24- guest

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Originally, in this show, besides professional music and acting teachers who were invited, the other teachers were supposed to be different amateurs found on-site. However, Qi Baicha joined, and such a beautiful face definitely couldn't be wasted. So, off the top of his head, the director decided that he would be an all-arounder, and would teach all of the subjects except music and acting.

The highlight of the show was its music and acting. Those were the guests' professions; those were what they were proficient in. There was no place for outsiders to show off. There weren't going to be many scenes of the other classes, and the difficulty of what was to be taught wouldn't be high. Especially in the physical education class, the teacher only needed to stand there and give orders, basically no different from a tool man.
t/n: tool man = someone who works hard but gets little in return

Most of the shots would still be of the "students," and wouldn't let the teachers overshadow them. But Qi Baicha was naturally too awe-inspiring, if he became even more eye-catching, it would be from his own ability.

Before officially participating in the filming of the program, makeup was also required. A makeup artist brought Qi Baicha to a dressing room, and invited him to take a seat, a professional smile on her face: "Mr. Qi, I am one of the program group's makeup artists, and my last name is Liu. Now I need to apply foundation on you; tilt your face up a little."
t/n: used the formal "you" (used throughout their conversation)

The makeup artist was the girl whose head Fang Ya'er threw eyeshadow at earlier. The program provided a total of two makeup artists, who were responsible for doing makeup for the guests and amateurs. Of course, the students and teachers didn't need heavy makeup, but it wasn't like the celebrities could actually appear bare-faced on cameras.

— Besides Jiang Yan, who had beauty that could kill, who also dared to broadcast live right after getting up, even if he had bedhead.

Getting a salary meant having to work. Young adults didn't have the qualifications to be hypocritical. Even if they were badly wronged, they would still have to continue working after cleaning up.

If it weren't for the bits of eyeshadow powder on her hair that hadn't yet been washed clean, it would've been impossible to see what had befallen her just now from her smiling face.

Qi Baicha lifted his face up slightly, acting quite cooperatively.

The makeup artist's breathing stagnated, unexpectedly stunned.

... Too beautiful.

She worked in the entertainment industry, and she had seen countless handsome men and beautiful women. When applying makeup on Qin Yirou earlier, she was amazed at her perfect skin condition. She didn't know how she maintained it either, and had never seen anyone with better skin than Qin Yirou.

But now, she has seen it.

In front of her was an amateur, who looked better than any celebrity she had ever seen.

The young man raised his head slightly, putting his slender hands on the armrests, and had winding cyan veins. His eyelashes were long and distinct, and he had a pair of eyes gentle enough to make people willingly drown in them. His skin was snow white, without any pores, his facial features all exquisite; even the contours were impeccable.

How was this skin natural? It was like he was a person made of snow.

Although she was an extremely experienced senior makeup artist, and could tell whether a person had oily or dry skin at a glance, or what kind of cosmetics was suitable for someone, at this moment, she didn't know where to start.

There was no need to apply foundation. Even if the lightest shade was applied to the young man's face, it would darken him.

This face itself was perfect enough as is; there was no need for any retouching.

"Miss Liu?" Qi Baicha spoke out.

"Ah!" The makeup artist suddenly returned to her senses, surprised that she had been staring at the young man for so long.

Qi Baicha grabbed a tissue and gave it to her: "There's a bit of powder on your hair."

The makeup artist glanced in the mirror, then hurriedly took the tissue and wiped it off: "I accidentally got eyeshadow on it just now... Thanks."

Qi Baicha smiled.

This episode resolved the earlier embarrassment of her staring at him in a daze. The makeup artist calmed down, steadied her hand, and put light makeup on Qi Baicha to make him more photogenic.

"After your makeup is done, go to the first classroom on the second floor to meet up with everyone. Because it is a reality show, hidden cameras may have already been turned on when you enter, in order to capture the true reaction of the guests. Later it will also be edited into the show; the director shouldn't have said this before." Perhaps it was because the young man was too good-looking, or perhaps she was moved by the tissue that was handed over, but the makeup artist couldn't help but say a few more sentences to Qi Baicha while drawing his eyeliner.

