houses? I give you all five hours max."
"But my lord—"
"And all you seekers don't need to linger over here. Make yourselves useful. Look for another place."
"Yes my lord," the seeker said. He gestured toward his companions to follow him and they flew away like feathers in the wind, leaving the warlock with me.
He looked at my with a confused and worried gaze.
We'd have found Evelyn by now if not for these imbeciles. I rolled my eyes at the warlock. "Well? What are you waiting for? Start working."
He nodded his head so hard I thought it was going to fall off. Quick footsteps led him to the front of the house where he knelt down and opened a book. He flipping through the pages and starting working his magic, glowing rays emanating from his hands.
I've seen dying warlocks do faster magic than him. I wanted to peel his guts out from his abdomen but getting another warlock here would take longer than if I just let him do his work.
I glanced at the screen of my phone again. No missed calls. I was hoping to get a few more. Each call meant a potential lead to my Evelyn, but this was only the fifth place we've found since she went missing.
The other seekers had mentioned that they had checked the house through the gaps, but I couldn't trust them to be thorough. I looked went up to it and took a glance myself. Cobwebs hung from the ceilings of the place. They were right. I had expected the house to have something more though.
"Hurry it up," I said as the time ticked away.
The warlock shook his head. "My lord, I will need at least a day or two."
Or two? Who knew what could happen to her in two days.
I set my mouth into a grim line. "You only have five hours tops. I said so before."
"That's impossible."
"Is it? Do you want you head served on a platter tomorrow? Or maybe your entrails fed to the dogs?" Stupid incompetence.
His face drained into a pale white. "No my lord." The lower lip of his mouth quivered as he spoke.
"Then get to work!"
"Yes immediately." The warlock started to work his spells with his fingers, flipping through the spell book more quickly than before. I still didn't find him fast enough, but at least he made improvement.
If only Evelyn knew how to talk to us through her mind. I should've taught her how to do so. Selfishness prevented me from teaching her. I wanted the connection to be intimate and only shared between the both of us, almost as if to confirm that she had chosen me as her true mate.
Here I stood, terrorizing all my minions for their incompetence while I was actually the worst.
I took another glance at the screen of my blackberry, paranoia tensing up my nerves.
Nothing, except for a message from Adriana about another spat between the werewolves and the vampires. They never gave up. I already held a few conferences to make pacts between both clans, each one failing to reach a amicable agreement.
I couldn't be bothered.
If only she could talk to me mentally...
I forgot to breathe for a second. Was that actually Evelyn? Perhaps it was a hallucination.
Help me...
Evelyn had called for me. Or did my worry morph into imaginary thoughts that blurred my judgment? I held back my words for a moment. It might've been a trap set by Kaine. But if her voice was real, my suspicion left Evelyn vulnerable.
I gave in and answered anyway. Evelyn?
Adan. She sounded choked up and croaky. Help.
Where are you?
Silence. Did something happen that stopped her from answering? It lasted for a few minutes. It might've been a trap after all. But then that didn't make sense either because just a few of my thoughts were worth nothing to Kaine.
My chest had a sinking feeling. Evelyn?I probed again, hoping for a reply.
I don't know where I am.Finally, an answer. She was definitely in pain. What had that bastard done to her?
Describe the place.
Dusty walls... torture instruments...
Torture instruments? Oh shit. Did he use any on you?
No, he just took blood.
That was enough to send anger raging through me. I visualized myself decapitating Kaine. No, that wasn't enough. I needed to give him a slow death. Locked up and tortured, like how he treated my Evelyn.
I reeled in my anger and focused on the situation. What else?
A cage.
Something extraordinary interrupted our conversation. An image. The dusty walls, cage, torture instruments; she sent that visual clearly to me. Wow, I said. The place looked familiar.
Like I had stood there before.
Her voice seemed weaker the next time she spoke. What was that? The mental work must have drained her energy.
I decided to keep our conversation short to prevent tiring her out any further, even though I wanted nothing more than to hear her sweet thoughts. Something amazing. Only a few people had ever sent me images through their minds. Only a few are capable. Evelyn must have been really desperate to develop her mental prowess so quickly.
I had to find her as soon as possible.
Her reply was short. Oh.
I'll find you soon. Just stay strong.
Her thoughts suddenly grew louder and more panicky. I think he's coming for me now Adan. Help me.
Just hold on, I'm coming.I really hated myself for not being able to save her. I needed to remember where that place was. Fast.
Please, Adan.
I love you. I’ll be there soon.
I thought that she wouldn't reply, but she did. Plus, I completely did not expect her reply. I love you too.
I would have been in a celebratory mood if not for the danger posed to her. I'm coming for you.
This time, the silence remained. Kaine must have already gotten to her. I buried my face in my hand, trying to calm down the frustration that made me feel like exploding. My mate. I was foolish to let her out of my sight.
I looked back at the house. Now that I saw the image I knew that she wasn't in there. But I let the warlock continue. An illusion spell might've been casted over the house—being too sure was never safe.
Torture tools... old walls... I knew the place, I just couldn't put my finger on it.
I walked to a trash can and kicked it down to vent out my frustration. Then, I sped off, following my instincts.
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