Part 5

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Erin wrapped her denim jacket around her and headed for City Walls that ran around the city. He was already there when she got there. 

"Hey" said Erin. 

"Hi. You got my note then. I wasn't sure you'd turn up" replied James.

"You're lucky Michelle didn't have a read of that book"

"Michelle, read? I think she's allergic"

They started walking to nowhere in particular. 

"Do you like reading? Like for fun? Not for school" Erin asked. She wanted to keep the conversation going and not let things get awkward. 

"Yeah, haven't had much time lately"

"Me neither. I'd love to be able to do that" said Erin.


"No I mean write a novel or a play"

"Why don't you?"

"Haha. Yeah!" replied Erin. 

"You're clever and funny. You could. You should try. I'd read it"

"I meant to thank you again for Saturday"

"Erin you don't have to thank me..."

"But you didn't have missed your thing...and you didn't have to walk me home or...kiss me didn't..."

"I wanted to..." replied James. 

"Kiss me or walk me home?"


"You can again if you want to...I understand if don't want to..."

"Kiss you or walk you home?"


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