wrong number

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Shinichi sends a message to the wrong person.

(platonic) Shinichi x Heiji

Warnings: grammar mistakes


At what time should I pick you up for tropical land? — Unknown number

??? — Heiji

What's with the question marks? You were the one who wanted to go there, if you were to win the karate tournament. — Unknown number

well I didn't know I've been practising karate. I'm more interested in kendo. so, who are you and why are you texting me? — Heiji

Aren't you Ran? — Unknown number

apparently not — Heiji

Oh wait, now I realise it too! Sorry, I've texted the wrong number! — Unknown number

Ran has gotten a new number and I just messed one digit up. — Unknown number

no worries! — Heiji


so, how did your appointment at tropical land go? never heard of such place, by the way. — Heiji

Who are you? — Unknown number

eh, hello?? the guy you've accidentally texted? — Heiji

Oh. Wouldn't have thought to hear from you again. — Unknown number

Anyway, I do not feel obligated to tell you how my day went. — Unknown number

uh, sorry for asking? — Heiji

bitch. — Heiji

Excuse me? Do you really want to go at me? — Unknown number

yep — Heiji


Okay since I don't know who to talk about this, I'm going to tell you. — Unknown number

oh? what made you change your mind? — Heiji

The fact that you're the only one I can tell you this bizarre story since I'm certain we will never cross paths — Unknown number

and how can you be so sure about that? dumbass — Heiji

You really like to insult people, don't you? — Unknown number

But anyway. So, our date started out well, although she was complaining that I talk too much about Sherlock Holmes — Unknown number

well I understand her complaint. Ellery Queen is so much better than Arthur Conan Doyle — Heiji

Now I'm seriously considering deleting your number. — Unknown number

How dare you insult my favourite author! — Unknown number

What's your name anyway? — Unknown number

Heiji. yours? — Heiji

Shinichi. — Unknown number

your name sounds oddly familiar but I can't remember where :/ — Heiji

I'm sure you'll know it soon. — Shinichi

So, back to the story. We were riding a rollercoaster and boom! a murder case. And things lead to another and some bizarre things happened. — Shinichi

why are you saying this?? — Heiji

You wouldn't believe one single thing that happened after the ride so I'm gonna end my story here. — Shinichi

who are you to decide that! I'll give my opinion after I heard it. — Heiji

No, I think it's better like that. — Shinichi

you can't just start a story and finish it whenever you want just because you feel like it! — Heiji

asshole. — Heiji

Man, just stop with the insults already — Shinichi


so — Heiji

are you perhaps Shinichi Kudou? — Heiji

What makes you think that? — Shinichi

there's this well known detective from the east and his name is also Shinichi. — Heiji

Doesn't seem like an outstanding reason, if you ask me. — Shinichi

Also, didn't he disappear a while ago? - Shinichi

so? maybe he's been undercover for some huge case. my guess is that he helped the mouri detective in rising his fame.

I don't know, he doesn't look like a reliable detective to me :/ — Heiji

So? Well the outer appearance shouldn't matter anyway. — Shinichi

I guess?? — Heiji

wait. you haven't answered my question! — Heiji

just what is with you?  — Heiji

you don't seem being trusting towards other people, if you ask me. — Heiji

Correct. — Shinichi

smh — Heiji


I've decided to visit Tokyo. — Heiji

Really? What is the reason? And where are you originally from? — Shinichi

from the great Osaka! — Heiji

and I need to see Kudou. — Heiji

Explains your brash personality — Shinichi

Eh... why do you want to see him? — Shinichi

because it's absolutely suspicious that there hasn't been any news related to him! he disappeared a while ago and everyone acts like he died. plus, it can't be a coincidence that the mouri guy gains fame as soon as Kudou disappears? — Heiji

and excuse me? what brash personality? — Heiji

Sorry, but I don't think that proves anything. If anything, Shinichi Kudou's disappearance was beneficial for Mouri, as he could now climb the first place. — Shinichi

Why are you so obsessed with him anyway? — Shinichi

first of all, if anything, the first place belongs to me! — Heiji

secondly, you can say whatever you want but this whole situation stinks. I'm going to Tokyo! — Heiji

Well, who am I to stop you. Have fun and stay safe. — Shinichi

can't promise anything, but I will try my best! — Heiji


So? How was your little trip? — Shinichi

And is your last name Hattori? — Shinichi

oh? now you want to know some details? how so? — Heiji

why do you want to know? when I asked you if you're Shinichi Kudou, you didn't answer either — Heiji

