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while varunika was going around staffs greeted her for which she replied with a wide smile 

krithika;- you looks beautiful are you a model mam 

varunika;-(with a shock and smile) no no i am not thank you for the complement.....

krithika;- i know this is not your first on hearing such a complement..

varunika;- (with a wide smile)you look beautiful as well cutie....your nose bridge has the perfect elevation

krithika;-(with a blush) this is the first time i am getting complements mam..

"by seeing krithika down varunika got a sudden idea" 

varunika;- (with  wide smile) am i allowed do your make up??

krithika;-(with a shock) now?? 

varunika;-(in a excited tone) yep right now!!(made her sit on a chair near by)

krithika;-mmm i don't dare to trouble you mam..

varunika;-there is no trouble in it.... let's start from removing the make up...are you comfortable with it??

krithika;-(by taking a deep breath) yes mam i am....actually i have a scar so i used to apply a thick layer of foundation to hide it...

varunika;-(by removing her makeup in soft tone) actually... applying too much of it can trigger your scare as well

"after removing her make up "

varunika;-(by applying a moisturizer) i am going to apply a scar soothing cream and a moisturizer seems like you are applying thick foundation for years...  you need to let your skin breathe...   so i am going to apply a thin layer now

krithika  with a closed eyes nodded

varunika;-  you have a very light skin tone usually i used to mix a darker foundation with this to match my skin tone  

krithika;- my mom used to have the same skin tone.. i got it from her

"after completion of make up"

krithika;-(by looking at the mirror) i feel like i bare skinned... but with a thin layer of make up how did you covered my scar mam

varunika;-(by giving her palate) i just used a colour corrector 

krithika;- when i asked some one about this (showing her scar) they either suggest plastic surgery... or some legends used to say "what's there to hide it is part of you... face the world...but,,, they don't know"

varunika;- a scar is a remembrance of past... each time when someone asked about it.. your past get recalled..

krithika;- i got it because of my father he used to beat my mom.. one day when he was doing so i stepped in.. and got it..  after that my mom got divorce and left me and my father don't even dare to look at my face from that moment

varunika;-(by patting her) i used to have a scar as well... but my situation was not as much as your while my brother thought me ride a bicycle i lost the balance and fall down but my brother hold me with the cycle my scare was gone by days but he still used to have on his left shoulder.. (with a pout) from that moment he started blackmailing me by showing that scar 

"after hearing which krithika started laughing"

varunika;- actually your scar is not that much serious for a plastic surgery it can be soothed by time but if you want to make it go soon i can recommend some treatments..(by giving her a name card)..come to me

krithika;- i will surely consider it mam..(by giving back the palate) thank you so much mam

varunika;-(with a smile) no problem at all you keep the palate and i will send you some creams and foundations do a patch test first and use it... see if it's work..

krithika;- mam... it's all right.. already i troubled you a lot..

varunika;- it's alright... how about buying me a samosa on your office canteen.. i am hungry

krithika;- with pleasure mam...

"both went to canteen and started eating.. their staff (who are on the canteen to spend their break) surprised by krithika's look asked about it... "

staffs;- you look so beautiful in this look.. i never know you have big eyes 

krithika;- actually mam did my make up and gave some suggestion

varunika;-(with a giggle) if you want a big eyes try to use some pop eyeshadow and kajal

"everyone started asking about their looks... for which varunika answered with a smile.."

"kailash, aakash and Aravindan came in search of varunika after their meeting" 

 "by seeing varunika surrounded by their staffs..."

aakash;- she is very good at socializing and making friends

Aravindan;- a benevolent heart is invincible

"kailash recalled that it was the same words that varunika's brother shuklanth said.."

"when they get near they heard staff saying.."

staff;- mam... you are so sweet and warm.. but how could you choose someone like my boss who is as cold as to freeze us with a single stare

"for which both aakash and Aravindan laughed by looking different direction"

varunika;- he is not like that he is actually..

receptionist;-(by interrupting) of course he so different to you...

kailash;- (in a sharp tone) that's because she is my wife.. (which gave shivers on staff's spine)

aakash;- even though what you said was true how dare you to say it in front him itself

varunika;(in a teasy tone)they didn't told in front of him ..

aakash;- right!! (by seeing kailash staring at him) wrong!!

"which made everyone to laugh"

Aravindan;- how about having dinner at my home.. my wife will be pleased to have you guys

kailash;- no sir.. actually my mom want us to...

varunika;-(by getting up fast which shocked everyone) argh!! i totally forgot about dinner plan

kailash;-(in sarcastic tone) glad you remembered it at least by now..

"staffs among themselves ' why sir sounds as if we are stealing his wife....another one it's so easy to make him jealous'"

varunika;-(by waving at staffs) i need to get ready guys... bye byee

krithika;- all the best mam..

"for which varunika smiled and patted her"

kailash;- what's their to get ready let's go directly their

"for which all his girl staffs mourned 'boys will never understand girls' "  

  "which made varunika to laugh out loud"

aakash;- good job  sis-in-law you made our own staffs against us...

"which made everyone to laugh"

staffs;- (by seeing kailash) we will always remain loyal to our boss

varunika;- whoa!!

kailash;-(with a smirk) then let me drive you (to aakash) you come their directly

aakash;- roger!!

Aravindan;- then let me take my leave..

***liked today's chapter..???***

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