Celebrities were well aware of the routines for this kind of reality show, but newcomers like Mr. Qi probably didn't. She was worried Mr. Qi would be laughed at for not knowing.

Qi Baicha listened carefully and remembered her words, saying politely: "Thank you."

"No need to be polite. I've finished." The makeup artist put the eyeliner back, looking at her work with satisfaction.

Qi Baicha was born with a face of purity and elegance; he was a beauty with a touch of coldness amid his tenderness. At this moment, he had eyeliner, as well as lipstick, put on him, making his beauty and attractiveness even more obvious. He was even more crazily attractive, yet unattainable like a flower on a tall mountain.

Even she didn't realize her fascination upon looking at him.

She thought in a daze, he had a good personality, and had good looks; if Mr. Qi did not become popular after the program was broadcast, she'd stream herself eating lipstick.

Qi Baicha's makeup was finished last. By the time he entered the classroom on the second floor, all of the other guests had already changed into school uniforms, and gathered there.

The several people in the classroom were all doing their own things. Qin Yirou and Liu Kaisheng were reminiscing about the past; Fang Ya'er and Cui Hao were chatting, secretly glancing at Jiang Yan from time to time.

It seemed, Fang Ya'er had some interest in Jiang Yan.

This was not difficult to understand. Fox demons were the most seductive by nature. With Jiang Yan's outstanding appearance, just appearing on a screen would cause countless men and women to flock to him. Since they interacted day and night, it wasn't anything rare for people to fall in love with their coworkers. In the drama, Li You, who was played by Jiang Yan, had a deep affection for the female lead Qiu Wan, but the female lead chose the male lead. However, outside the play, she seemed to be fascinated by the second male lead.

What a pity, the second male lead only had himself in his eyes.

Jiang Yan sat at on table, took out a small vanity mirror and looked at his reflection, seeing if his hair was messy or not, and if his just-applied lipstick looked good or not.

Cui Hao sneered at this; what an arrogant peacock.

But they all knew that there definitely were cameras in the corners to record what they said and did at any time, so on the surface, they were all happy and calm.

The youth who arrived last, Yu Yin, sat alone in a corner, looking at the script spread out on the table, his eyes blank, as if isolated from the world.
translated by sno + posted on https://sites.google.com/view/xuehuatls/ameg, please do not aggregate!
He was the only amateur present, but Qi Baicha was not crushed by those celebrities' auras; instead, the moment he entered the door, he had an aura of beauty that overwhelmed the crowd.

Except for the anti-social Yu Yin who was in the corner, everyone else unanimously raised their heads, turned around, and looked at the Qi Baicha who had just entered.

All kinds of stunned, shocked, inquisitive, and curious gazes locked on him, some even having faint hostility.

Take Cui Hao, for example.

He was a dignified film emperor, and originally wouldn't have put an amateur who was temporarily participating in the program in his eyes.

But only the blind could ignore Qi Baicha.

Cui Hao was handsome, but with a disaster like Jiang Yan present, he had already been rendered mediocre and could only rely on his acting reputation to be successful. And now there came an amateur with looks that went against heaven; he was basically like a useless passerby.

If it weren't for the confirmation that the young man was a teacher who had been teaching at the school for several years, he definitely would have suspected that this was a newcomer whom some brokerage company had shoved in to promote.

What kind of amateur looked like this? And was better-looking than celebrities?? Was he here to embarrass the others???

Discontent was discontent; the contract had already been signed, so he couldn't raise objections to the program group. He currently only had a newcomer film emperor award, and his career was on the rise, so he couldn't go head-to-head with them either. Otherwise he would offend the program group; being maliciously edited would be what was called miserable.

Liu Kaisheng didn't have much of a reaction. In the entertainment industry, his appearance was completely ordinary, as his popularity depended on musical talents and not on his appearance. Qi Baicha's appearance had nothing to do with him. But he was indeed amazed. After debuting for so many years, it was his first time seeing such an outstanding young man.

Fang Ya'er didn't know why, but even though Qi Baicha evidently looked so gentle and harmless, she felt a trace of coldness seeping into her bone marrow, making her even avert her gaze.

