exchanging roles

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Shinichi and Kaito decide to play a little prank on their friends.

No pairings

Warnings: grammar mistakes, and I'm not really funny but maybe you giggled at these antics. And there's mainly dialogue.


"What's up with your hair?", Ran asked, instead of wishing Shinichi a good morning. Her best friend's hair was unusually messy, except that his persistent cowlick didn't betray him as always. She met Shinichi's gaze lightly.

"I just woke up late, you know?"

"That's exactly what happens if you keep staying up late even though you have have school the next day. Can't you just try to take care of yourself? Look at your school uniform, it's slaking on you. Shinichi, did you lose weight again because you were too invested in your cases?", Ran started to nag.


"I'm going to check on you every morning and evening, so prepare yourself!"

"You're not my mother, you know right?", he huffed finally and rolled his eyes.

"But your actual mother lives in an another continent, so someone has to take her role!", she retorted.

"Hmpf. Are you trying to imply that she isn't a good mother? Yeah, she's not always around but I don't really mind because I can take care of myself. It's not like she stays in Las Vegas forever."

"But you absolutely can't take care of yourself", Ran grumbled before she narrowed her eyebrows. "Wait. You haven't told me that your parents now live in Las Vegas? When did they switch places?"

"What?", Shinichi asked back, irritated.

"You said that your mum lives in Las Vegas", Ran repeated, slowly losing her patience. What was going on with her best friend? She knew him for so long, so it wasn't difficult to notice the odd behaviour he pulled today.

"I must be tired, of course I mean Los Angeles. Would have informed you if something happened. But can we discuss this later, class is starting soon."

Ran raised her eyebrows again. "That may be true, but you're sitting in the wrong seat."

"Is that so? Man, I'm really tired after all." He blushed and Ran eyed him suspiciously. "Can you maybe tell me where my assigned seat is?"


"Sorry I'm almost late! A small case happened while was on my way!"

"Did you just say case?", three people echoed back. They stared at Kaito, whose hair was pretty much stylised, expect for some cowlicks showing here and there. Plus, he seemed to get a bit taller, since his school uniform was almost giving him no possibility to breathe.

Saguru exchanged a surprised stare with Akako and Aoko. "I haven't misheard it, right? Kuroba-kun really said that he solved a case?"

"No worries, I heard it too", Aoko responded.

"Seems like Kuroba-kun has to explain how and why he gained a sudden interest in detective work", Akako concluded.

"And look at him", Kaito's best friend scanned his whole appearance. "Did you gain weight or why does your gakuran look like it's about to explode?"

"Maybe he just gained some muscle mass. You got to be pretty fit for your role as Kaitou Kid, right?"

Kaito rolled his eyes. "Why are you shaming me right now? And Hakuba, what makes you think I'm Kid? I'm pretty sure we've came to the conclusion that I'm just some fancy magician."

"That's what you think", Saguru snorted.

"My my, are you having fun trolling us? You can deceive everyone, but no my eyes." Akako placed her chin on her hands and gave Kaito a rather all-knowing expression.

"What do you mean, Akako-chan?"


"But Ran, you have to admit that they could go by twins. Holy shit, I would've never thought that someone would look like Shinichi-kun, but better."

"Sonoko!", Ran huffed, before glaring that Shinichi- no, that strange guy again. "Who are you and what happened to the real Shinichi?!"

The boy, who layed underneath her, winced. "What great force! By the way, I can see your fancy underwear-"

Ran grabbed him by his collars and replied in a threatening voice: "Tell me where my best friend is. Now."

"Okay, okay!", he relented. "I'm Kuroba Kaito, a magician and highschool student. No worries, that Meitantei is pretty fine."

"You didn't answer my question."

"He's at my school, posing as me? We thought it was a hilarious idea, you know?"

"I don't think so."

Kaito shrugged with an unimpressed gaze. "Doesn't surprise me, ya know? Since you're the one who got pranked. But let me apologise! Would a rose make up for my little prank?"

Before Ran could yell at him again, red roses were raining all over the classroom. Within seconds, some of the classmates tried to escape the neverending flood of red flowers, Kaito grinned mischievously and Ran was wondering if that guy was actually sane.


"I do honestly feel bad for the ones who have to deal with the obnoxious antics of Kuroba-kun." Saguru's face was relaxed.

As soon as he learned that Shinichi did switched roles with Kaito, his mood did drastically increase. Even though it was probably just for a day, Saguru was glad that he got to enjoy it to the fullest.

The girls were rather unamused, though Saguru could've sworn that their gazes became relieved for a second.

No pranks. Nothing about random hair colours, bizarre objects falling on them or someone peeking on underpants. Days were surely magical when he wasn't around.

And also boring, but no one tell him that.

Shinichi shrugged sheepishly. "We kinda wanted to see if our close ones are able to distinguish us, so I guess it perfectly worked. For people who claim that Kuroba-kun is a nuisance, you guys know him well."

"You probably shouldn't have said that you've solved a case on your way here", Saguru replied with a stoic face. "That's how I figured it out."

"Plus, you look more buff than Kaito", Aoko added. Shinichi stared at her, confused. "Are you maybe practising any kind of sport?"

"I used to play football", he answered. "Mainly to acquire the stamina I need to catch the culprits."

Aoko rolled her eyes. "It somehow comes back to your passion for solving crimes, huh?"

"So you act like Kaito-kun hasn't blatantly pestered you with his passion? You should've grown accustomed to it, Nakamori-san."

"Hmpf!", was the only answer Shinichi received from Aoko.


"But all in all I must say, today was a pretty adventurous day!" Kaito grinned mischievously. "Also I admit that you've caught me off guard with the suggestion to prank our friends. Everyone thinks I came up with the idea!"

"What can I say, you have a bad influence on me, Shinichi smirked back and drank his tea.

After the hell of a day they created, him and Kaito sat in a café, reminiscing about today. Shinichi surely had a lot to explain to Ran the next day, but it was still worth it.

And judging by the looks from Kaito, the other definitely agreed on this one.


It sounded funnier in my head :///

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