We were in the cave for hours. As me and Techno were making our way back, I opened my inventory to check the items we had gathered. The cave was massive so we had quite alot of good loot.
Iron, diamonds, coal. You name it. As we walked outside of the cave. I heared loud voices, so loud it sounded like the people were yelling. As I looked to where the noise was coming from, I saw two teenagers. Well, let's just call them children because they act like one.
As I walked closer to get a better view, it was the duo, Tubbo and Tommy. Tommy was literally panicking, talking so loudly, sounding like he was yelling. Tubbo and Sam tried to calm him down.
I walked towards them to see what was going on, and it just seems that Tommy has been panicking for minutes since he got here. He could not believe to what was happening right now, he was having the best time of his life, before he got here, he was insulting and cursing some bad people out on the internet.
With that aside, i asked Tubbo to how they got here. Tubbo replied the same just like how all of us got here, he said it with a bit of a sad tone, as if he was worried. I gave him a pat, telling him not to worry too much.
I then escorted the two children to the community house. Giving them some extra loot we've had and teaching them some normal and easy things. Just like how I welcomed everyone here. it was quite hard for the both of them to adapt from the environment just like the other new members.
With Tommy being very picky, loud and chaotic while Tubbo kept getting distracted by Tommy. It took us quite a long time.. maybe a little too long for them to be able to calm down. As they managed to learn some new things, Tommy then decided to set off and explore the world, with Tubbo of course, he would never leave his best friend behind.
The both of them started walking to the woods, I would normally feel worried and keep them in the community house if this was from the main world but since we're in a game. I don't think I should worry too much, plus, I taught them the basics of the game so it should be easy for them.
I don't really know why but it made me feel like a proud parent for no reason. Now that I thought about it, since Tommy and Tubbo were here, then does that mean the next people who are going to be sent here are Wilbur and Philza ? I was a bit confused to why they were the first ones to be here, but then again, they do play minecraft a little to often.
As I was pondering, thinking on what would happen next. I then got distracted by Techno, with him hugging me. I looked at him with a bit of a confused look and looked back at me with the same expression. I guess he was just wanting to hug me ?
I chuckled at that fact then hugged him back, with me snuggling on to him. Techno hummed, making a happy sound. Since there was no one around, we stayed like this for awhile…
New players arrived, I was startled by the sudden crashing sound. I looked behind me and saw two people on the bush.
One of them stood up, they were wearing all black, and a helmet with an orange, red and yellow colors detailed on it.
While another one stood up, brushing the leaves off of her clothes. They were a girl. They were also wearing all black, black shirt with off shoulders and a black mini short. They had a dirty blonde hair with a black bow.
I welcomed them, I told them about what was happening so far. Just like how I did to the others. Teaching them on how to adapt in the new environment. They were also fast learners.
After that, I remembered the crossbow I got. I had an extra and was planning to give it to Techno but declined it so maybe Ponk would be interested ?
I took the crossbow out of my inventory and showed it to him. His eyes were wide, I then dropped it to the ground for him to pick it up. He was happy, showing it to Alyssa. They both cheered on.
I smiled at both of them..
Ponk and Alyssa ventured off, they were happy about Dream's little gift. As they were walking in the middle of nowhere, he then suddenly remembered the enchanted book he got when he was mining.
He found it on a small dungeon and somehow, in the chest, it had a power 1 enchanted book. Ponk then took it out of his inventory and crafted an anvil.
Alyssa was confused to what he was doing. He placed the anvile down and combined the two items, after that, he now got a strong crossbow. He showed it to Alyssa.
Alyssa stares at it as she gasped, eyes sparkling and clapping her hands. Ponk chuckled, after that, the both of them decided to make a giant lemon tree.
Having to gather alot of wood and leaves, they could really clear out an entire forest and then it into a plains biome. It took them a long time to father resources and build the structure. After that, they sighed as they were finally done.
With Ponk looking at the center and seeing the chest monster, he sighed again. He decided to make a storage room for it. Leaving his build to gather some resources to build a small structure..
Hours passed by, Tommy and Tubbo got reunited. Eventually, somehow in the middle of the forest, they decided to split up. As Tommy bumped into Tubbo, he then told him about what he got. He was jumping and talking in a high tone, sounding like he was screaming.
Tubbo kept watching him jump up and down, mouth open. He was curious. After Tommy was done with his little enjoyment moment, he then told him about what he got. Going through his inventory, he took the item he found and showed it to Tubbo.
Raising it up in the air. Tubbo gasped, eyes sparkling. Tommy was having a big grin on his face, getting these items were quite rare. Not only did he got one but two, and it happened to be two discs.
