Chapter 10

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The evening was silent, neither of them spoke. Kurapika read for a bit, but from the sound of the pouring rain and the aftermath of the hangover he fell asleep fairly quickly. 

Leorio's mind was racing a million miles an hour, as he laid in his bed with his back turned. 

Does Kurapika... like me? As in more than a friend? As in we were about to kiss just now? We were about to kiss just now... Oh my god oh my god. What if he's just messing with me? No, that doesn't sound like Kurapika... But Kurapika wouldn't actually like me either. 

His brain started to hurt by the amount of contemplating he was doing, but he eventually wore himself out and drifted off to sleep... 


The sound of pounding on the door made both of them jump out of their slumber. 

"Please come out! We need everyone in one place!" A woman's voice shouted. Leorio sprang up, and opened the door to his co-worker from earlier. "Leorio! We need you in the sick bay." the woman exclaimed. 

She laid her eyes on Kurapika, who was still sitting on his bed. "Your roommate needs to go downstairs, no time to waste, let's go!" she exclaimed. 

"What's going on?" Leorio asked, before Kurapika could say the same thing. 

"There's a storm, a big one. The number's in motion sick patients have increased, so we need all doctors on deck" she explained. "Go to the sickbay, I need to wake up the other passengers." she said, running out of sight. 

Kurapika stood out of bed, and noticed that the ship was swaying a lot more than usual. For some people it may even be hard to walk properly. 

"Kurapika." Leorio said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Yeah. I'll head down, be careful okay?" Kurapika said, heading towards the door. Leorio gave him a nod, "Yeah you too."

Kurapika quickly walked down the hallway, making his way to the stairs. He heard the heavy rain hitting the walls, sounding more like bullets than droplets of water. 

A man quickly turned the corner, with a distressed look on his face. The man made eye contact with Kurapika, as he rushed up to him. 

"Sir! Have you seen a little boy?" he asked, his eyes full of worry. Kurapika shook his head, "No, what does he look like?" 

"Brown hair? I'm honestly not sure, he's not my kid. But he's missing and no one knows where he could be." the man muttered. Kurapika's eyes widened, "Enkai?!" he exclaimed. 

"Yes! How did you-" 

"Fuck." Kurapika muttered, before turning around to run back to the front. 

"Wha- Sir! The stairs are this way!" The man yelled after him, but Kurapika was already out of ear shot. Kurapika knew exactly where Enkai was, he just prayed to god he was wrong. Why wasn't anyone looking after him? Oh god... Please please please be okay... 

Kurapika's thoughts were scrambled, but they all came back to his childhood best friend. Pairo.

"Kurapika!" Pairo exclaimed. Kurapika looked up and smiled at the chocolate haired boy that was looking for him. "Pairo!" Kurapika exclaimed, catching the boy's attention. Pairo turned to Kurapika, and ran towards him. He giggled as he stretched his arms out. Kurapika stood up, and ran towards him, embracing him in the hug. Pairo held onto him tight, as he grinned from ear to ear. "What are you doing Kurapika?" Pairo asked, pulling back from the hug. Kurapika took Pairo's hand, and led him back to his seat. "I was reading about the outside world!" Kurapika exclaimed. Pairo gasped, "Read to me! I wanna hear too!" he begged. "Okay okay!" Kurapika giggled. He watched the joyful expression painted across Pairo's face, and it made him smile. "Pairo?" "Yes?" "Let's go to the outside world together!" Pairo clapped his hands together, "Yes!" he exclaimed. "And then when we go, I'm gonna find a doctor that can cure your eyes, okay?" Kurapika exclaimed. Pairo nodded, "Okay Kurapika! And then I can finally see you!" he declared. "Right! I promise I'll fix your eyes Pairo!"

He pushed the memory out of his mind, he needed to concentrate. The front deck... He needed to get to the front deck. 

He swung the door open, and was immediately blasted with pouring rain, soaking his clothes in a matter of seconds. It was hard to see, and the deck was slippery. He surveyed the area, and his eyes caught it. The small boy, crouched on the floor and holding onto a railing for dear life. 

"Pa- Enkai!" Kurapika yelled, as the boy's head lifted. "Kurapika? Help!" the boy screamed. 

Kurapika ran as fast as he could towards the boy, each step more unstable than the last. 

The ship suddenly tilted, sliding Kurapika the other way. "Hold on Enkai!" he shouted, as he was pulled across the deck. 

A rusty nail was poking out from the wall, cutting a slit clean across Kurapika abdomen. He hissed from the pain, but dismissed it, as he ran back to Enkai's direction. 

He managed to make it, and he wrapped his arms around Enkai. "Don't let go of me!" Kurapika exclaimed, as the boy's small hands grasped Kurapika's shirt. 

The ship shifted once again, sliding them in another direction. Kurapika held onto Enkai, so he wasn't able to brace himself when the impact of the wall struck his back. 

He quickly collected himself, and ran to the door before the ship altered again. He ran them inside, soaking the carpet beneath them in rain water.

 "He ran this way!" A familiar voice exclaimed from the hallway. The man from earlier came running, and let out a relieved sigh at the sight of Enkai. He took the boy from Kurapika's hands and checked his face for any injuries. 

Leorio appeared from the hallway after him, running to Kurapika. 

"Leor- ow." Kurapika groaned, as he held the sharp pain on his stomach. 

"Kurapika!" Leorio shouted, embracing Kurapika in a tight hug. He pulled away as soon as he heard Kurapika whimper, and his eyes were directed to Kurapika's blood stained shirt. 

"Shit." he whispered. Before Kurapika could say another word, Leorio had picked him up bridal style and raced back down the hallway. 

"Why would you go out there Sunshine..." Leorio mumbled, running as fast as he could. 

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