8. Jen's Birthday

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The same day
"Madelyn? So do you go to school?" Karen said.

I thought about it. School... I don't like it, because it really hard for me. People often bully me there, and math is just impossible.

"No she doesnt... yet" Jen said

"You should really think about which school you are putting her in. What grade is she now?" Karen asked Jen while sipping her coffee. I got my orange juice because she said i'm to young to drink that.

"I was in 5th grade this year." I say flatly.

I dont like this subject, because this always leads to one question.

"How are your grades?" Karen smiles at me.

And there it is. You may ask why i dont like this question? Because people who ask it will judge you by your grades. If you get mostly avarage grades like me they ar just gonna nod, but every one expects you to have perfect life and be smart. Well im not perfect.

"I have mostly avarage grades except maths, im terrible at it..." I put my head down waiting for some sort of a reaply.

"Well... Jen wasn't good at maths either!" She laughs while drinking her coffee.

"Wait, really?" I ask Jen while she checks her phone.

She is messaging someone who is named " Peetabear❤😂" Ah! That must be Josh. I chuckle.

"Oh, yeah math is terrible" she laughs.

Suddenly I feel way better about this school thing. We say our goodbyes to Karen, she gives me a lot of candy and hugs me very tight.

****in the car.

"Sooo... where are we going Jen?" I ask while putting my seatbelt.

She doesn't respond then I look at her. She is smiling at her phone while texting very fast. I nudge her with my elbow.

"Earth to Jennifer Lawrence" I laugh.

"Oh... what?... Oh yeah we are going to check out some schools for you!" She smiles while putting her phone.

"Now?" I ask.

"Yeah... now! Why?" She smiles.

"But it's summer." I groan.

"Yeah well the school starts in a week so we have to find your school by this week and buy all of your stuff."

We were checing out a lot of schools near our home. I liked one which was simple and yet so good. There were not a lot of students and there was an antibullying program, it had a pool too, there was no uniform.

By the end of the day I had chosen the school, Jen liked it too, we bought my backpack and now we are watching a movie called Divergent. I really love it.

**** 4 days later.

I woke up early this morning because Karen and I are going shoping. Well that's what we said to Jen anyway. It was almost her birthday and she didn't say a thing. Josh told me while we were on set. He said that they are planning a birthday party for her.

So curently i'm searching for a gift for Jen. I know she doesn't like the fancy stuff like technology, she likes something simple yet usefull. So I drew a drawing of her yesterday, Karen was so impressed by it, I don't even know why, because Jen didn't really look like Jen.

I stopped when I found the best thing to give to Jen. A cat.She was so small and cute. I thing she is going to love it. I know she wouldn't be able to take care of a dog, but she didn't mention a cat so we picked a beatifull brownish kitty.

We went to Karens place and packed all of the gifts for Jen and I put the cat in her old room and we waited for Jen to come 'pick me up'.

****after an hour.

****Jens pov.

Today is my birthday and yet I didn't have any of my close friends or family congratulate me. Oh whatever it's not really a big deal. Curently i'm sitting in the car pulling over to my parents house. I am picking up Madelyn.

I enter the house when I don't see any lights I get confused. I turn it on and there it was all of my close friends and family was yelling happy birthday. There were ballons and decorations everywhere, food, and gifts. I smiled at them and we had a big group hug. And then we heard Maddy say that she is out of breath.

"Where are we going?" I said to Maddy.

I was about to open my gifts when she grabbed me and she is still leading me somewhere.

"Come on" she lead me to my old room. I looked at her confused. She just nodded her head and grinned.

I opened the doors and saw a beautifull little kitten. I was so happy, I hugged Maddy and we petted the cat. She was holding it when i said.


"What?" She asked confused.

"The name" I grinned.

"Oh! Yeah thats suits her." Maddy grinned at me and there was the time to go back to the party.

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