Tommy and Tubbo held the discs together in their hands and jump together in happiness.
as tommy and tubbo were casually being happy at the fact that they got such a rare item. they decided to make a bench and craft a juke box to play it and vibe with it.
the bench was placed outside tommy's house and it had a nice view of a landscape, they played the discs and vibed with it for a little bit.
after for enjoying some time, tommy decided to keep it in a secret chest so no one can steal it from him. tubbo was apparently the only one who knows where it is.
while sapnap was chopping some wood, he apparently got disturbed by tommy. he was just currently alone getting some materials when he heard tommy and tubbo chatting.
he was curious to what they were talking about and decided to join them.
" hey tommy ! "
sapnap said, waving a hand to them.
" aye wassup sapnap !! "
tommy said with a very cheerful tone.
" what're you guys talking 'bout ? "
sapnap asked.
" oh just about the rare item i found ! "
tommy replied, he wanted to keep it a secret but apparently, he cannot hold himself to flex about what he got.
" ohh what is it ? "
" it's a disc !!! "
He said with a very bright smile and sparkly eyes.
" A disc !? Those things are rare- oh wow "
sapnap said, amused about on what tommy had found. after for some time, the three of them were having nice chats and mostly talking about the discs.
tommy still hasn't told sapnap about where he hid it because he doesn't trust him enough with it but as time passed by, their relationship started building up.
Their bonding apparently did not last too long as Sapnap had to go back to the community house, where george is.
Tubbo had apparently have to go aswell, he had some business to do at his starter base that he built when he was venturing off without Tommy. The reason wasn't too detailed since Tubbo did not say too much but Tommy didn't care about it.
The both of them had walked off, going to their destinations, leaving Tommy all alone.
Tommy wasn't too much of a busy person just like the others, apparently, he had nothing to do right now. He just casually looked around, took a glance to his left then to his right. Tommy then decided to take a wander around the server, exploring people's houses and seeing if there was anything new.
Tommy isn't really a new member since he's been here quite awhile but he really didn't care about exploring the server and stay updated about what's new not until he was just bored.
He was just casually walking around on the wooden pathway, passing by trees and empty places, the server was pretty much empty since there weren't really much players. Tommy has also noticed that he didn't have too much resources on him, meaning he isn't too decked out.
His iron armor isn't even complete aswell.
Tommy doesn't know that there might be rules and laws here in this place but if it does, he wouldn't even care about it. Like a person who doesn't care about what's going on around him, sure soon enough, he may start regretting it but I guess that'll be a problem for the future Tommy now.
As tommy was walking at the wooden pathway, he looked at his inventory. He didn't have much stuff on him since the chests he saw didn't have too much good loot to gather.
Tommy stopped walking as his attention got averted away to the inventory, he saw another house. He was unfamiliar with it since he hasn't seen it yet.
He then looked up, looking at the top of the structure. The structure wasn't really a house where it has roofs and such, like a normal house, but rather it was a tree.
He scoffed, mocking the build. He then decided to check inside of it and see if he has anything that he could get.
Right at the center of the tree, there was just a big chest monster. The chests were just scattered around in the middle.
Tommy then ran towards to it and started checking to all of them, most of them were empty while some of them had pretty good loot.
Tommy's eyes shone with stars as he saw diamonds and iron, he gathered it and quickly put it in his inventory.
" Pfft- what kind of idiot would just leave their diamonds here ?? Does he even know that this server isn't just all friendly and that there are thieves ?? Hah !! "
Tommy said as he mocked the person, from the sentences he said. He is that thief.
Tommy then flinched as he heard a person's voice. He quickly looked around and saw a person walking towards to him.
The person seem to be wearing a black shirt with some plain black pants aswell, they were also wearing what seems to be a helmet on their head. It had the colors of red, yellow and orange on it.
" Hey !!! What are you doing !? Put those stuff back !!! "
Said the person with an angry tone on his voice.
Tommy started sweating, he froze in place, stood still. thinking that he fucked up. He then saw another person pop up, it was a woman. Tommy felt a little shook. The woman had a bright colored hair, it was somewhat dirty blonde. They were also wearing a black clothing and some mini shorts.
( idk I'm trying my best to explain alyssa here but I can't remember what her minecraft skin looks like :// )
Tommy was unfamiliar with the both. He haven't seen the people before, he was confused.
The woman then began talking aswell.
" What's going on here ?? Who's that person ?? "
She asked.
" Alyssa, that child was stealing our stuff !!! "
The man said, explaining what he saw. The woman was shocked then looked at the child.
" Well you're an idiot for thinking that no one would steal your stuff and just leaving them here in the open !! "
Tommy replied, insulting the man.
" Who are you calling an idiot !? I was about to move them somewhere "
The man said, currently annoyed.
Tommy then turned away, looking at the direction opposite from them. He began moving his legs, running away from the people.
The man started chasing him, the woman following from behind. Tommy managed to get out of the building but still needed to escape from them.