A filthy, decayed, dark soul would obviously instinctively fear a clean god.

She swiftly moved behind Cui Hao, using his body to block her vision.

Qin Yirou's eyes were full of doubts.

She admitted it, she was surprised by this man...

In the corner, Yu Yin didn't lift his head, and didn't even look over there.

Jiang Yan saw that he came, and was very enthusiastic, putting the vanity mirror away, getting off of the desk: "Teacher teacher, come and sit over here!"

He entered his role very quickly, and only then was "teacher" called out one by one.

Professional improvisor Liu Kaisheng immediately spoke up: "Teacher, come sit by my side!"

Jiang Yan and Liu Kaisheng both spoke, so the remaining guests definitely could not remain silent, otherwise the first impression they'd give to the audience would be bad.

Cui Hao and Qin Yirou greeted him. Fang Ya'er also wanted to greet him, but once she met Qi Baicha's gaze, her body became stiff, as if she were in an ice house, unable to say anything.

She shuddered subconsciously.

In the end, she could only smile politely, her expression a little stiff.

The Yu Yin in the corner was still pretending to be a mannequin.
t/n: lit tl = "wood person," but it sounded a little weird to me...

Qi Baicha didn't sit next to anyone. He went directly to the podium, turning around and writing three characters on the blackboard with chalk — Qi Baicha.

The font was thin and elegant; it was quite beautiful.

"This is my name. It seems that you all know that I am a teacher." Qi Baicha looked at the students sitting properly under the podium, "Then do you all know, which subject I will be teaching?"

Without being given specific lines, he could still perform on the spot.

Truth be told, Qi Baicha, who had experienced countless kinds of lives in the world, was the actual best actor on-site.

Of course, the guests knew, as the director had mentioned it to them in advance, that besides the music and acting classes, all of the other courses were to be taught by Mr. Qi.

But for the variety show effect, the guests all chose to pretend not to know, beginning to speculate.

Jiang Yan raised his hand: "Teacher's writing is so nice, I think that you must be a Chinese teacher, then."

Qin Yirou guessed: "I feel like you're a math teacher."

Cui Hao: "English."

Fang Ya'er: "History."

Liu Kaisheng: "Sports."

Yu Yin: "..."

Qi Baicha shook his head: "You're all right, but also all wrong."

Everyone was puzzled: "Huh?"

"I'll teach you Chinese, mathematics, English, history, and sports."

Everyone exclaimed: "Woah!"

Jiang Yan's reaction was exaggerated: "Teacher, are you so almighty?"

Qi Baicha said: "I'm only okay, I can't teach music or acting. I'll leave these two for the other teachers to teach you all."

Everyone laughed.

The atmosphere was getting better.

At this moment, the door of the classroom was pushed open. A tall and handsome man was expressionlessly wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag: "Teacher, I'm late."

Qi Baicha quickly blocked his lips with a book to prevent himself from laughing.

The guests were all stunned, and Liu Kaisheng directly fell off of his chair onto the ground.

There were deliberately funny and exaggerated elements for the variety show effect, but this really was very shocking.

— The program group only told them that a particular amateur and a special guest was added, but did not tell them who this special guest was.

They thought it would be a senior from the entertainment industry at most, totally not expecting it to be the person who ranked first on the list of richest people in China... he showed up on the financial channel every day, who wouldn't recognize him?

The guests' shock and dumbfoundedness were not fake. The hidden cameras truthfully recorded everyone's expressions, and when the time came, the close-ups would be shown on TV.

After the initial stunned pause, everyone's faces were filled with excitement, thinking that this program was worth it.

More than worth it.

Cui Hao's mind became active. He had to take this opportunity to build a good relationship with President Fu, and muddle his way into becoming his brother or friend. If he could get the favor of this person, even if it was just a little trickle of resources from his fingertips, it would be enough for him to be popular for 30 years.

Qin Yirou also secretly made up her mind; she definitely had to seize this opportunity.

Jiang Yan was also very excited, but not because of how powerful Fu Mingye was.

It was because Fu Mingye looked very good.

Once he saw someone good-looking, the face-con fox would become very excited. Of course, this would not overtake his affection for Chacha, as Qi Baicha's looks were more in line with his aesthetics.