Is that how you want to play? It doesn't matter who I am, especially since we will never cross paths! — Shinichi

and how can you be so sure about that? gives me the feeling that you don't even consider a future meeting! — Heiji

You stated you live in Osaka, I am from Tokyo so my point still stands? — Shinichi

are you stupid? I just came from Tokyo? — Heiji

Jesus, you're pissing my off — Heiji

I don't see why I should tell you about the chaotic events I had in Tokyo. — Heiji

Alright, alright, I'm sorry. But I'm really curious, are you going to explain? — Shinichi

no — Heiji


okay, there were many things that happened while I was in Tokyo — Heiji

We change our minds pretty fast when it's about telling the other a story, huh? — Shinichi

What happened? — Shinichi

so first of all, the people who know Kudou were saying the same things as you. there was this girl, I think his girlfriend, who just said that he's currently dealing with a huge and dangerous case but I couldn't believe it? they were clearly hiding something. — Heiji

but the best part was actually that Kudou appeared during a case! he was mainly stating that my deductions were wrong, but his deduction show was awesome! I may or may not have become a fan of him. — Heiji

Okay?? — Shinichi

So, you are the western detective Heiji Hattori then. — Shinichi

is this really the only thing you care about??? — Heiji


I'm such a dumbass — Heiji

Why are you stating the obvious? — Shinichi

just - ugh, whatever — Heiji

anyway some time has passed since I saw Shinichi Kudou for the first time — Heiji

When are you going to stop talking about him? You act like he's your whole life or something — Shinichi

why are you so rude lol — Heiji

but since I wanted to see him again, I've decided to enter a Sherlock Holmes tour. apparently you can win some book. not really something I'd like to spend my weekend with, but whatever. — Heiji

YOU DID WHAT?!?? — Shinichi

Are you insane? Can't you just try to contact him like a normal person? You're stealing someone else the opportunity to enjoy this experience! — Shinichi

calm down Kudou. Mouri and his daughter are also here and I highly doubt that they're Holmes fans as well. — Heiji

Why are you calling me Kudou? — Shinichi

because I'm absolutely certain that you're the detective I've been searching for. — Heiji

also — you talked about a girl named Ran when we started to text and I got into contact with a girl having that name. I only needed to ask the right question and boom, I solved the riddle. — Heiji

but in your defence, you were also right. I'm Heiji Hattori! — Heiji

[sending picture] — Heiji

I promise, I might kill you someday and make it look like an accident. — Shinichi

no you won't. — Heiji

True. — Shinichi


so I was disappointed that you weren't there, right? now you should be too, since a murder has occurred. — Heiji

Why? — Shinichi

because everyone is fucking incompetent! the man, who organised this event, got killed. but the weird thing is, he sat in his car and drove to the cliff, making it look like he was commuting suicide. and the others refuse to believe my theory that he got murdered. — Heiji

except for some brat. I swear to god Kudou, he looks like 5 but he could be 16! — Heiji

how can they let some kid confidently walk through a crime scene? — Heiji

and another one got murdered! this time it was a woman, who firstly said she knew the murderer of the organiser, yet took her words back a few minutes later and another time has passed until she got killed. — Heiji

That's certainly strange, I agree. — Shinichi

okay Kudou, can you promise to not laugh about the next point I will make? — Heiji

Sure. — Shinichi

so I talked about that brat earlier, right? and while observing him, I've noticed a lot of similarities between him and you? as if you both were the same person! but I shrugged it off since something like this is everything but possible — Heiji

Honestly, what's wrong with you? — Shinichi

you promised you wouldn't say something! — Heiji

No. I promised I wouldn't laugh. — Shinichi.

fair enough — Heiji


I still can't believe that you've shrunken after all. — Heiji

not only were you Kudou the whole time, you're also the annoying brat? yeah you've explained everything, but my head still wants to explode. — Heiji

so, was that the secret you didn't want to tell me back then? — Heiji

Yes. And make sure to keep it, I don't want the Black Organisation to be aware of 1) my existence and 2) that other people know about the first point. — Shinichi

of course!!! you have my word!! — Heiji

That's good. Also please refrain from calling me Kudou in public. But You seem like someone who would do it anyway, but can you at least try? — Shinichi

rude!!!! — Heiji

Not when I'm stating facts. — Shinichi

I give my best. by the way, I'm already planning something for you when we see each other the next time. — Heiji

Well, I'm actually exited. Let's see each other soon, okay? — Shinichi

absolutely! — Heiji


I have holidays, so I might get some stuff done and write many chapters.

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