Chapter 14 - Fantasies and Dates?

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Sooo all the questions that I've read at the last chapter (As much as I know) was all about dark raven haired emerald eye guy (Kewl name right?) Annnnnd my answer to that is... You'll see on this chapter huehue :3

It has been days after you went into the mall with your friend to have some private talk, And after that you wanted to go out some more. Though, You were the type of person who waits for the call of the person as an offer to go out.

It was a lazy afternoon. You laid on the sofa as you watched some T.V. shows here and there. Sheets of paper laid out openly on the coffee table, The coffee table where you usually put your feet on. There were scribbles on the papers, Some were 'X'-ed out, Some were pretty dang decent to your eye so you decided to leave them be.

But then, you suddenly remembered something. It was something important, yet you couldn't seem to remember it.

The sheep plushy...!

You dashed towards your room, leaving the living room. You opened the door to your bedroom and searched for the paper bag that contained the plushy. Your room was quite a mess actually, It looked so much like a birds nest. It wasn't appealing, And you did want to fix the clothes that were laying on the floor. But lets be honest, who has time to fix their room?

...Responsible people, Apparently.

After digging through a pile of random stuff you've kept in your room, You finally caught the bag that contained the prize you got from the claw machine at the arcade. You pulled it out from the bag as you felt its soft fur run against your skin.

You stood up and held the sheep plushy near your chest, As you did so, You thought of his possible reactions when you'll give it to him.

Maybe it'll go like those scenes in anime...

"He-Hey Oli..." You call out, Your heart was beating fast as you blush a light shade of pink. "Yea?" Oli says out loud from his room, You could see through the little gap between the door that he was fixing his things.

"I-I have something for you..." You say as you look away.
"What is it?" He walks towards the door and opens it fully. You see his cute, messy bedhead.

You push the sheep plushy to him as you blush deeply.
"Uh, I got it from an arcade a few days ago. I hope you'll like it." You say, still not looking him directly at his face.

"'Kay, thats all bye." You rushed and walked away fastly, but then your wrist was caught by Oli. He pulls you fastly towards him and engulfs you into a deep and warm embrace. You stood there, completely dumbfounded. You stayed like that for about a few seconds. "Wh-Whaa-?" You stuttered, you couldn't find the right words to say, your tongue seemed like it was in a twist. Your face heated up, And you could feel the warmth on your face.

"I love it, (Y/n)." He says, "But do you know what I love besides that?"



You stopped your fantasizing there, And blush at the thought. You shake your head side to side and doubt the thought.

Maybe it'll go like this...

"Hey Oli, I g-got something for you!" You say out loud behind his door.

"What is it?" You see him doing his essays through the small gap between the door.

He thens walks towards the door as you take a step backwards. He opens the door fully and you look away.

"Here." You push the sheep plushy towards him, blushing crimson red.

"'Kay, thats all bye." You walk away fastly but then heard Oli mumble something under his breath. "Wh-What was that...?" You stop at your tracks and looked back at him. You see him, looking down at the stuffed toy.

"I hate it, What kind of piece of trash is this? Apparently, Its trashi-ness (A/n: LMAO) is on a whole new level! You called on me to stop my essays that are due tomorrow for this? THIS? What were you thinking when you got this? I could've finished 2 full essays if you didn't call me! Ugh, You're TRASSSHHH."

You stood there, Astonished by what he just said.

And once again, You stopped at that thought too.

"Lets just hope that it wouldn't be like that..." You left your room as you held the stuffed toy behind your back, Walking slowly towards Oli's room.

As soon as you got to his room, You knock lightly on his door.
"Oli?" You call out, "Yeah?" He says from the other side of the door.

"Can you come out for a minute?" You say, Looking away as you tap your feet against the wooden floor.

He opens the door and you look up at him. He gives a gentle smile as he hums, You give a small smile towards him.

"Oh! Yeah," You give the stuffed toy to him as he gives you a questionable look. "I- Um,... I got it from a claw machine when me and my friend hung out a few days ago, And I thought you'd like it... Since y'know, Sheep is kinda your thing." You giggle  afterwards.

He then gives you a smile, A gentle smile that made your heart skip a beat. Well, Your heart always skips a beat whenever he's around. But it seemed different? Your stomach was filled with fluttering butterflies, You felt your breathing stop. Is this what it felt like to like someone? Sure, You liked that guy at grade 1, He sure was cute and nice. And you liked this guy on youtube years back. Though, It seemed really different with Oli. It felt like it was your very first time feeling 'like'. You felt light headed and felt like you were on cloud 9.

"Thank you," He says, "I love it." You smile, "Thank goodness. I felt like you were going to dislike it, man! I feel relieved that you like my little gift. Oh, And I guess you could say its my gift for you for letting me stay at your house." He giggles and so do you too.

"No problem. Anything for you, (Y/n)." He smiles. You felt your face heat up by his words, You look down to your feet that was tapping nervously on the wooden floor.

"Ahahah... Anyways," You say, Changing the topic. "I got to buy some groceries. I'll be back at around 7."

"You dont mind for me to come with, Do you?"

"Ah, Sure. I dont mind. I may as well let you do all of the work." You giggle.

After changing out of your pajamas, you grab you wallet and stuffed it into the pocket of your jeans. Lastly, you grabbed the house keys and went out to buy groceries.


It took you hours to buy all the groceries than you expected. As you were going back home, You see a familiar figure standing in front of your house. It seemed like he heard your footsteps. He turned his head around and you were surprised to see it was the dark raven haired emerald guy you saw a few days back.

"Hey, I know you!" You rush to his side. "You were that guy that got..- You know." You didn't complete your sentence since you knew he would be hurt by hearing it.

"Uh, Im sorry but, Am I interrupting you two? I mean it's okay, I'll just leave you two alone and go by another day-"

"No no no! Uhm, You got it wrong. We're not dating or anything like that! We're just... Friends."

"Oh, Okay."

"Uh, Excuse me but, How did you two meet? And when?" Oli popped into the conversation.

"It- it's a long story..." You and the emerald guy lied in sync. You looked over to him and laughed.

"Well, I'll just place the groceries inside. I'll be there in the house if you need me." Oli passes a smile and you nod to him.

"Anyways, What're you doing here?" You ask.

"Well, I just wanted to say thank you and uhm... Give you this." He gives a paper bag to you. You look inside it and see the scarf you lent him that night.

"Hey! Its my scarf! Thanks!" You smile to him.

"Oh and here." He gives you a torn paper that had numbers written on it. You grabbed it without even asking. "Also, I didn't quite get your name...?"

"The name's (Y/n). Yours?"

"Its Marshall. (Omg adventure tiiiiimmme)" He smiles.

"Anyways, I gotta go. My boss would probably get mad at me for cutting work."

He skipped his work just for him to give me my scarf back...?

You blush.

"By the way, Are you free this Sunday? I would love if you and me can get to know each other better."

"Yeah, Sure. Im up for that." You answer.

His eyes shines brightly by your response and gives a whole-hearted smile. "Ah, Thats great! I'll be fetching you, okay? 2 pm sounds good?"


"See you soon, (Y/n)!" He waves as he walks away. His figure soon disappearing in your vision.



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