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varunika woke up's 7 that's three hours before the marriage

her mom;- 10 maniku kalyanatha vechukitu ennom thungura... nala pinna enna pannaporalo [sleeping still.. even in her marriage day she can't wake up early.. oh god! what she is going to do in her in laws home]

little does she knows, varunika never slept on night, her mind wandered here and there, she can't concentrate on her book which was lying in front of her, she can't help but thinking what's going to happen after her marriage.... will she be ok....

in varunika's home

it's filled with relatives and guests everyone were busy in their chores varunika's brother and father was at their peaks her sister with her husband and child were heading to mandap (pavilion) to do before hand arrangement

varunika with a heavy heart started getting ready for her special day 

in kailash's home

kailash was sitting on sofa in traditional mundu and silk shirt (Kerala style) along with his father his mom was running around the house doing chores

kailash's mom to his dad;-  ni entina ivite irikkunnat [why are you sitting here] ninakk paniyeannum ille [don't you have any work]

for which he sighed and started doing something "kailash smirked and was seeing somthing on his phone"

his mom;- (by snatching his mobile) enda ni ent ceyyunnu (what are you doing)

"kailash tried to get back his but failed"

his mom;- (chuckling) you are going to see her for life... is it really necessary to stalk her insta few hours before the marriage

kailash;- I just... what stalking ma (mom) I...

his mom;-(giggle) what what what "bla bla bla"

kailash;- (pout) anyhow she is my wife... it's not stalking

 his mom;- (rising eyebrow and widened eye) your wife.... not yet my puccakutti (kitty cat)

kailash;- (with dogged face) whatever...  (left to his car)

kailash's family reached the mandap and was welcomed by varunika's family

madap was decorated in an amusing was a Tamil Nadu and Kerala fused type wedding since kailash is from Kerala and varunika is from Tamil Nadu 

kailash's mom ;-(by seeing kailash searching for her) varunika enga ..?[where is varunika] 

varunika's dad;- dho vara [there she is] (by pointing the direction where varunika's sister bringing her)

"varunika was wearing a pink, yellow and green coloured silk saree which was gifted by her maternal uncle who owns a silk industry in Kanchipuram" kailash was spellbound by her beauty he can't take his eyes from her"

kailash's sister;- oh my goodness! she is so beautifull..

varunika raised and held her hands in palm touching way (vanakum 🙏) and greeted everyone 

iyyer;- apo Kanyadhanam arambikalama [how about starting kanyadhan] 

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