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Wahoo it is rhe last chapter and I will be done with the first part of this 3 part series.

Same pov a year later

It has been a year sense my parents passed and I still miss them, but I have moved on and accepted their deaths. I then notice my dad's master bolt was glowing for a few moments and when I grasped it, and it merged with the lord of the sky bolt to make the master sky bolt. I then went and left Olympus, and went down to Earth and went to Brooklyn and ran into a person who was and adult and had pure gold eyes with dome green in them and has a tan and black hair.

"Hey what is your name?" I asked him.

"My name is Tempus, and I need your help. I am the son of a alternar e reality where my parents are Chronos and the titan Cronos. And I need you guys to help me." Once he finished speaking, all of my family members appeared and all of a sudden we were sucked into a portal that webt to the alternate reality.

A.N. and that is a wrap for part one

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