The woman took out her axe and managed to get a hit on the child, tommy took quite alot of damage. About around 3 hearts.
As tommy got hit, he got a little boost. Making him trip and fall at the edge of the hill. The hill was quite high which gave tommy alot of damage aswell from the fall damage. Taking out about 3-4 hearts, leaving him on 3 hearts. It was a disadvantage to the child since he's at a lower platform. Making the enemies being able to get a hit of him while he couldn't.
( Don't ask, let's just pretend that the weapons are quite powerful :/// )
He tried to get up and to run as fast as possible from them. The man and the woman stopped at the edge of the hill and watched the child get hurt ( damn torture )
This might be the end of tommy, the man has a crossbow in his inventory. He took it out and started aiming at the child.
Tommy tried his best dodging it, getting himself wounded to some of the arrows.
The arrow went straight to Tommy's back and went through his chest, giving too much damage and taking out all of his hearts. Damn, how can someone get such a good crossbow. Causing tommy to die.
Tommy exploded and the items he had in his inventory scattered around.
The man just watched all of it happened, the message then popped up on the screen.
「Tommy was slain by Ponk」
It said, allerting the members in the server. Tommy's two buddies, Tubbo and Sapnap were shocked. The chat was filled with people doing shocked faces and saying rip. Tommy felt annoyed, Sapnap typed something in the chat.
「Sapnap : Where are you tommy ??」
Asked Sapnap in the chat.
「Tommy : Im at spawn, I'm making my way to where I died to get my stuff back」
「Ponk : you mean, MY stuff ??」
The man also typed in the chat, capitalizing the word " my " to show them that it is his items.
「Tommy : shut up " PONK " such an ugly name」
Tommy replied, mocking his name. The man felt annoyed but didn't bother about it too much. Sapnap and Tubbo then started making their way to the spawn, where tommy was at.
They ran as quickly as possible as they can.
Tommy was also running to the place where he died. He needed to go there before his stuff despawns or someone else takes it.
The woman, alyssa, just stood there, doing nothing. The man, ponk then started making his way down the hill, slowly and carefully. Not trying to take damage.
He was walking forward to the spot where the child died.
Sapnap and Tubbo managed to bump into each other, they were at the opposite sides of the wooden pathway. Facing each other, they were suddenly staring for a minute then suddenly remembered on what they were supposed to be doing. They then started moving and as they were about to look for Tommy. They saw him.
Tommy was running down a hill and was making his way to his stuff. Sapnap and Tubbo then followed him aswell.
Tommy saw ponk making his way to his stuff, he ran as fast as he could to get it back faster then ponk could get it.
When ponk was about to pick it up, Tommy quickly pushed him off. Making him a bit far from his stuff.
Alyssa got alerted and decided to help ponk out, she also then started walking down the hill.
Tommy quickly gathered his stuff and put it in his inventory, he quickly put on his ragged armor that was about to break to protect him. Sapnap and Tubbo then quickly ran to him.
Tubbo being beside Tommy while Sapnap being infront of Tommy.
Ponk then got up while alyssa managed to make it to him. Alyssa saw that Tommy wasn't alone, she quickly took out her weapons and prepared herself for the fight that's gonna come.
Ponk then raised his arm to cover alyssa, meaning that she should back down. Alyssa understood the assignment and put her weapons back in her inventory.
Sapnap and Tubbo who was also prepared for the fight disarmed their selves too and put their weapons in their inventory.
" You're lucky "
Ponk said, he then started walking away to them. Alyssa following behind.
Tommy just scoffed and brushed some dust off his clothes. Sapnap faced Tommy, Sapnap did a glare to tommy with a scary aura. It was scary that it also made Tubbo flinched behind tommy. The children weren't sure if he was angry or maybe curious ??
" Look man, it wasn't my fault "
Tommy spoke, raising both of his hands up, showing that he's innocent.
Sapnap just sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
" Did you perhaps.. robbed him ?? "
Sapnap asked, Tommy just scratched the back of his neck and did a small nod.
" Well it's not my problem, he left his diamonds there out in the open so of course people would steal it !!! "
" And that " people " is you ?? "
Tommy opened his mouth then closed it again, he was too stunned to speak. He tried to think of something to explain something to him but nothing popped up in his mind.
Tubbo who was behind tommy was just watching shit happen, he remained silent. Not wanting to get involved with the conversation or maybe argument.
" Just try not to get involved with a mess that causes alot of trouble. We don't want to start a war here heh "
Sapnap said to tommy, acting like a mom and giving tommy an advice.
Tommy just swiftly nodded, Sapnap just put his hands on his waist. Thinking that he understood the assignment and so as that, he turned around and left.
Tubbo and Tommy were just left alone, They looked at each other and didn't even bother to say a single word.
Tubbo was just silent the entire conversation. Tommy just sighed and left.
{ 3236 words }
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