There were only two people in the room that remained calm; one was the Qi Baicha on the podium, and the other was the Yu Yin in the corner.

Yu Yin still did not look up, staring at the script in a daze, persistently pretending to be a mannequin.

"This is our class's new transfer student, Fu Mingye." Qi Baicha glanced at him calmly, "Student Fu has just arrived, why doesn't everyone introduce themselves to him."

Mr. Fu already looked very young; once he wore this school uniform, he really looked like a teenager.
translated by sno + posted on https://sites.google.com/view/xuehuatls/ameg, please do not aggregate!
Regarding Qi Baicha's calmness, everyone just thought that he had known who the special guest was in advance, so that was why he wasn't so excited.

Otherwise, if he were a normal person who just saw Fu Mingye for the first time, he definitely wouldn't have had such an ordinary reaction.

How would they know that the Mr. Qi standing on the podium and this Student Fu not only saw each other every day, but also saw each other in bed every night.

As for Yu Yin... his sense of existence was really too low. Before, they had tried to communicate with him, but the teenager didn't respond at all, so they could only give up. They had already greeted him anyway, so it didn't really matter if they didn't get a response. Once the program was broadcasted, it could only be seen as Yu Yin not being polite, not them isolating him.

Cui Hao eagerly said: "Mr. Fu... no, hello classmate Fu, I'm Cui Hao."

Qin Yirou stood up: "I am Qin Yirou..."

Fang Ya'er was also incoherently excited: "I am..."

Their attitude toward Fu Mingye was obviously different from that toward Qi Baicha.

Although the two were similar in appearance, qualities, figure, and temperament, how could the richest man in China be compared with an ordinary teacher? The benefits that the former could bring them were far from being comparable with those from the latter.

But they didn't know that those opportunities they longed for were all this pair of husband and wife's common property...

Only Jiang Yan and Yu Yin treated them equally from beginning to end.

Jiang Yan was passionate toward everyone.

Yu Yin was ignorant toward everyone.

Fu Mingye only watched Mr. Qi, who was on the podium, totally not listening to what anyone else said.

Until Jiang Yan said: "Hello classmate Fu, I am Jiang—"

Hearing the familiar voice, Fu Mingye immediately turned his head, speaking with a cold voice, carrying a murderous tone: "I know, you are the witch Yan—" bastard...

"The demon-faced crowd-bewitcher Jiang Yan." Qi Baicha immediately interrupted him, remedying it on the spot. "It seems that Student Fu has also heard of him."
t/n: in earlier chapters, it was translated to "coquettish bastard" but in order to make the cover-up work, i changed it a little here

Jiang Yan had a popular nickname on the internet — demon-faced crowd-bewitcher. Because he acted as the demon king, yet his appearance was as beautiful as an elf, he bewitched the hearts of the people, earning this moniker.

Fu Mingye nodded: "Right, demon-words crowd-deceiver." It seems that Chacha still knew what he was doing, and hadn't really been deceived by this elf.
t/n: jiang yan's nickname and what fu mingye sounds the same in chinese (yao yan huo zhong) but have different meanings

Jiang Yan was flattered: "Classmate Fu actually remembers me?" He was also remembered by a great beauty!

Fu Mingye smiled apathetically: "I have remembered you for a long time." I even want to hit you in my dreams.

Qin Yirou frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Fu looked at Qi Baicha and Jiang Yan, but he just didn't look directly at her.

But after thinking about it, as everyone knew, President Fu was gay...

Even if he was married, how could a man not cheat. Perhaps he came to this show because he fancied someone.

Although Qi Baicha was good-looking, he was not well-known before. So, the reason this powerful boss suddenly settled in, could only be...

For Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan was so beautiful; being fancied by these powerful bosses with peculiar sexual orientations was something very normal.

Now, it seems that it was so.

Cui Hao was so angry that he almost crushed his teeth

He didn't expect that the first person to earn President Fu's favor would turn out to be Jiang Yan.

Because Jiang Yan had unwittingly already earned Fu Mingye's favor, he had also practically attracted the hatred of everyone else.

To make matters even

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